The Glass State The Technology.pdf

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annette fierro
the glass s tate
The Technology of the Spectacle Paris, 1981 — 1998
the glass
the glass state
The Technology of the Spectacle Paris, 1981 — 1998
annette fierro
the mit press cambridge , massachusetts
london , england
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© 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Fierro, Annette.
The glass state : the technology of the spectacle, Paris, 1981–1998 / Annette Fierro.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-262-06233-X (hc : alk. paper)
1. Glass construction—France—Paris. 2. Public architecture—France—Paris—20th
century. 3. Architecture and state—France—Paris—History—20th century. 4. Symbolism
in architecture—France—Paris. 5. Mitterrand, François, 1916– 6. Paris (France)—
Buildings, structures, etc. I. Title.
NA1050 .F53 2002
721 .04496 094436109048—dc21
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