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Professional PHP Programming
Jesus Castagnetto
Harish Rawat
Sascha Schumann
Chris Scollo
Deepak Veliath
Wrox Press Ltd.
Professional PHP Programming
© 1999 Wrox Press
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the
publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
The authors and publisher have made every effort in the preparation of this book to ensure
the accuracy of the information. However, the information contained in this book is sold
without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, Wrox Press nor its
dealers or distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused
either directly or indirectly by this book.
Published by Wrox Press Ltd
Arden House, 1102 Warwick Road, Acock's Green, Birmingham B27 6BH, UK
Printed in USA
ISBN 1-861002-96-3
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Trademark Acknowledgements
Wrox has endeavored to provide trademark information about all the companies and
products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Wrox cannot
guarantee the accuracy of this information.
Technical Reviewers
Jesus Castagnetto
Matt Allen
Harish Rawat
Vivek Awasthi
Sascha Schumann
Gianluca Baldo
Chris Scollo
Robert Baskerville
Deepak Veliath
Mathijs Brands
Andy Jeffries
Additional Material
Kristian Kohntopp
Mathijs Brands
Manuel Lemos
Rod Kreisler
Samuel Liddcott
Brian Moon
Brad Marsh
Mark Musone
Neil Matthews
Julian Skinner
Sebastian Moerike-Krauz
ark usone
Paul Schreiber
Robert FE Shaw
Rick Stones
Soheb Siddiqi
Adrian Sill
Julian Skinner
Andrew Stopford
Adrian Teasdale
Development Editor
Mark Wilcox
Richard Collins
Design / Layout
Managing Editor
Paul Cooper
Mark Burdett
ill Fallon
Project Manager
Jon Jones
Tony Berry
John McNulty
Cover Design
Martin Brooks
Chris Morris
About the Authors
Jesus M. Castagnetto
Jesus M. Castagnetto is a Ph.D. Chemist currently working at The Scripps Research
Institute as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Metalloprotein Structure and Design
Group ( http://www.scripps.edu/research/metallo/ ), where he is developing the
Metalloprotein Database and Browser ( http://metallo.scripps.edu/0 ) using a
combination of in-house programs, Java applets/servlets, SQL databases, and PHP3
server-side scripting. Got his PhD from New York University for research in
computational, synthetic, and physico-chemical studies of small molecule ligand-metal
complexes. Nowadays, he tackles systems that are a "little" bigger: Metalloproteins.
Bioinformatics and computational modeling of chemical systems are two of his main
areas of interest. In his spare time, (yeah, right!) he hacks awk, PHP, plays way too much
with his PalmPilot, and tries not to hurt anybody while doing Shorinji Kempo, or
swinging his sword wildly in Iaijutsu class.
Harish Rawat
Harish Rawat is a Software Developer at the Oracle Corporation. He has seven years of
experience in systems programming. His technical areas of interest include XML, Java,
and Network protocols.
I would like to thank Arnab and Pankaj for their invaluable suggestions in designing the
Shopping Cart Application. I would also like to thank people at Oracle India Development
Center for their encouragement and support throughout the writing process.
Sascha Schumann
Sascha Schumann is a member of the PHP Group and the Apache
Software Foundation. He currently studies at Gymnasium Letmathe. Sascha is the
architect of many PHP modules (including but not limited to: DBA, Session management,
mcrypt, mhash), has connected PHP with AOLserver, and provides general PHP support
and custom PHP extensions to organizations employing PHP. Sascha also maintains
mhash, which is an open source software for creating cryptological digests (so called
Christopher Scollo
Christopher Scollo is the co-founder and president of Taurix, a software development
company based in New Brunswick, New Jersey. When not developing web applications,
teaching web courses, or drowning in web periodicals, he hikes and eats. (Potatoes are a
passion.) In addition to programming languages, he also enjoys human languages and
speaks English, German, French, and Italian to varying degrees. He lives in Princeton,
New Jersey with his wife, Nicole Bator.
Deepak Veliath
Deepak Veliath is currently working for the Oracle Corporation in Bangalore, India. He
has been following PHP for a year now. Favorite OS - Linux. When not writing books,
busy making plots to kill editors in their sleep :)
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