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The Polish Army
193 -45
Men-at-Arms· 1 17
The Polish Army
Steven J Zaloga . Illustrated by Richard Hook
Senes editor Martin Windrow
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Tile Polis/' AT/1l)' 1939-45
rendered meaningless by political e\'ents far out-
side their control. Fate was vcry crucilO the Polish
nation during those years. and especially CfUel 10
her soldiers.
d was the first of the Allied nations to
b to Cerman aggression in the Second
Id "VaT, but by the most tortuous ofroutes her
managed to remain in the field through all
ears of bloody fighting. In facl by the war's
the Polish Army was the fourth largest
agent orlhe Allied coalition after the armed
of the Soviet Union, the United States
"reat Britain. Polish soldiers fought in nearly
major campa.ign in the European theatre,
or talc is a complicated and tragic onc.
ic efforts of the Polish Army were often
The Polish Army of '939 was very much a creature
of its founder, Josef Pilsudski. Pilsudski, lhe erst·
while socialist and revolutionary, had formed and
led the bClrefool Polish forces in the battles for
independence in 1918. After 125 years of foreign
Pola..d'. pride I • troop frotn • tno ted unit parad.... in
W•.r ••w befor.. th.. war. Th..y wear d stiff..aed lI:arr;liOD
cap, perh.,.. with th.. atnara..th ba.. d of Mounted Rifles.
79427235.008.png 79427235.009.png
1lld Polish i.e_Ol..,. cempaay pholOl"raphftl shortly b..for'"
doe ....... relaia the old fre-ach RSC S_lunu" CIIailter. aJKI do",
1-. paU_ lh_ beias: r~I_(:"'" by .hon -.....kJ.,.. •. Th", arm-
of-servic:e stripe aero.. 1M c:oat (:olla.. pou.u u. j .. lit " ... ibl...
1920 war proud and confident. Pilsudsk.i shunnt.-d
offcrs of political JlO"Irr. but by 1926 Poland",
iU-fated attempb at parliamentary democrat.:
prompted him to ta~e a coup d'etat. He ruled
the country from th~ hado.... until his death in
1935, when his supponen formed a 'colond'~
regime' which guided the country with far IC$
success until the outbreak. of war in 1939. The
army was Pilsudski' pride. and a grateful nation
spared no expense for ib upkeep. It received a
far larger share of the national budget than was
received by most other European armies of the
time, but this W'b 'itiU a pathetically small sum
compared to.the e.,,~nditures of Germany or the
Soviet Union. The money required to equip an
armoured division e:\.cttdni the total annual
budget fOI" the enti~ poli'ih Army-Poland was
a rural and backward counlry with little industry.
Pilsudski managed to .... ea\e the Army's disparate
strands into a cohesi\"e force, although its officers
had served in the imperial armies of Austro-
Hungary, Prussia and Czarist Russia, and il was
equipped with a remarkable hodge-podge of
hand·mc·down .... eapons from nearly evcry major
arsenal in Europe. Ho.... e\er. Pilsudski was not
a professionally tra.lllro officer, and the Polish
Army renected his frailties as ..... ell as his strengths"
Higher staff training and command organisation
wcrc rudimentary and there ..... as cxcessi\"c reliance
on 'improvisation'. The~ was lillie understanding
or enlhusiasm for the ne ..... technological tools 0
domination Poland was resurrecled by the Allied
victors at the Versailles peace conferencc. No firm
borders were establish cd. howcvcr, and it was
only through amH:d rcvolt that thc new western
borders with Germany were eSlablishcd. The real
contest waited in .he easl, whcre both Poland and
Bolshevik Russia were eyeing the cx·Czarist ter-
ritorics bel ween thcm, inhabitcd by a polyglOl
mixturc of Poles, Byelorussians, Ukrainians and
Jews. In 1920 lhc Polish Army under Pilsudski
took the initiative and seized Kiev, deep in the
Ukraine. They were just as dramatically routed
by the Red Cossack Horse Army, and Poland's
fatc hung in the balance. At thc moment of
Bolshevik viclory, however, thc southern forces
of lhe Red Army under the political command of
losef Stalin failed to corne lO lhe aid of Tukha-
chevsky's northern forces, who were pounding at
the gates of Warsaw itself. Pilsudski brilliantly
seized the opportunity, and lhe Red Army was
scnt reeling back in confusion. The euphoria of
the moment eclipsed lhe serious cconomic, social
and political problems the new state faced. Poland
was now sandwiched between twO tcmporarily
weak, but bittcr and vengeful neighbours.
The viCtorious Polish Army emerged from the
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