Mongoose Runequest 1e - Lost City of Jershon.pdf

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The Lost City of Jershon
By :
R. Hyrum Savage
Art :
Kieran Yanner, Derek M. Foster, Joe Walton,
Ash Jackson, and Derek Stevens
Produced By :
OtherWorld Creations
The Lost City of Jershon
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Once the city had a name, it seemed to make it
real for those adventurers who sought it out. The elves
could not (or would not) give directions, but claimed
they could feel the city calling them and without
warning, the two left one morning and were never
heard from again.
The irst wave of adventurers tried to follow
their path, and many later groups tried to follow those
irst groups. Most returned empty handed. They
couldn’t ind the elves, they couldn’t ind the city, and
they weren’t able to ind the treasures they had hoped
to ind. Some never came back. Since Talara was a
river town, tales of the legendary city went up and
down the river, plus along the few roads in the area.
More and more people became aware of Jershon, and
with each retelling, the legend of the underground
city became more and more fantastic. Some thought
Long ago, a treasure hunter named
Joktan Heth, (who had been presumed
dead), suddenly showed up in the small
river town of Talara with tales that
simply couldn’t be believed. He claimed
to have found an ancient subterranean
city hidden underneath one of the many
mountains in the uncharted lands to the
north. He had nothing to show for his
journey, and what was left of his clothes
were tattered and torn. Many thought
he had simply lost his mind, while just
a handful thought he made up the story
to account for his miserable failure as a
treasure hunter.
Close to ten years later, another
story came up about a city hidden
under a mountain. The pair of elves who
discovered the way into the city had a
much more stately grace about them,
and people listened to their story with
a little less skepticism. They mentioned
a magic stone that let them reach the
underground river, they claimed their
clothes contained unique threads in
them; they talked about racing lizards
and mentioned a legend about an angry
god. The only proof they had was a
large dead bug that seemed to have
almost burned up in the sunlight. These
two elves inally gave the city a name:
672683235.005.png 672683235.006.png
Jershon was the domain of gods and that no mortal
should ever enter, others thought it was an ancient
store of magic the world had ever seen, while others
thought it was a paradise on Earth. Then again, many
thought it was just a myth, and some even thought
it was a story created by the city of Talara to lure
gullible adventurers and tourists into their city.
Talara did boom during that time, doubling
in size and taking control of most of the river in that
area. Of course, over the generations, the rumors died
down. The tales became stories sung by bards or told
late at night over campires. Soon no one was left who
believed the city was ever a reality, and some often
would use it as a humorous term for a person who had
gone mad (as in “ Looks like he went to Jershon. ”).
The tales became sparse; the city of Talara dwindled
and lost much of the power it once held. Jershon was
a story for mothers to tell their children and no one
believed a word of it....
There are many ways of
introducing this supplement into
your campaign. What is listed in
this section are some suggestions
that you might want to consider for
drawing the players in. The best
way to start is to introduce legends
of Jershon early on so players
become aware that such a location
exists long before they become
involved with any adventure that
takes place in the city in the irst
place. If you’re just running a one
shot or starting off a campaign with
this supplement, then you may
want to start off the adventure by
talking about the legends before
starting play.
Welcome to the Lost City of Jershon
supplement for use with the new edition of
RuneQuest. This book contains a few notes about
the declining river town of Talara, as well as a
guide to Jershon, the mysterious city of legend.
Game Masters may feel free to insert this city
anywhere into their own campaign world, taking
any portion of the material that they like, and
tweaking elements of this material to better it
their own campaign. Additionally, there are also
descriptions of certain characters, monsters and
items that are discussed with this supplement.
The players are doing
whatever they would normally be
doing when they hear a groaning
sound. A quick investigation will
result in the players discovering a
man who is three steps away from
starvation. He has no money, no
items and he doesn’t even have a
weapon. His clothes and skin are
torn and caked with ilth. He lacks
the strength to stand and yet, he
continues to drag himself forward.
At this time, the man has only the
capacity to moan in pain and will
do little more unless the party can
help him out. (If your party is not
the sort to help people out, you can
give the man a crude map or a
notebook of his travels so after he
dies, the players can ind out that
he was searching for Jershon, but
was never able to ind the waterfall
that he knew was the entrance to
the city. You can even add many
things into the journal to make for
interesting adventure hooks that
aren’t even connected to Jershon!
The journal begins with his journey
from Talara.)
If the players help him, he
will return to reasonable health
depending on what the players
did to help him (obviously using
healing spells or potions would
make him instantly able to talk!) He
will introduce himself as Coriantor,
and mention he is a treasure hunter.
A year ago he set out from Talara
in search of the legendary city of
Jershon. He can tell the party of
many adventures he had trying
to ind the waterfall, which is the
entrance to the city, but that he had
never found it. (These adventures
are completely up to the Game
Master to fabricate). He knows the waterfall was
called “The Leviathan’s Teeth” because it was
rumored that the falls were of such power that
the shear force of the water would crush any
man who was caught in its wake. If the players
ask him why he was looking for Jershon (or what
Jershon even is) he will tell them that he has
heard the legends of the ancient and mysterious
city under the mountains and how it is illed with
indescribable treasures. He knows many men
have searched for Jershon, and those who came
back were empty handed (but that most never
came back). Coriantor is convinced he has what
it takes to ind the city and he wished only to
be remembered as the man who found Jershon.
If the players want to travel with Coriantor, his
stats are listed below. Coriantor will take the
party to Talara if they ask, but once there, he
will do what he can to look for Jershon again.
He will not work with the party on any other
adventure they may want to do, as he is obsessed
with inding the city. If the party goes with
STR 13, CON 12, DEX 16, SIZ 14, INT 10, POW 12, CHA 14
Hit Locations
Hit Location AP/HP
Right Leg
Left Leg
Right Arm
Left Arm
Weapon Skill
1H Sword
1d10 +1d2
1H Sword
1d8 +1d2
1H Axe
1d8 +1d2
1d4+1 +1d2
Special Rules
Combat Actions :
Strike Rank : +13
Movement :
Traits :
Skills :
Athletics 44%, Dodge 22%, Language (Common) 20%
Language (Elven) 60%, Lore (Jershon) 50%, Lore
(Plant) 30%, Lore (Regional) 20%, Lore (World) 15%,
Perception 27%, Persistence 32%, Resilience 29%, Survival 32%
Tracking 10%
Armor :
Scalemail Shirt (4 AP Chest, Abdomen, Arms) -16
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