High Throughput Screening - Methods, Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 300] - W. Janzen (Humana) WW.pdf

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Methods in Molecular Biology TM
Methods and Protocols
Edited by
William P. Janzen
Methods in Molecular Biology TM
Methods and Protocols
Edited by
William P. Janzen
High Throughput Screening Assays
Design and Implementation
of High Throughput Screening Assays
Ricardo Macarrón and Robert P. Hertzberg
1. Introduction
In most pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, high throughput
screening (HTS) is a central function in the drug-discovery process. This has
resulted from the fact that there are increasing numbers of validated therapeu-
tic targets being discovered through advances in human genomics, and increas-
ing numbers of chemical compounds being produced through high-throughput
chemistry initiatives. Many large companies study 100 targets or more each
year, and in order to progress these targets, lead compounds must be found.
Increasingly, pharmaceutical companies are relying on HTS as the primary
engine driving lead discovery.
The HTS process is a subset of the drug discovery process and can be described
as the phase from Target to Lead. This phase can be broken down in the follow-
ing steps:
Target Choice
Reagent Procurement
Assay Development and Validation
HTS Implementation
Data Capture, Storage and Analysis
It is critically important to align the target choice and assay method to ensure
that a biologically relevant and robust screen is configured. Every screening
Screening Collections
From: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 190: High Throughput Screening: Methods and Protocols
Edited by: W. P. Janzen © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
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Macarrón and Hertzberg
laboratory can relate stories of assays being delivered that are incompatible
with modern robotic screening instruments and unacceptable in terms of signal
to background or variability. To avoid this problem, organizations must ensure
that communication between therapeutic departments, assay-development
groups, and screening scientists occurs early, as soon as the target is chosen,
and throughout the assay-development phase.
Reagent procurement is often a major bottleneck in the HTS process. This
can delay the early phases of assay development, e.g., when active protein
cannot be obtained, and also delay HTS implementation if scale-up of protein
or cells fails to produce sufficient reagent to run the full screen. For efficient
HTS operation, there must be sufficient reagent available to run the entire
screening campaign before production HTS can start. Otherwise, the campaign
will need to stop halfway through and the screening robots will have to be
reconfigured for other work. Careful scheduling between reagent procurement
departments and HTS functions is critical to ensure optimum use of robotics and
personnel. To improve scheduling, modern HTS laboratories are moving toward
a supply-chain model similar to that used in industrial factories.
Successful HTS implementation is multidisciplinary and requires close
alignment of personnel maintaining and distributing screening collections,
technology specialists responsible for setting up and supporting HTS automa-
tion, biologists and biochemists with knowledge of assay methodology, infor-
mation technology (IT) personnel capable of collecting and analyzing large
data sets, and chemists capable of examining screening hits to look for patterns
that define lead series. Through the marriage of these diverse specialties, thera-
peutic targets can be put through the lead discovery engine called HTS and
lead compounds will emerge.
2. Choice of Therapeutic Target
While disease relevance should be the main driver when choosing a thera-
peutic target, one should also consider factors important to the HTS process.
These factors are technical, i.e. whether a statistically robust and sufficiently
simple assay can be configured, as well as chemical. Chemical considerations
relate to the probability that compounds capable of producing the therapeuti-
cally relevant effect against a specific target are: 1) present in the screening
collection, 2) can be found through screening, and 3) have drug-like physico-
chemical properties.
Years of experience in HTS within the industry have suggested that certain
targets are more ‘chemically tractable’ than others. Recent studies of top-selling
prescription drugs have shown that G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), ion
channels, nuclear hormone receptors and proteases are among the most exploit-
High Throughput Screening Assays
able target classes, i.e., drugs against these targets produce the highest sales.
Among these targets, GPCRs are normally thought of as the most chemically
tractable, since there are more GPCR drugs on the market than drugs for any
other target class. Furthermore, evidence indicates that HTS campaigns against
GPCRs produce lead compounds at a higher rate than many other target classes
(1) . Kinases are another chemically tractable class that often affords lead com-
pounds from screening ( see Chapter 4); however, while many kinase inhibitors
are in clinical trials, none have yet reached the market.
On the other side of the spectrum, targets that work via protein-protein inter-
actions have a lower probability of being successful in HTS campaigns. One
reason for this is the fact that compound libraries often do not contain com-
pounds of sufficient size and complexity to disrupt the large surface of protein-
protein interaction that is encountered in these targets. Natural products are
one avenue that may be fruitful against protein-protein targets, since these com-
pounds are often larger and more complex than those in traditional chemical
libraries ( see Chapter 9). The challenge for these targets is finding compounds
that have the desired inhibitory effect and also contain drug-like properties
(e.g., are not too large in molecular weight). Recently, several groups have
begun to tackle this problem by screening for small fragments that inhibit the inter-
action and joining them together to produce moderate-sized potent inhibitors.
Certain subsets of protein-protein interaction targets have been successful
from an HTS point of view. For example, chemokines receptors are technically
a protein-protein interaction (within the GPCR class) and there are several
examples of successful lead compounds for targets in this class (2) . Similarly,
certain integrin receptors that rely on small epitopes (i.e., RGD sequences)
have also been successful at producing lead compounds (3) . There may be
other classes of tractable protein-protein interactions that remain undiscovered
due to limitations in compound libraries.
Based on the thinking that chemically tractable targets are easier to inhibit,
most pharmaceutical companies have concentrated much of their effort on these
targets and diminished work on more difficult targets. While this approach
makes sense from a cost-vs-benefit point of view, one should be careful not to
eliminate entirely target classes that would otherwise be extremely attractive
from a biological point of view. Otherwise, the prophecy of chemical tractabil-
ity will be self-fulfilled, since today’s compound collections will not expand
into new regions and we will never find leads for more difficult biologically
relevant targets. There is clearly an important need for enhancing collections
by filling holes that chemical history has left open. The challenge is filling
these holes with drug-like compounds that are different from the traditional
pharmacophores of the past.
Macarrón and Hertzberg
A second and equally important factor to consider when choosing targets is
the technical probability of developing a robust and high-quality screening assay.
The impact of new assay technologies has made this less important, since there
are now many good assay methods available for a wide variety of target types
( see Subheading 3. ). Nevertheless, some targets are more technically difficult
than others. Of the target types mentioned earlier, GPCRs, kinases, proteases,
nuclear hormone receptors, and protein-protein interactions are often relatively
easy to establish screens for. Ion channels are more difficult, although new tech-
nologies are being developed that make these more approachable from an HTS
point of view (4) . Enzymes other than kinases and proteases must be considered on
a case-by-case basis depending on the nature of the substrates involved.
Reagent procurement is also a factor to consider, obtaining sufficient reagents
for the screening campaign can sometimes be time-consuming, expensive, and
unpredictable. In the case of protein target, this depends on the ease with which
the particular protein(s) can be expressed and purified; the amount of protein
needed per screening test; and the commercial cost of any substrates, ligands,
or consumables.
All of these factors must be considered on a case-by-case basis and should
be evaluated at the beginning of a Target-to-Lead effort before making a choice
to go forward. Working on an expensive and technically difficult target must
be balanced against the degree of validation and biological relevance. While
the perfect target is chemically tractable, technically easy, inexpensive, fully
validated, and biologically relevant, such targets are rare. The goal is to work
on a portfolio that spreads the risk among these factors and balances the avail-
able resources.
3. Choice of Assay Method
There are usually several ways of looking for hits of any given target. The
first and major choice to make is between a biochemical or a cell-based assay
( see Chapter 6). By biochemical we understand an assay developed to look for
compounds that interact with an isolated target in an artificial environment.
This has been the most popular approach in the early 1990s, the decade in
which HTS became a mature and central area of drug discovery. This bias
toward biochemical assays for HTS is partly driven by the fact that cell-based
assays are often more difficult to run in high throughput. However, recent
advances in technology and instrumentation for cell-based assays have occurred
over the past few years. Among these is the emergence of HTS-compatible
technology to measure GPCR (5) and ion channel function (4) , confocal imag-
ing platforms for rapid cellular and subcellular imaging, and the continued
development of reporter-gene technology.
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