Foundations of Sport-Related Brain Injuries - S. Slobounov, W. Sebastianelli (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

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Semyon Slobounov^; Wayne Sebastianelli^
^ The Department of Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State University, 19 Recreation Hall,
University Park, PA, 16802;
^ Department of Orthopaedics and Medical Rehabilitation, Milton Hershey Medical College,
Sport Medicine Center, The Pennsylvania State University, University Drive, University Park,
PA, J6802;
Multiple traumas to the brain are the most common type of catastrophic
injury and a leading cause of death in athletes. Multiple brain injuries
may occur as the long-term disabilities resulting from a single mild
traumatic brain injury (MTBI, generally known as concussion) are often
overlooked and the most obvious clinical symptoms appear to resolve
rapidly. One of the reasons of controversy about concussion is that most
previous research has: a) failed to provide the pre-injury status of MBTI
subjects which may lead to misdiagnosis following a single brain injury
of the persistent or new neurological and behavioral deficits; b) focused
primarily on transient deficits after single MTBI, and failed to examine
for long-term deficits and multiple MTBI; c) focused primarily on
cognitive or behavioral sequelae of MTBI in isolation; and d) failed to
predict athletes at risk for traumatic brain injury. It is necessary to
examine for both transient and long-term behavioral, sensory-motor,
cognitive, and underlying neural mechanisms that are interactively
affected by MTBI. A multidisciplinary approach using advanced
technologies and assessment tools may dramatically enhance our
understanding of this most puzzling neurological disorder facing the sport
medicine world today. This is a major objective of this chapter and the
whole book at least in part to resolve existing controversies about
Injury; Concussion; Collegiate coaches; EEG and Postural stability.
Over the past decade, the scientific information on traumatic brain injury
has increased considerably. A number of models, theories and hypotheses of
traumatic brain injury have been elaborated (see Shaw, 2002 for review). For
example, using the search engine PubMed (National Library of Medicine) for
the term "brain injury" there were 1990 articles available between the years
of 1994-2003, compared to 930 for the years 1966-1993. Despite dramatic
advances in this field of medicine, traumatic brain injury, including the mild
Slobounov and Sebastianelli
traumatic brain injury (MTBI), commonly known as a concussion, is still one
of the most puzzling neurological disorders and least understood injuries
facing the sport medicine world today (Walker, 1994; Cantu, 2003).
Definitions of concussion are almost always qualified by the statement that
loss of consciousness can occur in the absence of any gross damage or injury
visible by light microscopy to the brain (Shaw, 2002). According to a recent
NIH Consensus Statement, mild traumatic brain injury is an evolving
dynamic process that involves multiple interrelated components exerting
primary and secondary effects at the level of individual nerve cells (neuron),
the level of connected networks of such neurons (neural networks), and the
level of human thoughts or cognition (NIH, 1998).
The need for multidisciplinary research on mild brain injury arises from
recent evidence identifying long-lasting residual disabilities that are often
overlooked using current research methods. The notion of transient and rapid
symptoms resolution is misleading since symptoms resolution is not
indicative of injury resolution. There are no two traumatic brain injuries alike
in mechanism, symptomology, or symptoms resolution. Most grading scales
are based on loss of consciousness (LOC), and post-traumatic amnesia, both
of which occur infrequently in MTBI (Guskiewick et al. 2001, Guskiewick,
2001). There is still no agreement upon diagnosis (Christopher & Amann,
2000) and there is no known treatment for this injury besides the passage of
time. LOC for instance, occurs in only 8% of concussion cases (Oliaro et al.,
2001). Overall, recent research has shown the many shortcomings of current
MTBI assessments rating scales (Maddocks & Saling, 1996; Wojtys et al.,
1999; Guskiewicz et al., 2001), neuropsychological assessments (Hoffman et
al., 1995; Randolph, 2001; Shaw, 2002; Warden et al., 2001) and brain
imaging techniques (CT, conventional MRI and EEG, Thatcher et al., 1989,
1998, 2001; Barth et al., 2001; Guskiewicz, 2001; Kushner, 1998; Shaw,
The clinical significance for further research on mild traumatic brain
injury stems from the fact that injuries to the brain are the most common
cause of death in athletes (Mueller & Cantu, 1990). It has been estimated
that in high school football alone, there are more than 250,000 incidents of
mild traumatic brain injury each season, which translates into approximately
20% of all boys who participate in this sport (LeBlanc, 1994, 1999). It is
conventional wisdom that athletes with uncomplicated and single mild
traumatic brain injuries experience rapid resolution of symptoms within 1-6
weeks after the incident with minimal prolonged sequelae (Echemendia et
al., 2001; Lowell et al., 2003; Macciocchi et al., 1996; Maddocks & Saling,
1996). However, there is a growing body of knowledge indicating long-term
disabilities that may persist up to 10 years post injury. Recent brain imaging
studies (MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy) have clearly demonstrated
the signs of cellular damage and diffuse axonal injury in subjects suffering
from MTBI, not previously recognized by conventional imaging (Gamett et
Concussion Controversy
al., 2000). It is important to stress that progressive neuronal loss in these
subjects, as evidenced by abnormal brain metabolites, may persist up to 35
days post-injury. Therefore, athletes who prematurely return to play are
highly susceptible to future and often more severe brain injuries. In fact,
concussed athletes often experience a second TBI within one year post
injury. Every athlete with a history of a single MTBI who returns to
competition upon symptoms resolution still has a risk of developing a post-
concussive syndrome (Cantu & Roy, 1995; Cantu, 2003; Kushner, 1998;
Randolph, 2001), a syndrome with potentially fatal consequences (Earth et
Post-concussive syndrome (PCS) is described as the emergence and
variable persistence of a cluster of symptoms following an episode of
concussion, including, but not limited to, impaired cognitive functions such
as attention, concentration, memory and information processing, irritability,
depression, headache, disturbance of sleep (Hugenholtz et al., 1988;
Thatcher et al., 1989; Macciocchi et al., 1996; Wojtys et al, 1999; Earth et
al., 2001; Powell, 2001), nausea and emotional problems (Wright, 1998).
Other signs of PCS are disorientation in space, impaired balance and
postural control (Guskiewicz, 2001), altered sensation, photophobia, lack of
motor coordination (Slobounov et al., 2002d) and slowed motor responses
(Goldberg, 1988). It is not known, however, how these symptoms relate to
damage in specific brain structures or brain pathways (Macciocchi et al.,
1996), thus making accurate diagnosis based on these criteria almost
impossible. Symptoms may resolve due to the brain's amazing plasticity
Humans are able to compensate for mild neuronal loss because of
redundancies in the brain structures that allow reallocation of resources such
that undamaged pathways and neurons are used to perform cognitive and
motor tasks. This fiinctional reserve gives the appearance that the subject
has returned to pre-injury health while in actuality the injury is still present
(Randolph, 2001). In this context, Thatcher (1997, 2001) was able to detect
EEG residual abnormalities in MTEI patients up to eight years post injury.
This may also increase the risk of second impact syndrome and multiple
concussions in athletes who return to play based solely on symptom
resolution criteria (Earth et al., 2001; Kushner, 2001; Randolph, 2001).
There is a considerable debate in the literature regarding the extent to
which mild traumatic brain injury results in permanent neurological damage
(Levin et al., 1987; Johnston et al, 2001), psychological distress (Lishman,
1988) or a combination of both (McClelland et al., 1994; Eryant & Harvey,
Slobounov and Sebastianelli
1999). Lishman's (1988) review of the literature suggested that
physiological factors contributed mainly to the onset of the MTBI while
psychological factors contributed to the duration of its symptoms. As a
result, causation of MTBI remains unclear because objective anatomic
pathology is rare and the interaction among cognitive, behavioral and
emotional factors can produce enormous subjective symptoms in an
unspecified manner (Goldberg, 1988).
To-date, a growing body of neuroimaging studies in normal subjects has
documented involvement of the fronto-parietal network in spatial attentional
modulations during object recognition or discrimination of cognitive tasks
(Buchel & Friston, 2001; Cabeza et al., 2003). This is consistent with
previous fMRI research suggesting a supra-modal role of the prefrontal
cortex in attention selection within both the sensori-motor and mnemonic
domains (Friston et al., 1996, 1999). Taken together, these neuroimaging
studies suggest the distributed interaction between modality-specific
posterior visual and frontal-parietal areas service visual attention and object
discrimination cognitive tasks (Rees & Lavie, 2001). Research on the
cognitive aspects in MTBI patients indicates a classic pattern of
abnormalities in information processing and executive functioning that
correspond to the frontal lobe damage (Stuss & Knight, 2002).
The frontal areas of the brain, including prefrontal cortex, are highly
vulnerable to damage after traumatic brain injury leading to commonly
observed long-term cognitive impairments (Levin et al., 2002; Echemendia
et al., 2001; Lowell et al., 2003). A significant percentage of the mild
traumatic brain injuries will result in structural lesions (Johnston et al.,
2001), mainly due to diffuse axonal injury (DAI), which are not always
detected by MRI (Gentry et al., 1988; Liu et al., 1999). Recent dynamic
imaging studies have finally revealed that persistent post-concussive brain
dysfunction exists even in patients who sustained a relatively mild brain
injury (Hofman et al, 2002; Umile et al, 2002).
Striking evidence for DAI most commonly involving the white matter of
the frontal lobe (Gentry et al., 1998) and cellular damage and after mild TBI
was revealed by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Specifically,
MRS studies have demonstrated impaired neuronal integrity and associated
cognitive impairment in patients suffering from mild TBI. For example, a
number of MRS studies showed reduced NAA/creatine ratio and increased
choline/creatine ratio in the white matter, which can be observed from 3-39
days post-injury (Mittl et al., 1994; Gamett et al., 2000; Ross & Bluml,
2001). The ratios are highly correlated with head injury severity. More
importantly, abnormal MR spectra were acquired from frontal white matter
that appeared to be normal on conventional MRI. Predictive values of MRS
in assessment of a second concussion are high, because of frequent
occurrence of DAI with second impact syndrome (Ross & Bluml, 2001).
The language, memory and perceptual tasks sensitive to frontal lobe
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