Anthony Berger - Horny (Over 30) Women.pdf

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Not all women are
equally horny
Anthony Berger
Advanced Learning Systems Inc.
Cover, Illustrations, Layout and design: Cristiano Nogueira
Edited by Ron Jule
Disclaimer: This book is for entertainment purposes only. The author, publisher or anyone involved in
writting, publishing or promoting it does not assume any responsibility for reader’s actions.
The Real Horny Women
Copyright @1999-2001 by Anthony Berger, Ron Jule, David Silberstein and Cristiano Nogueira.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writ-
ten permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For
more information contact Anthony Berger at
The REAL Horny Women
Older Single
“I have such poor vision I can date anybody.” -
Garry Shandling
A new market
Recently I have been discovering a new market that like
one-night stands even more than the chicks I used to
work on.
This market is called:
“Older women”
And, just to clarify, I mean women between the ages of
35 and 45. This is a great market: The psychological and
biological changes happening in their bodies leave them
always in heat.
This is true of women over 30. If you have a close fe-
male friend who you can comfortably ask this, do so.
“Are you horny all the time?” They might deny it at first,
“not 24/7, but definitely every night. A lot more than be-
The REAL Horny Women
The only trick I would advise you to use before you go
out hitting on older women out there is to check to see if
there is wedding ring on their finger. If there isn’t, go for
it. If there is, then it’s your call.
Older women benefits and features
Here are a few things I have discovered about older
women that they have to offer that 20somethings don’t:
(please bear in mind that these are generalities and that
it represents most of the single women over the age of
Once in bed, there is nothing you can suggest
that they will be shocked or refuse to do. You
can try all those things you see on porn
websites, movies or your imagination, that,
worse comes to worst and she is shocked at
you, you can reverse the situation acting
shocked that she has never tried letting a guy
“eat pasta off her butt”. “Really? You never
tried? Wow!”
They’ve usually been in one-night stands before,
so proposing one to them is more trivial and wel-
come than dealing with “first timers”.
The REAL Horny Women
They understand that having a serious relation-
ship with a younger guy does not tend to work
out, so they prefer to keep it more to a “sex-part-
ner” relationship, with no strings or jealousy at-
tached. You can juggle several partners, and, if
she finds out, you can always tell her that you
never thought or wanted it to be a serious thing.
What’s more is that you can work them into a
calendar girl schedule and only meet them on a
certain day of the week, convenient for both of
They know how to cook well. Don’t laugh, you
may get a free meal out of this. I like to cook for
chicks, but if they can cook better, I let them.
They have money too, so drinks and dinners
tend to go Dutch, not just you paying.
They might have daughters you may want to get
to know.
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