2-Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 1 - The Origin Of Style - How To Transform From Chump To Champ In No Time.pdf

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The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 1 - The Origin Of Style - How To Transform From Chump To Champ In No Time
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Style's Archives: Book I
-fmrf, I0tuEaI-
ect! Iralrguagq BarrLer
I had a queglion, and haven't Eeen thls topic addle66ed here:
trr! going Co be traveling in an Eastern Europeen country \rhele very
solnen speak Engllsh, And I,n going to be hanging out !he!e
th aoneone who 18 pretty kno\dledgeable, so hopefully I,II be
lng a lot of HB6. The queEtion is: ho$ can I pU in a foleiqn
<touttry !'rlthout cofifiunlcating verbally? I,n an avelage-Iookilrg
guy rrho ha8 alwayE used SS, lntel]igence, pallefis, etc. f,or pU'B;
Irve never been forced to lely JusE on geEtute, body 1anguage,
tity, etc. 3ny EuggeEtionB for an Amerlcan trylng to
lish-apeakels in EaBtern Europe?
eubjects: the Art of War
Eey, I thought lal make a
recomnendat ion
for one of the most ancient PU
by sutr Tzu in respecc to ss?
guides: anyone ever read
Che Art of, War
If you thin]. about ir, its
totaLly work6
as a big adalogy f,or
a seduction.
For Exanple,
he advise6, before going to !ua!, assess "moral influence
wealher (i6 the environmenE favotable to aarging?),
(eg, values),
kind of HB ale you dealing irith) , comnand, and then
THEIN he goes on to 6ayt
is the maln object in waf. If thrs
ia Long delayed, lreaponB are blunted and morale depressed.,
trOf Eupreme inpottance in nar lE to attack ttte enemy.s
BtraEegyi next best 1E to dlsrupt hlB a1Ilances...ThuB, thoee skilted
1n !|a! gubdue the eneny wlthout battle. They cepture hls cllies
wiChouE asgaultiag them, and ovetthrow hlE stabe lrithout protracted
Nwhat doas the Art of
gtar hevc Co do wltb 66ducel,o!r?'
For thogd !,rho object to thinklng of
the art of war
with Beductlon in mind, read i! aE
an anaLogy: obviouBly, womell are in
no way enemles ard Eeduclion ie not
a war. But lhe Art of wa! is no!
lea1ly a war gulde: ltr8 a guide !o
Blrategy, lrhich is exactLy vrhat
thi6 new6group iE!
StyTa |'titaq
Eubject. lCora EaIp Needed
lilhat doe6 it mean when a
HB yourre with eaLs garLic/onion tt4)e food
when she's with you- -that
6he's rot elpecting to go back !o your place
lhat night and that you're going tso have tso work halder Eo get her
Applying lipstick/1ip1iner--is
there any Eignificance in how/where it's
done. When it'a done very blatantly in frotrl of you, ia it a signal or
sydbol f,or anythtng, poeltive or negalive?
work nightB: so many perfect nlghtB have been folled by the facc !ha!,
eved though she's ready and kino-ing like crazy, ita 2 or 3 a.m. and
ehe has co be up for lrork at 7 a.m. the nexts day. Any strategy/patlern
hele for lrylng Co convince a lIB to not' wolry abouL the fact that it's
a xrofk/school nighE and Just come back to your place?
reepo',dg t
$t thLs work lhtng ls {here I ke.p havlng lhe problem. r thlnli you
lav. the !lgh! aruver her€ bu! I need a llllle
nore help. I Jusl
tl's a sunday nlsh!, and t'm comlng !!om whal woutrd have been a
trEfecl Ptt. Vlslled a slore a flteld o!.'ns, 6aw a young HB?.5 ln a
11t!1e led &€ss naklng eye conlac! lhe whole rlne. guggeseed vre
aooe food so ve could talk (she pald--lor sushl even--whlle I was
balhloom), go! sone drlnl<s, and she was p€rfecl--gtvlng
me all
e 1,ror& ltght away and, afler I bounced l}rem back ar her, sbe
dropptng sex taLk lnlo lhe convergatlon, settlng me up
Dclleclly !o lnlplovige some pallerns. we leave rhe bar and she \ralks
s€ back !o her house. ghe says 6be,s tlred. But lben she opens che
aloor and ilalk€ upseatrs, and I fotloir. Then sh€ runs inlo roonunales,
and we Ealk lo them. Sbe says she's ttred agaln and bas !o sleep lor
oork. nhat I sbould have done vas elther cu! the nlgbt shorr muctr
earlier so I lroulalll'! b€ 10 tbls sltuatlon or brouqhr her back !o mv
StyTe wtLtea,
Eubject! Re! gS
A1Bo, aE for the initial
conunent that started this whole thlead, you
coufd see SS aa a way of, f,ucking and leavlng as many women aa
posEi.b1e. But fo! eomepeople Itve talked to here, if Chey fLnd the
tlght woman, they're golng t'o keep her. SS is just increaglng tsheir
chanceB of findtng the righ! woman, atrd not jueh set!]ing.
(And maybe
it'11 even lncleaae thelr abillty uo alay faithful
!o her cause
lhey've already Eo&rttheir oa!a) ...
subjeqU: Party GLr16
Th16 i6 nhele SS fall.B for me! the party girl? the fuckeil-u!, ltB 60
just want8 to have a good time atrd !ri]I end up in bed with lhe guy
showa her on6. She doesnrt want to sneak off in Bome corne! nith a Pul
who trill lalk Ehe e$eet words. She wants to be grabbed and Caken on an
adventure that e6calate8 the fun and mayhem. I of,ten ge! approached by
thege gir]s, because I'm seen with other ItBs. BuE if I open my mouth and
dropping paEtern8 o! anything, she's gone in a heartbeat because that
ahit | 6 boriEg to her.
Anyone have any good advice oll landing party girls? There have to be
good routines- - tshey'd have to be phygical ores--tha! carl be sinply
done to show that you can give then tshe adventsure they crave thats
night. Does anyone e16e have problems in this area, with the
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