Szara Sowa (Grey Owl) 1999 Cd2.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID 640x272 23.976fps 700.6 MB|/SubEdit b.3890 (
{72}{}Okay. Who built the cabin?
{146}{}Parks Department.
{200}{}But it's the real thing-- every detail|copied from a trapper's cabin.
{317}{}The real thing, eh?
{365}{}Just don't try to get me|into one of those uniforms.
{450}{}[ Chuckles ]
{505}{}It's got everything.
{587}{}Good for the micks.
{635}{}No hunters, no trappers.
{701}{}[Whimpering ]
{778}{}It's your new home now.|Come on.
{853}{}Come on.|Come on.
{1231}{}Archie. Archie !
{1388}{}The micks are swimming|with me, Archie.
{1447}{}They're swimming with me !
{1523}{}Come on in !
{1672}{}Come on.
{1750}{}Come on.
{1866}{}[ Man ]|There he is.
{1914}{}Archie Grey Owl !
{2030}{}- This is an honor, sir !|- Oh, I have to get a picture of this.
{2120}{}But I can't if you're standing|so far apart.
{2207}{}- Oh, please--|- Hawkins is all the way from England.
{2274}{}Bet you didn't know|you had fans in England.
{2322}{}I've read your articles in Country Life,|all of them.
{2380}{}- Country Life ?|- It's a magazine.
{2428}{}You have many admirers|where I come from, sir.
{2476}{}[ Woman ] Here we go.|Everybody look at the camera.
{2577}{}Move in, Michael.
{2645}{}- Here we go. Perfect.|-[ Shutter Clicks ]
{3442}{}Okay. I know.|I don't like it either.
{3600}{}I can't stay here.
{3648}{}They didn't do any harm.
{3726}{}I should head north,
{3774}{}find some real wilderness again.
{3884}{}- I have to go.|- You keep saying ''I.''
{3950}{}''I can't stay. I have to go.''
{4016}{}You saw them.
{4105}{}Strolling in here|as if they owned the place.
{4169}{}If you don't want attention,|why write a book?
{4300}{}If you want to be yourself,|why dye your hair ?
{4581}{}You know?
{4629}{}Of course I know.
{4749}{}You walk back in the cabin|with your hair like that,
{4845}{}how can I not know?
{4911}{}All right.
{5112}{}So I'm a fake.
{5155}{}Oh, Archie.
{5259}{}I don't care|if you're going grey.
{5348}{}I don't care if you dye your hair|red, white and blue.
{5473}{}I love you because of|what you are...
{5580}{}and because you're proud|of what you are.
{5666}{}Don't you know that by now?
{5991}{}[ Airplane Engine Droning ]
{6228}{}Oh, hell. Now what?
{7030}{}Archie !|[ Laughs ]
{7092}{}- You remember me?|- Sure do, Mr. Champlin.
{7182}{}This is Walter Perry.|He's my promotions manager.
{7245}{}[ Perry ]|How do you do?
{7297}{}That's Jim there.|Of course you know him and Joe Oliver.
{7349}{}- Hi there, Archie.|- And, uh, this.
{7458}{}This is for you.
{7601}{}Oh, my gosh.
{7649}{}[ Chuckles ]
{7742}{}You must be Anahareo.
{7797}{}How do you know that?
{7854}{}You're in Archie's book.|You're the heroine.
{8009}{}This is really somethin'.|I can't believe I'm here.
{8118}{}It's as if I walked|into the pages of your book.
{8216}{}We sent out|50 advance copies.
{8271}{}The reactions are terrific, right off|the map, most of all in England.
{8359}{}No one ever read a book|by a real Red Indian before.
{8433}{}It just amazes people.
{8497}{}- It's like the, uh--|- Like a wild animal talking?
{8579}{}Yes, exactly !
{8633}{}No, no, no, no.
{8699}{}It's not-- I-It's--
{8746}{}- It's-- I don't mean to say--|- Forget it.
{8812}{}It's great for us, Archie,|for the parks.
{8861}{}Archie's is the first voice anybody's|ever heard coming out of the wilderness.
{8947}{}Not just a voice, eh, Bill ?
{9001}{}You bet.
{9140}{}Look like you're|talking to each other.
{9194}{}Say anything.|We can't hear you.
{9261}{}[ Camera Whirring ]
{9334}{}It's a beautiful book, Archie.|I love it.
{9493}{}I just put down what was|happening to me, that's all.
{9556}{}You called me your wife.
{9632}{}Well, you know how it is.|I don't want to go offending people.
{9896}{}Pony? Pony?|Look at me.
{9980}{}Smile and wave like you're saying,|'' Hi there, folks.''
{10103}{}Get lost, folks.
{10369}{}[ Perry ]|I really don't need much.
{10423}{}Something to feed the fellows|writing the profiles.
{10475}{}- What profiles?|- Oh,just the usual stuff.
{10571}{}I hear there's a writer out of North Bay|working up a big piece on you.
{10670}{}''Workin' up'' ?|How?
{10737}{}Talking to people who know you.|Going to places you've been.
{10838}{}Let's do this.
{10922}{}Okay. You're Ojibwa.|We know that.
{11001}{}- And you're 40--|- Forty-one.
{11075}{}So where were you born?
{11125}{}I was born in Mexico.
{11251}{}What about your parents?
{11330}{}My father was a Scotsman,|scout in the Indian wars.
{11407}{}My mother was anApache,|Jacarilla band.
{11538}{}Apache? Wait.|So you're not Ojibwa.
{11622}{}No. I lived with|the Bear Island Ojibwa for 13 years.
{11707}{}Everything I know|I learned from them.
{11837}{}- So your father--|- Parents are both dead.
{11955}{}- Leave it at that, shall we?|-Sure.
{12010}{}Your book is gonna be|very big in England, Archie.
{12118}{}We want to lay on a major|promotional tour. We want you there.
{12210}{}- England?|- You'll appear in full Indian rig.
{12300}{}You'll speak.|We'll show Bill's film.
{12349}{}They'll be crazy for you.
{12457}{}You don't mean that.
{12525}{}You're an author|with something to say.
{12581}{}You want people to hear it,|don't you?
{12629}{}Canada is part|of the British Empire.
{12701}{}London is where the power is.
{12749}{}- We'll look after you.|- No !
{12800}{}Forget it.
{12936}{}What's the problem?
{12977}{}You want me--
{13060}{}You want me to stand up there and|be stared at like some circus freak?
{13165}{}Why would I want to do that?
{13213}{}Why did you write the book?
{13391}{}To make a difference.
{13439}{}So now maybe you have to|put feathers in your hair.
{13572}{}Remember ?
{13655}{}You want me to go?
{13703}{}No, Archie.
{13793}{}But everybody has a moment,
{13860}{}and right now|there isn't anyone else.
{14299}{}[ Sighs ]
{14617}{}Okay, I'll go.
{14803}{}-You told them your father was Scottish.|-So?
{14879}{}You told me before|it was your mother who was Scottish.
{14951}{}No. My father.
{14999}{}AtAbitibi, last winter.
{15047}{}When you were cutting up the deer.|I remember it so clearly.
{15116}{}-So what are you saying? I'm lying?|- No, but--
{15164}{}- I should know who my real father was.|- Yes, of course !
{15212}{}What does a guy have to do|to be left alone around here?
{15267}{}- You want to be alone?|- It's not you.
{15338}{}It's just how I am.
{15415}{}Yeah, I know.
{15463}{}You're a loner.|You have to live in the wilderness.
{15542}{}I hear it every day. Great.|So what am I doing here?
{15614}{}It's up to you.
{15658}{}- That's up to me?|- You do what you want.
{15706}{}- If you want to go, go !|-Jesus, Archie. Do I have to do it all?
{15807}{}All the loving|and all the leaving?
{16086}{}I guess I thought|I could change you.
{16241}{}I wanted to believe two people|can get to know each other...
{16396}{}and not have to be alone.
{16585}{}That's it.
{16649}{}Your turn.
{16745}{}What am I supposed to say?
{16851}{}If you don't know, then you're|not supposed to say a thing, Archie.
{16953}{}Not a damn thing.
{17087}{}I don't think|I'm good for you, Pony.
{17251}{}- Maybe you're better off without me.|- Oh, great !
{17330}{}- You're thinking of me?|- Yes.
{17401}{}Do me a favor.
{17455}{}Don't tell me about me.|Tell me about you.
{18394}{}How long is this English tour ?
{18480}{}Three months.
{18548}{}A long time.
{18639}{}Maybe I should use that time|to think about us.
{18891}{}There's just one thing|I'd like to do before you go.
{19026}{}[ Baby Crying ]
{19464}{}May the Great Spirit bless you.
{19829}{}May the Great Spirit|protect and guide you always.
{20178}{}[ Native Language ]
{20242}{}[ Native Language ]
{20758}{}Let your marriage|be filled with love,
{20849}{}happiness, peace and harmony.
{20934}{}May you respect|and cherish each other...
{21041}{}now and always.
{21157}{}[ Native Language ]
{21214}{}It is done.
{21479}{}My father says '' Eat !''|[Whoops ]
{21708}{}[ All Chattering, Laughing ]
{22177}{}Marry when the time comes to part.
{22316}{}That way we keep a piece|of each other forever.
{22573}{}Will I see you again?
{22742}{}I don't know, Archie.
{22893}{}Like I said,|three months is a long time.
{22991}{}Who knows?
{23082}{}I'll look after the micks,|of course.
{23185}{}Jim will help me.
{23395}{}I'll be looking out for you.
{23483}{}You do that.
{23704}{}[ Ship's Horn Blaring ]
{23890}{}[ Man #1 ]|There he is !
{24010}{}-Mr. Grey Owl!|-[ Man #2 ] This is the famous Grey Owl!
{24073}{}-[ Man #1 ] Over here !|-[ Man #3 ] Can you say something--
{24168}{}[ Reporters Clamoring ]
{24298}{}How does it feel to be in England,|Mr. Grey Owl ?
{24464}{}Fifty venues booked so far.
{24538}{}Everyone wants to see you.
{24611}{}''The New Hiawatha. ''|How about that?
{24750}{}Have you heard any more|about these profiles?
{24820}{}- What profiles?|- Someone working up a story on me.
{24907}{}Well, hell, Archie.|Everyone's doing that now.
{24989}{}They've never read anything like this.|You really are a star.
{25086}{}All we need to do now is|work on what you're going to say.
{25189}{}I know what I'm going to say.
{25345}{}[ Crowd Chattering ]
{25533}{}I've been looking forward|to this for weeks.
{25757}{}�ܢ�[ Piano:Beethoven's|''Moonlight Sonata'']
{26538}{}[ Native Language ]
{26652}{}I am Wa-Sha-Quon-Asin, Grey Owl.
{26762}{}He who flies by night.
{26834}{}I come to bring you...
{26905}{}a single green leaf.
{26984}{}It comes from a faraway place.
{27255}{}- [Whispering ]|- [ Softly ] I don't know.
{27357}{}Do you hear that?
{27505}{}It's called silence.
{27638}{}Sometimes I wake up|from this dream...
{27734}{}at night--
{27794}{}this nightmare|that there's no more silence.
{27890}{}All the ...
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