Northcutt Wendy - Darwin Awards II_ Unnatural Selection, The (2001).pdf

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The Darwin Awards II: Unnatural Selection
Cartoon of Charles Dar win, from the Vanity Fair
series “Men of the Day,” published in 1871.
I love fools’ experiments;
I am always making them.
—Charles Darwin (1809–1882)
Wendy Northcutt
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The Darwin Awards II: Unnatural Selection contains cautionary tales of misadven-
It is intended to be viewed as a safety manual, not a how-to guide.
The stories illustrate evolution working through natural selection:
Those whose actions have lethal personal consequences
are weeded out of the gene pool. Your decisions can kill you,
so pay attention and stay alive
For further information about how to avoid the scythe of natural selection,
read Darwin’s lessons on safety, science, and the social implications of evolution.
Safety Class
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Published by Dutton, a member of Penguin Putnam, Inc.
Copyright © Wendy Northcutt, 2001
All rights reserved.
Northcutt, Wendy.
The Darwin Awards II: unnatural selection / Wendy Northcutt.
p. cm.
ISBN 0 7865 2691 2
Making or distributing electronic copies of this book constitutes copyright infringe-
and could subject the infringer to criminal and civil liability.
First edition (electronic): July 2002
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