ATA - A Newcomer's Guide to Translation and Interpretation.pdf

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Getting Started:
Translation and
A publication of the ATA
American Translators Association
Compiled by Sandra Burns Thomson
A Newcomers Guide to
American Translators Association
This Guide is a compilation of articles that have been published in The ATA Chronicle, the
Proceedings of the ATA Annual Conferences, or other ATA publications.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written
permission of the publisher.
ISBN: 0-914175-09-2
Price: ATA Members: $15; non-members: $25
Order from: American Translators Association
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 683-6100; Fax: (703) 683-6122
Cover Design: Ellen Banker
When I first learned about the American Translators Association, it was a
professional organization of 2000 members based in upstate New York. The decade since
has seen our membership grow to over 8000. Our budget and our publications have
expanded as well. The World Wide Web has changed translation, in some respects,
almost beyond recognition.
One thing has remained the same, however—there is still a deep and ongoing
need for information about how to get started in the professions of translation and
interpretation. In the United States we have very few academic programs and even fewer
opportunities to learn on the job. The ATA has prepared this compilation of material
from our magazine, the ATA Chronicle, the Proceedings of our Annual Conference, and
other ATA publications as a resource for those new to the field, and those seeking more
knowledge about how to advance their career.
It is my hope that this book will be a useful guide to anyone wishing to plunge
into the inspiring, maddening, ever-changing and ever-challenging worlds of translation
and interpretation. They are marvelous professions practiced by fascinating people. May
this volume help you make your way to success.
Ann G. Macfarlane
President, American Translators Association
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
American Translators Association ................................................................................................... 2
Profile of a Competent Translator and of an Effective Translator Training Program .................... 3
An Introduction to Translation, John Bukacek ................................................................................ 5
ATA Publishes Translation and Interpretation Services Survey, Shawn Six ............................... 14
Letter to a Young Translator, Gertrud Graubart Champe ............................................................ 16
First-timers Find ATA Conference Well Worth Cost, Ann Sherwin ............................................ 18
Contracting to Provide Translation Services, James E. Gates and Ana E. Gray ......................... 20
The Translator as Global Contractor, Marga Hannon ................................................................... 22
The Bureau-Freelancer Relationship, Henry Fischbach ................................................................ 25
Is This Still Worth It? An Update, Jonathan Hine ....................................................................... 28
Setting Up an Independent Translation Business, Nancy M Snyder ............................................ 32
How to Successfully Market Yourself to Translation Agencies, George P. Rimalower .............. 37
10 Top Tips for a Top-Notch Translation Résumé, Eve Lindemuth Bodeux ................................ 40
Marketing Your Accreditation, Julien Marquis ............................................................................. 42
Top 10 Traits of Good Translators, Patricia L. Bown ................................................................... 45
Some Hints to Help Beginners in the Professional Business World, Natascha Ostroumoff........ 47
Internet Search Strategies for Translators, Manon Bergeron and Susan Larsson ........................ 50
Evolving Internet Strategies: Working the Web, Susan C. Rials ................................................. 54
Localization, Internationalization, Globalization, and Translation, Tim Altanero ....................... 60
As Tough as it Gets – But How Tough?, Leon McMorrow ........................................................... 63
To Go Where No One Has Gone Before: A Natural Evolution of the Translator's Role and
Mission, Marie C. Martien ....................................................................................................... 68
One of the most frequently asked questions by callers to the American Translators
Association Headquarters is "How do I get started?" Starting out in a new chosen
profession is challenging no matter what the field. This packet is intended to offer
guidance to newcomers to the translation profession. You may be a recent graduate of a
university program in translation, or a graduate in a technical field with a sound
command of a second language. You may have worked for years in business, industry,
education, or social sciences, and now wish to use your near-native ability in a second
language to apply your skills in a different manner.
The enclosed articles are from several ATA publications. The packet reflects different
perspectives and approaches to the many aspects of our profession. Given the modern
world's rapidly changing technology, some technical or financial references in the older
articles may seem outdated. The articles were chosen for the valuable information on
getting started in the translation profession. The basics of training, technological know-
how, language abilities, and business skills remain at the core of what a beginning
translator needs to build a career.
You will notice that one aspect of being a translator is mentioned frequently—the
importance of being actively involved in your professional community. One of the best
ways to do so is to become a member of ATA. Member benefits are noted on the
enclosed sheet in addition to contact information for the Association. We hope you find
your journey in the translation profession as rewarding as the authors of the enclosed
articles have, and we extend a cordial welcome to our professional community. We also
encourage you to contact us with questions or suggestions.
Sandra Burns Thomson
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