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A simple, but effective method to build muscle & lose fat while getting stronger
StrongLifts 5x5
How I Build Muscle & Lose Fat through Strength Training
and How You Can Too
by Mehdi
StrongLifts 5x5
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I regularly add new content to this eBook. Click here
to get the latest version of StrongLifts 5x5.
Version: December 2007
Copyright © 2007-2008 . Some rights reserved.
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Preface ................................................................................................................................5
StrongLifts 5×5 Beginner Strength Training Program.............................................................11
The Squat...........................................................................................................................16
The Overhead Press............................................................................................................20
The Bench Press.................................................................................................................24
The Deadlift........................................................................................................................28
The Barbell Row..................................................................................................................32
Pull-ups & Chin-ups.............................................................................................................35
Frequently Asked Questions.................................................................................................42
The Author.........................................................................................................................49
Recommended Reading.......................................................................................................51
Copyright © 2007-2008 . Some rights reserved.
Weight lifting is the safest sports when you look at the rate of injuries . Unlike soccer or football, no
one will injure you by hitting your ankles or knees. You'll injure yourself.
The bar can slip out of your hands during the Bench Press if you use bad technique. Deadlifts can
hurt your lower back if you use bad technique. Pre-existing problems, like bad posture or lack of
flexibility, can increase risks of injury by preventing correct exercise technique
Proper technique comes with practice. Start light, add weight gradually & apply the tips in this
I believe that whatever condition you have, you can do strength training if you put your mind into
it. Lance Armstrong survived cancer before winning the Tour de France 7 times. You can find
plenty of others who exercise regardless of their condition. You could be one of them.
However I am not a doctor. Ask for your doctor's advice before trying anything in this eBook.
Copyright © 2007-2008 . Some rights reserved.
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Where I live people know I've been training for years. They saw me at the gym. They see how I
look. They want the same thing. So I get the usual questions:
* How many times per week should I go to the gym?
* Which exercises should I do?
* What should I eat?
Mainstream magazines & media give the wrong advice. Do 500 sit-ups. Workout 6x/week. Last
year spinning was hot, today it's Pilates classes. You can find information on how to build muscle &
lose fat on the internet, but you have to dig deep to find what works.
In February 2007 I decided to make a website about strength training based on what I've learned
during the past 10 years. went online May 1 st 2007. I published the “Beginner
Strength Training Program” 1 month later. Readers called it StrongLifts 5x5, so I renamed it.
StrongLifts 5x5 is what I give to anybody who wants to lift weights for the first time. Whether
online or offline. This program is influenced by the first strength training program I did when I
quit bodybuilding: Bill Starr 5x5 .
StrongLifts 5x5 has a different approach than Bill Starr 5x5 for 1 reason: I deal with beginners.
Beginners who a) never lifted barbells b) never followed a program c) are out of shape and/or
weak d) don't have a coach to judge if their technique is right so they can add weight.
StrongLifts 5x5 minimizes risks of injury by enforcing correct exercise technique. At the same time
the program acts motivating: you have a plan, you know what to do at the gym, you know which
weights to lift, you feel & see the program working.
StrongLifts 5x5 program is a long-term approach. Going too fast is bad. Take slow but steady steps
towards success. This not only avoids injuries, it's also better mentally. Missed reps kill motivation.
Leave the gym with your training journal showing personal records.
Of course, if you already lift weights, StrongLifts 5x5 program will work for you too. I have given
this program to bodybuilders who wanted to focus on strength & saw their Squat increase by 20kg
& Bench Press by 10kg in 2 months. This is a strength training program in the first place.
StrongLifts 5x5 works for women just as for men. You won't get like Ronnie Coleman . I'm not even
like Ronnie Coleman. This program will get you muscular thighs, abs & arms while lowering your
body fat. For an example of the physique StrongLifts 5x5 builds, take a look at the girls of Crossfit .
Readers told me they found StrongLifts 5x5 after searching for ways to build muscle & lose fat.
They tried the program & saw results. With the Fitness First gyms popping everywhere, I'm proud
I can increase the popularity of a method that has been living underground for too much time.
If StrongLifts 5x5 sounds totally different from what you've done up to now: don't judge it. I did
bodybuilding routines up to 2003. When I first read Bill Starr's 5x5 program I thought “this stuff
will never work: where is the arm training, where is the isolation, I will never achieve my goals”.
I was wrong & brainwashed. If you think “where are the barbell curls & calf exercises in his
program?” you have been brainwashed too. Don't judge it: be open minded. Give it a try for 2
months, then evaluate. You won't go back. I never did.
Copyright © 2007-2008 . Some rights reserved.
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