4=7 Philosophus by Aleister Crowley.pdf

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A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary | www.sacred-magck.com
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HIEROPHANT: "Honored Fraters and Sorors of the Golden Dawn, assist me to open
the Temple in the 4=7 Grade of Philosophus. Honored Hegemon , see that the Temple
is properly guarded." (Done.)
HEGEMON: "Very Honored Hierophant , the Temple is properly guarded."
HIEROPHANT: "Honored Hiereus , see that none below the grade of Philosophus is
HIEREUS: "Honored Fraters, give the Grade Sign of the 4=7. (Done.) Very Honored
Hierophant , all present have attained the grade of Philosophus."
HIEROPHANT: "Honored Hegemon , to what particular element is this grade
HEGEMON: "To the element of Fire."
HIEROPHANT: "Honored Hiereus , to what planet does this grade especially refer?"
HIEREUS: "To the planet of Venus."
HIEROPHANT: "Honored Hegemon , what paths are attached to this grade?"
HEGEMON: "The twenty-ninth, twenty-eighth, and twenty-seventh paths of Qoph,
Tzaddi, and Peh."
HIEROPHANT: "Honored Hiereus , to what does the twenty-ninth path allude?"
HIEREUS: "To the reflection of the sphere of Pisces."
HIEROPHANT: "Honored Hegemon , to what does the twenty-eighth path allude?"
HEGEMON: "To the reflection of the sphere of Aquarius."
HIEROPHANT: "Honored Hiereus , to what does the twenty-seventh path allude?"
HIEREUS: "To the reflection of the sphere of Mars."
HIEROPHANT: (Knocks.) "Let us adore the Lord and King of Fire. YHVH Tzabaoth,
blessed be thou. Leader of Armies is thy name. Amen!"
(All salute with grade sign of Philosophus. Hierophant quits his throne and goes to the
south. Hegemon behind him in the southeast. Hiereus in the southwest. Hierophant
makes the Invoking Active Spirit and Fire Pentagrams in a circle before the Fire Tablet.)
HIEROPHANT: "And the Elohim said, 'Let us make Adam in our image, after our own
likeness, and let them have dominion.' In the name of Elohim, mighty and ruling, and in
the name of YHVH Tzabaoth, spirits of Fire, adore your Creator."
(Takes incense from before Fire Tablet and makes the sign of Leo.) "In the name of
Michael, the Great Archangel of Fire, and in the sign of Leo the Lion, spirits of Fire,
adore your Creator."
(Makes Cross with incense.) "In the names and letters of the Great Southern
Quadrangle revealed unto Enoch by the Great Angel Ave, spirits of Fire, adore your
(Holds incense on high.) "In the three secret names of God borne upon the Banners of
the South, OIP TEAA PEDOCE, spirits of Fire, adore your Creator. In the name of
Edelperna, Great King of the South, spirits of Fire, adore your Creator!"
(Replaces incenser and all return to place.)
HIEROPHANT: "In the Name of YHVH Tzabaoth, I declare this Temple opened in the
4=7 grade of Philosophus."
( Hierophant knocks /// ||| /)
( Hiereus knocks /// ||| /)
( Hegemon knocks /// ||| /)
The Twenty-ninth Path of Qoph
HIEROPHANT: "Fraters and Sorors, our Frater/Soror ______________, having made
such progress in the path of occult science has enabled him to pass the examination in
the requisite knowledge, and further having been a member of the 3=8 grade of
Practicus, is now eligible for advancement to the Grade of Philosophus, and I have duly
received a dispensation from the Greatly Honored Chiefs of the Second Order to
advance him in due form. Honored Hegemon , superintend the preparation of the
Practicus and give the customary alarm."
HEGEMON: (Leaves the Temple and brings the Practicus with admission badge to the
door.) "And the Ruach Elohim moved upon the face of the Waters."
(The Hiereus admits them and returns to his place. The Hegemon leads the Practicus
to the south by the tablet, faces him east, and takes the cross away.)
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary | www.sacred-magck.com
HIEROPHANT: "Give the Hegemon the sign of the 3=8 grade. Give the Grip or
Token. Give the Grand Word. Give the Mystical Number and the Password of the
grade of Practicus." (Elohim Tzabaoth, 36, Aleph Lamed Heh.)
HIEROPHANT: "Give me the Mystic Title and symbol you received in that grade."
(Monocris de Astris, Maim.) (Done.)
HEGEMON: (Faces the Practicus toward the Fire Tablet.) "Frater Monocris de Astris,
do you solemly pledge yourself to maintain the same strict secrecy regarding the
Mysteries of the twenty-ninth, twenty-eighth, and the twenty-seventh paths and the 4=7
grade of Philosophus which you have aleady sworn to maintain respecting those of the
proceeding grades?"
HIEROPHANT: "Then you will stretch your arms above your head to their full limit and
say, 'I swear by the torment of Fire.'"
HIEROPHANT: "Let the hoodwink be removed."
( Hegemon removes it, then gives Practicus the incense from before the tablet.)
HIEROPHANT: "Wave the incense before the Tablet of Fire. Say, 'Let the powers of
Fire witness my pledge!'" (Done.)
( Hegemon replaces incense.)
HIEROPHANT: "Conduct the Practicus to the east and place him between the Mystic
Pillars. (Done.) Before you are the portals of the thirty-first, thirty-second, and the
twenty-ninth paths as in the grade of Zelator. The two former you have already
traversed, and the portal of the twenty-ninth path leading to the grade of Philosophus is
now open to you. Take in your hand the Calvary Cross of Twelve Squares and follow
your guide through the Path of Waters."
( Hegemon circumambulates Temple once with Practicus, having given him the cross to
carry. As they approach the east a second time, Hierophant rises, holding up the cup
of water. Hegemon and Practicus halt.)
HIEROPHANT: "The priest with the mask of Osiris spake and said, 'I am Water,
stagnant and silent and still, reflecting all, concealing all. I am the past; I am the
inundation. He who riseth from the Great Waters is my name. Hail unto ye, Dwellers of
the Land of Night! For the rending of Darkness is near."
( Hegemon leads Practicus round to Hiereus who raises cup in hand as they approach.
Hegemon and Practicus halt before him.)
HIEREUS: "The priest with the mask of Horus spoke and said, 'I am Water, turning and
troubled. I am the banisher of peace in the vast abode of the Waters. None is so
strong that can withstand the Great Waters, the vastness of their terror, the magnitude
of their fear, the roar of their thundering voice. I am the future, mist clad and shrouded
in gloom. I am the recession of the torrent. The storm veiled in terror is my name. Hail
unto the mighty powers of Nature and the Chiefs of the Whirling Storm.'"
( Hegemon takes the Practicus round to his own seat, takes up cup.)
HEGEMON: "The Priestess with the mask of Isis spoke and said, 'The traveller of the
gates of Anubis is my name. I am Water, pure and limpid, ever flowing on toward the
sea. I am the ever passing present that stands in the place of the past. I am the
fertilized land. Hail unto thee dwellers of the Wings of the Morning.'"
( Hegemon replaces cup and leads Practicus to a seat west of the Cubical Altar, and
returns to place.)
HIEROPHANT: (Rising.) "I arise in the place of the gathering of the Waters, through
the rolled back cloud of night. From the Father of Waters went forth the spirit, rending
asunder the veils of Darkness. And there was but a vastness of silence and of depth in
the place of the gathering Waters. Terrible was the silence of that uncreated world,
immeasurable the depth of that Abyss. And the countenances of Darkness half formed
arose, they abode not, they hasted away and in the Darkness of vacancy, the Spirit
moved and the light-bearers existed for a space.
I have said darkness of darkness, are not the countenances of darkness fallen
with the kings? Do the Sons of the Night of Time last forever? And have they not yet
passed away? Before all things are the waters and the darkness and the gates of the
Land of Night. And the Chaos cried aloud for the unity of form, and the face of the
Eternal arose. Before the glory of that countenance the night rolled back and the
darkness hasted away. In the waters beneath was the face reflected, in the formless
Abyss of the void. From those eyes darted rays of terrible splendor which crossed with
the currents reflected. That brow and those eyes formed the triangle of the
measureless heavens, and their reflections formed the Eternal Hexad, the number of
the dawning creation."
( Hegemon conducts the Practicus to the foot of the Hierophant's throne. Handing to
the Hierophant the cross.)
HIEROPHANT: "The Calvary Cross of Twelve Squares fitly represents the zodiac
which embraces the Waters of Nu, as the ancient Egyptians called the heavens, the
Waters which be above the firmament. It also alludes to the Eternal River of Eden,
divided into four heads which find their correlations in the four triplicities of the zodiac."
(Places cross aside.)
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary | www.sacred-magck.com
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