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[777] On the limitations of tantric formulae: Let's leave names aside for the moment
Of the Eleventh Degree, its powers, privileges, and qualifications, nothing
whatever is said in any grade. It has no relation to the general plan of the
Order, is inscrutable, and dwells in its own palace. (Liber CXCIV)
The Inscrutable Palace
Collected Works Concerning The XIº O.T.O.
Draft Version 2.5
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Table of Contents
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The nature of the XIº in OTO is a controversial subject at best. It has been suggested that Crowley
designed the degree as a counterpoint to the IXº of that same Order. Enough has been written on the IXº
to suggest that it is both a powerful sex magical working and formula between a man and a woman. This
piece is an ever-evolving work to include as much information concerning the XIº as can be found. There
is much to be discovered and several pieces of interest that are as of yet to be included. There is a great
deal to be assumed to date and over time these assumptions can be turned to either fact or fiction by the
revelations to come. It has been said that there are those
… who state that Crowley gave up on the eleventh degree in his later years, that this also is
contradicted by written evidence left us by both Crowley himself and his associates. My apologies if
the current Grand Treasurer General of Ordo Templi Orientis takes this personally. Rather it was the
ninth degree that he finally let lapse from his life. In addition to Frater L.T. and a host of others, there
was Mohamahd Ibn Rahman (see the dedication to Crowley's play The Scorpion) with whom he spent
his later years almost exclusively receiving the Sacrament of Shiraz. Also it was with or during the
Opus with Mohamahd that his first genuine hallucination (I use his own words) or elemental
manifestation, or visible contact with the Secret Chiefs […] occurred. All of this has been, as I have
said, documented. Some people I suppose just like to read those things they already think. 1
It seems that various individuals and even the Order itself have filled the history of the XIº with
misunderstanding, blinds, and animosity. In an attempt to fill in the blanks, I have collected as much
information as I can find into one location. There is not a lot of information to begin with. What little
information is found is assumed from the chicken scratch for rituals that Crowley left, the reading between
the lines of various articles and footnotes Crowley used to blind the reality of this degree, and the
research of others in this field.
Most have assumed that the XIº was homosexual in nature, that it was sex magick performed
between two men in some manner analogous to the male/female partnership of the IXº. I submit that the
XIº goes beyond such gender identification and has, in fact, several modes of operation. I submit that it is
most definitely a subversive formula that breaks down the very foundations of our normal social
interactions. I submit that if the XIº OTO were to come to light in the honesty of Crowley's intentions, the
results would be found within these pages with less ambiguity. I submit that while the practices may be
sexual in nature, the formula of the degree is beyond sexuality and holds fast to and provides the method
behind the claim of OTO of "a Secret capable of realizing the world-old dream of the Brotherhood of
Man." I submit that there is another formula as yet unknown that complements what is known and it is my
desire to someday reveal that formula as I have the one in these pages.
This said I submit for review the following information without prejudice to my own opinions. It
attempts to document the known writings on the subject of the formula as well as provide the background
for a revival of this formula in its original form. It collects material from Crowley as well as from others that
succeeded him and their attempts to understand this elusive degree. I am convinced that the XIº does
indeed exists outside the regular "order" of things in the OTO structure and that any attempt to regulate it
brings it into the initiatory structure and defeats the purpose of the degree itself. In order for the XIº to
contain the revolutionary formula it must be subversive and lofty, for in the XIº is found the true secret of
the Order and the realization of True Brotherhood.
1 The Magical Record Of Meithras XIº Copyright 1996 Trident Publishing.
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Historical Information (Crowley):
Copyright Information:
All of this material is copyright Ordo Templi Orientis. All Rights Reserved. The information is here reproduced in an
effort to bring all this material into one location. There is no intent to infringe on the copyrights of the Order.
Crowley wrote very little concerning this degree explicitly. The rituals that exist are mere fluff to the
real work. The Paris Working , for instance, may well be an XIº working, but it reveals nothing of the
formula itself. It has been suggested that there are diary entries from Crowley that give more details but
these have yet to be released for examination. What does surface eventually will be included here for
examination. Rumor has it that his comments extend to a mixed gender working of the formula. There is
also rumor of more specific degree documents for this degree in existence.
The sum total of Crowley's comments (found to date) that are in reference to this degree are as
The Tower Card, from the Book of Thoth Tarot
Atu XVI: The Tower
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From Liber 111, The Book of Wisdom or Folly
De Arcano Nefando. 2
O my Son, learn this concerning Magick, that the Yang moveth, and thus giveth itself up
Eternally; but the Yin moveth not, seeking ever to enclose or restrict, reproducing in its own
likeness what Impressions soever it made thereon, yet without Surrender. Now the Tao
absorbeth all without Reproduction; so then let the Yang turn thereto, and not unto the Yin. And
that thou mayst understand this, I say: It is a Mystery of O.T.O. For the Sun ariseth not and
entereth to strike upon the High Altar of the Minster by the Great Western Gates, but by the Rose
Oriel doth he make Way and Progress in His Pageant. O my Son, the Doors of Silver are wide
open, and they tempt thee with their Beauty: but by the narrow Portal of Pure Gold shalt thou
come nobly to thy Sanctuary. Behold! Thou knowest not how perfect is this Magick; it is the
dearest-bought and holiest of our Arcana. What then is like unto my Love toward Thee, that
bestoweth upon thee this Treasure of my Wisdom? My Son, neglect it not; for it is the Exorcism
of Exorcisms, and the Enchantment of Enchantments.
De Formula Tota. 3
Here then is the Schedule for all the Operations of Magick. First: thou shalt discover thy true
Will, as I have already taught thee, and that Bud thereof which is the Purpose of this Operation.
Next, formulate this Bud-Will as a Person, seeking or constructing it, and naming it according
to thine Holy Qabalah, and its infallible Rule of Truth.
Third: purify and consecrate this Person, concentrating upon him and against all else. This
Preparation shall continue in all thy daily Life. Mark well, make ready a new Child immediately
after every Birth.
Fourth: make an especial and direct Invocation at thy Mass, before the Introit, formulating a
visible Image of this Child, and offering the Right of Incarnation.
Fifth: perform the Mass, not omitting the Epiklesis, and let there be a Golden Wedding Ring
at the Marriage of thy Lion with thine Eagle.
Sixth: at the Consumption of the Eucharist accept this Child, losing thy Consciousness in him,
until he be well assimilated with thee.
Now then do this continuously, for by Repetition cometh forth both Strength and Skill, and the
Effect is cumulative, if thou allow no Time to dissipate itself.
De Formula Feminae 4
F µ
Now this is the right Power and Property of a Woman, to arrange and to adjust all Things that
exist in their proper Sphere, but not to create or to transcend. Therefore in all practical Matters is
she of Might and of Wit to produce an Effect consonant with her Mood. And her Symbol is Water,
that seeketh the Level, whether for Wrath, eating away the Mountains (yet even in this making
smooth the Plains) or for Love, in Fecundity of Earth. But it is the Fire of Man that hath heaved
up those Mountains, in huge Turmoil. Man them maketh Mischief and Trouble by his Violence,
be his Will convenient to His Environment, or antipathetic; but Woman disturbeth by Manipulation,
2 {On the Unutterable Secret}
3 {On the Complete Formula}
4 {On the Formula of Woman}
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