True Book of the Jesuits.pdf

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This little booklet appeared in volume 2 of Scheible’s Das Kloster . The date is obvious spurious since
the Jesuit Order wasn’t created until 1554.
Translation by Joseph H. Peterson, copyright 2000, is indicated in square brackets [...]. Part of the
translation is from A.E. Waite, Book of Ceremonial Magic (p. 110, 329-333, etc.) Corrections to Waite
are marked as follows:
<...> error in Waite’s text to be deleted.
[...] corrected text to be added.
Waite also rearranged the text, which I have restored to the original order.
Title page
Conjurations for all evil spirits (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
The Jesuits’ Discharge
Conjuration of Usiel
Cyprian’s Citation of the Angels
A Conjuration for the Spirit Guardians of Hidden Treasure
The Dismissal of Cyprian
fortissima coactio et constrictio omnium malorum
Spirituum cujuscunque generis, conditionis, status vel
officii sint.
The True Book of the
containing most powerful
conjurations for all evil spirits of
whatever state, condition and office
they are,
a most powerful and approved
fortissima et probatissima
Huic est annixa
ejusque Conjuratio Spiritus,
qui thesaurum abscondidit,
una cum illorum Dismissione.
conjuration of the Spirit <Uriel>
to which is added
Invocation of Angels,
and his Conjuration of the Spirits
guarding Hidden Treasures, together
with a form for their dismissal.
Paris, 1508.
[The True Book of
the Jesuits]
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary |
Conjuration I.
Somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas
Nocturnos lemures, portentaque Thessala risu
Excipio. -Horatius.
[Conjuration 1.]
Ego N. indignissima creatura Domini nostri Jesu Christi
et servus Dei peto, voco et exorcizo te, Spiritum , per
aquam +, aërem +, ignem, et terram +, et quicquid in his
vitam ducit et versatur, et se movet aut movetur, et per
sanctissima nomina Jesu Christi:
[I N, most unworthy creature of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and servant of
God, I ask, call, and exorcise you
spirits, by water +, air +, fire +, and
earth +, and by all beings living and
moving therein, and by the most
sacred name of Jesus Christ:]
Hagios +, ischiros +, paraclitus +, alpha et omega +,
initium et finis +, Deus + et homo +, Zebaoth +, Adonai
+, Agla +, Tetragrammaton +, Abua +, Deus +, Eljon +,
Jana, Jehova, Deus Sachnaton +, Arumna +, Messias +,
Cherab +, Misol +, Ambriel +, Achteol +, Jachenas +, et
per vim Dei Patris + et per vim Dei Filii + et per vim
Spiritus Sancti +, et per quae verba Salomon et Manasses
spiritus exorcizavit et per quæ tu Spiritus ,
quomodocunque exorcizari potes, ut tu hoc momento, uti
Isaac Abramo obediens fuit, ita etiam mihi obedire
debeas et compareas coram me in pulcra, affabili et
humana forma et afferas mihi (ex abysso maris) N.
milliones optimi auri expensibilis ubique monetae
Hispanicae sine ullo tumulto, damno corporis et animæ,
absque omni prorsus nocumento, sine strepitu, fulgure,
tempestate, sine terrore et tremore et pone istam
summam in circulum. Ego hoc mando tibi, Spiritus , per
virtutem Dei Patris + Dei Filii +, Dei Spiritus S. + et per
vim, per quod omnia creata et facta sunt. Fiat + + + !
[Hagios +, Ischiros +, Paraclitus +,
Alpha and Omega +, the Beginning
and the End +, God + and man +,
Zebaoth +, Adonai +, Agla +,
Tetragrammaton +, Abua +, Deus +,
Eljon +, Jana, Jehova, Deus
Sachnaton +, Arumna +, Messias +,
Cherab +, Misol +, Ambriel +,
Achteol +, Jachenas +, and by the
might of God the Father +, and by the
might of God the Son +, and by the
might of the Holy Spirit +, and by the
words with which Solomon and
Manasses exorcised the spirits, and
by the words which have power over
you, that you obey immediately, even
as you obeyed Isaac and Abraham.
Appear before me in a beautiful,
affable, and human form, and bring to
me (from the depths of the seas) N.
million of the best Spanish gold
without any disturbance, or else I will
damn you body [sic] and soul,
abstaining wholly from all harm,
without noise, lightning, or tempest,
without terror and trembling, and
place yourself before me outside this
circle. I command this of you, O
Spirit, by the virtue of God the Father
+, God the Son +, and God the Holy
Spirit + and by the might by which
everything was created and made. So
be it + + +!]
[I N, servant of God, call, summon,
and exorcise you, O Spirit! by the
holy apostles and disciples of God, by
the holy Evangelists, by St. Matthew,
St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John, and
by the three holy men Shadrach,
Mesach, and Abednego, and by all
the holy Patriarchs, Prophets,
Confessors, Priests, and Levites, and
by the chastity of all the holy virgins,
and by the most holy and terrible
Ego N. servus Dei, voco, cito, exorcizo te, o Spiritus! per
sanctos apostolos et discipulos Dei, per sanctos
Evangelistas, sanctum Matthaeum, sanctum Marcum,
sanctum Lucam, sanctum Johannem, et per tres sanctos
viros: Sadrach, Mesach et Abednego, et per omnes
sanctos Patriarchas, Prophetas, et Confessores,
Sacerdotes, et Levitas, et per castitatem omnium
virginum sanctarum, et per sanctissima et terribilissima
verba: Aphriel, Diefriel, Zada, Zadai, Lamabo,
Lamogella, Caratium, Lamogellay, Logim, Lassim lepa,
Adeo, Deus, Aleu, Aboy, Aboy, Alon pion dhon,
mibizimi, mora, abda, zeud, et per tres sanctos magos:
Casparum, Melchiorem et Balthasarum, et per quæ
Salomon, Manasses et Agrippa et Cyprianus spiritus
exorcizaverunt et coëgerunt, et sicut Christus in pace
summa venit et ita veniet; sic compare coram me in
pulcra, affabili, et humana forma, et affer mihi (ex
abysso maris) N. milliones optimi auri et expensibilis
ubique monetae Hispanicae sine ullo tumultu, damno
corporis et animae, absque omni nocumento, sine
strepitu, fulgure, tempestate, sine terrore et tremore, et
pone istam summam in circulum. Et hoc mando tibi per
sanctissimæ Dei matris Mariæ omniumque præcipuorum
martyrum Dei merita.
Aphriel, Diefriel, Zada, Zadai,
Lamabo, Lamogella, Caratium,
Lamogellay, Logim, Lassim lepa,
Adeo, Deus, Aleu, Aboy, Aboy, Alon
pion dhon, mibizimi, mora, abda,
zeud, and by the three holy Magi:
Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, and
by that which Solomon, Manasses,
Agrippa, and Cyprian knew and
exorcised the spirits and by the
ascension of Christ into the highest
realms of peace,
that you appear before me in a
beautiful affable, and human form,
and bring me (from the depths of the
seas) N. million of the best Spanish
gold without any disturbance, or else
I will damn you body [sic] and soul,
abstaining wholly from all harm,
without noise, lightning, or tempest,
without terror and trembling, and
place yourself before me outside this
circle. And this I command you by
the most holy Mother of God Mary,
and by all the merits of the principal
Martyrs of God.]
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary |
[I N, a servant of God, call, summon,
and impel you, O Spirit, by all the
holy angels and archangels, by holy
Michael, holy Gabriel, holy
Raphael, and holy Uriel, and by the
holy Thrones, Dominations,
Principalities, Powers, Virtues,
Cherubim, and Seraphim, whose
incessant voices proclaim: Holy,
Holy, Holy! And by the most holy
Ego N. servus Dei, voco, cito et urgeo te, Spiritum, per
omnes sanctos angelos et archangelos, sanctum
Michaëlem, sanctum Gabrielem, sanctum Raphaëlem,
sanctum Urielem, sanctos thronos, dominationes,
principatus, potestates, virtutes, Cherubim et Seraphim,
qui incessabili voce proclamant: Sanctus, sanctus,
sanctus! et per sanctissima verba: Noab, soter, emanuel,
adonai, el, elly, elloy, braun, josepha, jonas, calphia,
calphas, et per quæ Salomon et Manasses, Agrippa et
Cyprianus spiritus coëgerunt, et per quæ,
quomodocunque exorcizari potes, et sicut Jesus Christus
suis parentibus obediens fuit; ita mihi obediens esto et
compare coram me in pulera, affabili et humano forma et
affer mihi (ex abysso maris) N. milliones optimi auri et
expensibilis monetae hispanicae sine ullo tumultu,
damno corporis et animæ, absque omni prorsus
nocumento, sine strepitu, fulgure, tempestate, sine timore
et tremore, et pone istam summam in circulum. Et hoc
mando tibi per virtutem Dei Patris +, Dei Filii +, et Dei
Spiritus Sancti +.
Noab, Soter, Emanuel, Adonai, El,
Elly, Elloy, Braun, Josepha, Jonas,
Calphia, Calphas, and by those which
Solomon, Manasses, Agrippa, and
Cyprian commingled with spirits, and
by those with the power to exorcise
you, and even as Jesus was obedient
to his parents, so be obedient to me,
and appear before me in a beautiful,
affable, and human form, bringing to
me (from the depths of the waters) N.
millions of the best Spanish gold
without any disturbance, or else I will
damn you body [sic] and soul,
abstaining wholly from all harm,
without noise, lightning, or tempest,
without terror and trembling, and
place yourself before me outside this
circle. And this I command by the
power of God the Father +, God the
Son, and God the Holy Spirit.]
[I, N., a servant of God, call,
summon, and exorcise thee, O Spirit!
by the wisdom of Solomon, by the
obedience of Isaac, by the blessing of
the tribe of Abraham, by the piety of
Jacob and Noah, who didn’t sin
against God. By the serpent of Moses
and by the twelve tribes of Israel, and
by the most holy words:
Ego N. servus Dei, voco, cito et exorcizo te, O Spiritus!
per sapientiam Salomonis, per obedientiam Isaac, per
benedictionem tribus Abraham, per pietatem Jacob et
Noë, qui in Deum non peccaverunt. Per serpentem Mosis
et per duodecim tribus Israël, et per sanctissima verba:
abill, dellia, dellion, ensusellas, jazy, zataël, olam,
dithaton, sathos, sathos, reckamaton, anab, illi, hogo,
adathgiur, gueb, suna, amon, deuth, alos gaoth, egaoth,
lilu, et per illa verba, quibus Salomon, Manasses,
Agrippa et Cyprianus Spiritus coëgerunt, et sicut Deus
sanctissimam suam Matrem sancto Ioanni commendavit,
cum ex mundo discessit; ita mando ego tibi hoc
momento, ut coram me comparcas in pulchra, affabili et
humana forma et afferas mihi, (ex abysso maris) N.
milliones optimi auri, et expensibilis ubique monetae
hispanicae, sine ullo tamen damno corporis et animæ,
absque omni prorsus noctumento, sine strepitu, fulgure,
tempestate, sine terrore et tremore et pone hanc summarn
in circulum; hoc mando tibi per sanctissimam Trinitatem.
Abill, Dellia, Dellion, Ensusellas,
Jazy, Zataël, Olam, Dithaton, Sathos,
Sathos, Reckamaton, Anab, Illi,
Hogo, Adathgiur, Gueb, Suna, Amon,
Deuth, Alos Gaoth, Egaoth, Lilu.
And by the words with which
Solomon, Manasses, Agrippa, and
Cyprian commingled with the spirits,
and by the words related by St. John,
which the most holy Mother of God
spoke when departing from this
world, so I also commend myself to
you, and I command you to appear
immediately before me in a beautiful,
affable, and human form and bring
me (from the depths of the seas) N.
million of the best Spanish gold
without any disturbance, or else I will
damn you body [sic] and soul,
abstaining wholly from all harm,
without noise, lightning, or tempest,
without terror and trembling, and
place yourself before me outside this
circle; this I command by the holy
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary |
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