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The Sword of Moses
An ancient Hebrew/Aramaic book of magic
Translated by M. Gaster, 1896
Note: Dr. Gaster omitted transcription of holy names, marking them X in the text.
Text marked by [] added by J.H.Peterson.
I. The Sword of Moses.
In the name of the mighty and holy God!
Four angels are appointed to the “Sword” given by the Lord, the Master of mysteries, and they
are appointed to the Law, and they see with penetration the mysteries from above and below; and
MRGIZIAL, UHDRZIULU, TUTRISI] And over these are five others, holy and mighty, who medi-
tate on the mysteries of God in the world for seven hours every day, and they are appointed to thou-
sands of thousands, and to myriads of thousands of Chariots, ready to do the will of their Creator, X
[AHI HI HIH], the Lord of Lords and the honoured God; these are their names — X [MHIHUGTzI
PJDUThThGM, ASQRIHU, CIThINIJUM, QThGNIPRI]. And the Master of each Chariot upon
which they are appointed wonders and says: “Is there any number of his armies?” And the least of
these Chariots is lord and master over those (above) four. And over these are three chiefs of the hosts
of the Lord, who make every day tremble and shake His eight halls, and they have the power over
every creature. Under them stand a double number of Chariots, and the least of them is lord and
master over all the above Chiefs (rulers); and these are their names — X [ASHHI CTRISHUIH
SHUThGIAIH]. And the name of the Lord and king is X [PSQThIH], who sits, and all the heavenly
hosts kneel, and prostrate themselves before Him daily before leaving X [GQTZ’’CLAH], who is the
Lord over all.
And when thou conjure him he will attach himself to thee, and cause the other five Chiefs and
their Chariots, and the lords that stand under them, to attach themselves to thee just as they were
ordered to attach themselves to Moses, son of Amram, and to attach to him all the lords that stand
under them; and they will not tarry in their obeisance, and will not withhold from giving authority to
the man who utters the conjuration over this “Sword,” its mysteries and hidden powers, its glory and
might, and they will not refuse to do it, as it is the command of God X [ABDUHU] saying: “Ye shall
not refuse to obey a mortal who conjures you, nor should you be different to him from what you were
to Moses, son of Amram, when you were commanded to do so, for he is conjuring you with My
Ineffable names, and you render honour to My name and not to him. If you should refuse I will burn
you, for you have not honoured Me.”
Each of these angels had communicated to him (Moses) a propitious thing for the proper time.
These things (words) are all words of the living God and King of the Universe, and they said to him:
“If thou wishest to use this ‘Sword’ and to transmit it to the following generations, (then
know) that the man who decides to use it must first free himself three days previously from accidental
pollution and from everything unclean, eat and dring once every evening, and must eat the bread
from a pure man or wash his hands first in salt (?), and drink only water; and no one is to know that he
intends using this ‘Sword,’ as therein are the mysteries of the Universe, and they are practised only in
secret, and are not communicated but to the chaste and pure. On the first day when you retire from
(the world) bathe once and no more, and pray three times daily, and after each prayer recite the
following Blessing: —
“Blessed art thou [QUSIM], O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who openest the gates of
the East and cleavest the windows of the firmament of the Orient, and givest light to the whole world
and its inhabitants, with the multitude of His mercies, with His mysteries and secrets, and teachest
Thy people Israel Thy secrets and mysteries, and hast revealed unto them the “Sword” used by the
world; and Thou sayest unto them: “If anyone is desirous of using this ‘Sword,’ by which every wish
is fulfilled and every secret revealed, and every miracle, marvel, and prodigy are performed, then
speak to Me in the following manner, read before Me this and that, and conjure in such and such a
wise, and I will instantly be prevailed upon and be well disposed towards you, and I will give you
authority over this Sword, by which to fulfil all that you desire, and the Chiefs will be prevailed upon
by you, and my holy ones will be well disposed towards you and they will fulfil instantly your wishes,
and will deliver to you my secrets and reveal to you my mysteries, and my words they will teach you
and my wonders they will manifest to you, and they will listen and serve you as a pupil his master, and
your eyes will be illuminated and your heart will see and behold all that is hidden, and your size will be
increased.” Unto Thee I call, X [SUQIM], Lord of the Universe. Thou art He who is called X [IHUGH
HU], King of the Universe. Thou art called X [AThHU], merciful king. Thou art called X [PHUZGH],
gracious king. Thou art called X [ZHUThGIHH] living king. Thou art called X [TZHPRUHU
HUH], humble king. Thou art called X [SPTHUThHU], righteous king. Thou art called X [QGIUHI
HU], lofty king. Thou art called X [CHRU SGHURI], perfect king. Thou art called X [SPQS HPIH],
upright king. Thou art called X [QThThH GThHI], glorious king. Thou art called X [PThRIS
HUPIHU], youthful king. Thou art called X [ROPQ TzIUHIH], pleasant king. Thou art called X
[JUSH IHU], and thou listenest to my prayer, for Thou hearkenest unto prayer; and attach unto me
Thy servants the lords of the “Sword,” for Thou art their king, and fulfil my desire, for evening is in
Thy hands, as it is written: “Thou openest thine hand and satisfiest every living being with favour.”
“I conjure you, Azliel [AZLI-AL] called X [HURI ZHI]; I conjure you, Arel [ARAL] called X
[SQRISIHIH], Ta’aniel [TONI-AL] called X [AAThRTzAHIH], Tafel [TPAL] called X [HUPQI
HUH AHIH], and the most glorious of these Yofiel Mittron [IUPIAL MITTRUN] called X [HLIKIH
HUH], the glory from above. With the permission of my king (I conjure) Yadiel [IDIAL] called X
[SGHUH HIH], Ra’asiel [ROCI-AL] called X [MHUPThKIHIITz], Haniel [JNIAL] called X [RHU
PGTIH], Haniel [HNIAL] called X [PHUTzPNIGIH], Asrael [AShRAL] called X
[ThHMUThIHIH], Yisriel [UIShRIAL] called X [QNIThI PTzIH], A’shael [OShHAL] called X
[IHUTh NTHIHIH], Amuhael [OMUHAL] called X [RUPNIGIH USSIH], and Asrael [UATzRAL]
called X [ShHGNU ThGIHH], that you attach yourselves to me and surrender the “Sword” to me,
so that I may use it according to my desire, and that I find shelter under the shadow of our Lord in
heaven in the glorious Name, the mighty and awe-inspiring X [HU HI HHI HU HH AH UH IH IH
UH IH HU HUH IHI HU IH AHIH MH UH], the twenty-four letters from the Crown; that you
deliver unto me with this “Sword” the secrets from above and below, the mysteries from above and
below, and my wish be fulfilled and my word. hearkened unto, and my prayer (supplication) received
through the conjuration with the Ineffable name of God which is glorified in the world, through
which all the heavenly hosts are tied and bound; and this is the Ineffable Name — X [HH HH HUH
UH IH UI H], blessed be he! (I conjure you) that you shall not refuse me nor hurt me, nor frighten
and alarm me, in the tremendous Name of your king, the terror of whom rests upon you, and who is
AH HH HA HIH AH ZQDIDRIH]. Fulfil for me everything that I have been conjuring you for, and
serve me, for I have conjured you not with the name of one who is great among you but with that of
the Lord over all, whose name ties and binds and keeps and fastens all the heavenly hosts. And if you
should refuse me, I will hand you over to the Lord God and to his Ineffable name, whose wrath and
anger and fire are kindled, who honours his creatures with one letter of his name, and is called X
QLTzG]; so that if you refuse he will destroy you, and you will not he found when searched after. And
you preserve me from shortness of spirit and weakness of body in the name of X [JZQAI AHIH UH
the guardian of Israel. Blessed art Thou, who understandest the secrets and revealest the mysteries,
and art king of the Universe.’”
A voice warn heard in the heavens, the voice of the Lord of heavens, saying: “I want a light
(swift) messenger (to go) to man, and if he fulfils my message my sons will become proud of the
‘Sword’ which I hand over to them, which is the head of all the mysteries of which also my seers have
spoken, that thus will my word be, as it is said: ‘Is not my word like as fire? saith the Lord’” (Jer. xxiii,
29). Thus spoke X [PGNININU GSIH], the lord of heaven and earth; and I, Assi Asisih and Apragsih
[APRGSIH], the light (swift) messenger, who am pleased with my messages and delighted with my
sending, ascended before Him, and the Lord over all commanded me: “Go and make this known to
men who are pious and good and pure and righteous and faithful, whose heart is not divided and in
whose mouth is no duplicity, who do not lie with their tongues and do not deceive with their lips, who
do not grasp with their hands and are not lustful with their eyes, who do net run after evil, keep aloof
from every uncleanness, depart from every defilement, keep themselves holy from contamination,
and do not approach woman.” When the Lord ever all commanded me thus, I, X [ASSI ASS UAS IS-
IH UAPRGSIH], the swift messenger, went down to earth, and I said on my way: “Where is the man
who possesses all these that I should go to him and place this with him?” And I asked myself, and
thought in my heart that there is no man who would do all this that I wished; and I found none, and
it was heavy unto me. And the Lord over all conjured me by His mighty right arm, and by the lustre
of His glory and His glorious crown, with an oath of His mighty right arm, and He conjured me, and
the lord over all strengthened me and I did not fall. I thus stood up, I, X [ASSI ASS U ASIS IH
UAPRGSIH], to put NN in the possession of the desired covenant, in the name of X [QMBGL-
“This is the great and glorious Name which has been given as a tradition to man — X [IH BIH
IIAH HH HAH HUAH HHUH HII HU HU HI], holy, glorious, glorious, Selah. Recite it after thy
prayers. — And these are the names of the angels that minister to the son of man — Mittron, Sgrdtsih,
Mqttro, Sngotiqtel, etc., etc., etc. (28 names) [MITTRUN SGRDThTzIH MQTTRUN
IH].” “In a similar manner shall you serve me NN; and receive my prayer and my orisons, and bring
them to God [IHUH] X [HH SHH AHH HH UH UH], blessed be He! for I adjure you in His name,
and I extol you (to ascend), like unto the bird that flies from its nest, and remember my meritorious
deeds before Him and (make Him) forgive now my sins on account of my words of supplication, and
you may not refuse me in the name of X [HH-HH-UH-UIH- IH-UIH-UH-UH-UIHH- UIH-
AH-HHUI-AHU-IA- HI-HI-HU-HU-IHU-H H-HUH-IH-UH], blessed be He! Sabaoth, Sabaoth
[TzBAUTh, TZBAUTh], Selah. His servants sanctify Him and praise Him with sweet melody, and
say: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of holy name; the whole earth is full of His glory”; and do not refuse
me, in the name of X, who lives for ever, and in the name of Ditimon, etc., X, and in the name X of the
great One from whom nothing is hidden, who sees and is not seen, and in the name of Him who is the
chief over the heavens and is called X. And the King of the Universe utters (this name) also in a
different manner, thus — X. You swift messenger, do not tarry and do not frighten me, but come and
do all my wants in the name of X, the great One, who sees and is not seen, AHVH, whose Ineffable
Name is revealed to the heavenly hosts; and I conjure you by this Ineffable Name, such as it was
revealed to Moses by the mouth of the Lord over all, X, the Lord Sabaoth is His name. Blessed art
thou, O God, lord of mighty acts, who knowest all the mysteries.”
And which are the letters which X communicated to Moses? He said to him: “If thou wishest
to get wise and to use the ‘Sword,’ call me, and conjure me, and strengthen me, and fortify me, and
say: ‘X, with the great, holy, wonderful, pure, precious, glorious, and awe-inspiring secret Name X,
with these letters I conjure thee to surrender to me and make me wise and attach to me the angels
which minister to the “Sword,” in the name of the Revealer of mysteries. Amen.’”
Write with ink on leather and carry about with you during those three days of purification,
and invoke before and after prayer the following Names communicated to Moses by Mrgiiel, X, by
Trotrosi, X, etc. (the 13 Chiefs mentioned at the beginning, and a long string of other mysterious
names which are said to have been communicuted to Moses). “And they have not hidden from him
any of these sacred Ineffable names or letters, and have not given him instead the Substitutes of any of
these sacred letters, for thus were they ordered by the Lord of all mysteries to communicate to him
this ‘Sword,’ with these Names which constitute the mysteries of this ‘Sword’; and they said to him
‘Command the generations which will come after thee to say the following blessing prior to their
prayer, lest they be swept away by the fire’: ‘Blessed art Thou, X, who wast with Moses; he also with
me, Thou, whose name is X. Send me X, who is the cover of the Cherubim, to help me. Blessed art
Thou, Lord of the Sword.’”
Whoever is desirous of using this ‘Sword’ must recite his usual prayers, and at the passage
“Thou hearkenest to prayer” say: “I conjure you four princes X, servants of Hadirion, X, that you
receive my invocation before I pray, and my supplication before I entreat, and fulfil all my wishes
through this ‘Sword,’ as you have done to Moses, in the glorious and wonderful name of the Lord of
wonders, which is interpreted thus — X.” He must then call the five superior Chiefs and say: “I
conjure you, X, that you accept my conjuration as soon as I conjure you, and you attach to me those
four princes and all the hosts of Chariots over which you preside, to fulfil all my wishes through this
‘Sword’ by this beloved name X.” He must then call the three angels that are superior to these, and
say: “I conjure you, X, the beloved of X, who is Hadiririon, that you attach yourselves to me and
attach to me X, who are standing under your rule, to fulfil all my wishes through this ‘Sword’ by this
unique name X.” And then he must lay hold of the highest Chief over all and say: “I conjure thee, X,
strong and powerful Chief over all the heavenly hosts, that thou attachest thyself to me, thou and not
thy messenger, and attach to me all the Chiefs that are with thee, to fulfil my wishes through this
‘Sword,’ by the name X, which has no substitute, for thou art beloved and he is beloved, and I am
from the seed of Abraham called the beloved. Blessed art thou, King of the mysteries, Lord of the
secrets, who hearkenest unto prayer.”
And he is not to touch this “Sword” ere he has done all these things; afterwards he will be able
to do whatever he likes, everything being written here following in its proper order.
II. This is the “Sword.”
[It consists of a series of mysterious names of God or angels, to which the recipes in Part III
refer. The first list commences with Tobat, Tsbr, etc. (1-5). These numbers are added by me to make
the formulas run parallel with their magical applications in Part III, as already explained in the Intro-
duction. I refer to them as they break up this part in convenient smaller portions, and are easily
discernible. After these follow the words]: “With these your Names, and with the powers you possess,
to which there is nowhere anything like (I conjure you) to show me and to search for me, and to bring
me X to do all my bidding in the name of X,” and, again, a list of names, that have no special charac-
teristic in common. Nos. 20-24 are all names commencing with JJ; some of these finish with JH. 24-
36 all these names have the word Sabaoth attached to them. To 41-47 HVH is added. From Nos. 51-
93 all the names are composite; they appear as names of sons, the name of the father being added to
each of these, close upon 160 names, e.g.: Sagnis, son of Srngia; Ssgn, son of ‘Arggis; Atumi, son of
Batumi; Ahsuti, son of Kkthus; Agupi, son of Abkmi, etc. Every name from 102 on to the end of this
part finishes with -el, after which follow varying syllables and words: some are only JH or JV (Nos.
102-105), or a word commencing with ‘A- and finishing with -JH (Nos. l06-lll). Nos. 112-121 are
followed by ARVH, whilst 122-l27=JHVHH, and Nos. 128-134=HVJH. They conclude with the
following words: “Ye sacred angels, princes of the hosts of X, who stand upon the thrones prepared
for them before Him to watch over and to minister to the ‘Sword,’ to fulfil by it all the wants by the
name of the Master over all; you Chiefs of all the angels in the world, X, in the name of X the seal of
heaven and earth, ministers of X the most high God; through you I see X in the world; you are lording
over me in all the place of the Master over all: I pray of you to do everything that I am asking of you,
as you have the power to do everything in heaven and upon earth in the\ name of X, as it is written in
the Law, ‘I am the Lord, this is My name!’”
1. If at full moon (?) a man wishes to unite a woman with a man that they should be as one to
one another, to destroy winds (spirits), demons, and satans, and to stop a ship, and to free a man from
prison, and for every other thing, write on a red bowl from Tobar, etc. (No. 1). — 2. To break moun-
tains and hills, to pass dryshod through the water, to enter the fire, to appoint and to depose kings, to
blind the eyes, to stop the mouth, and to speak to the dead, and to kill the living, to bring down and to
send up and to conjure angels to hearken unto thee, and to see all the mysteries of the world, write
Nos. 1 and 2 upon the saucer of a cup and put in it the root of genip-tree (genipa). — 3. Against a
spirit that moves in the body write on a plate No. 3. — 4. Against a spirit that burns write No. 4. — 5.
Against a spirit in the whole body write No. 5-6. Against a demon (shidda) write No. 6. — 7. Against
shingles write No. 7. — 8. Against quinsy (erysipelas?) say the words of No. 8 over oil of roses and put
it over his face. — 9. For pains in the ear whisper in the painful ear No. 9. — 10. For aches in the eye
say the words No. 10 over water three days running in the morning, and wash the eye with it. — 11.
For cataract say the words of No. 11 over oil of sesame, and anoint the eye with it during seven
mornings. — 12. For grit in the eye say over Kohl No. 12, and fill the eye with it for three mornings.
— 13. For blood that runs from the head whisper No. 13 over the head early in the morning for three
days, when you wash your hands before getting out of bed. — 14. For paralysis say seven times over a
vessel full of water and seven times over sesame-oil the words No. 14, “that it should move away and
leave NN, Amen, Amen, Selah”; and throw the pail of water over his head and anoint him with the
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