Conan d20 1e - Messantia - City of Riches.pdf

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Messantia: City of Riches
Messantia - City of RIches
Book I: Games Master s Guide
History of Messantia
Avenues and Alleyways
Beyond the Walls
Messantia, Day-to-Day
Power and Politics
Movers and Shakers
Games Mastering
Messantia – City of Riches, Book I: Games Master’s Guide is © 2005 Conan Properties International LLC. CONAN®,
CONAN THE BARBARIAN® and related logos, character, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of
Conan Properties International LLC unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd Authorized
User. Conan the Roleplaying Game is released under version 1.0 of the Open Game License. Reproduction of
non-Open Game Content of this work by any means without the written permission of the pulisher is expressly
forbidden. See page 96 for the text of this license. With the exception of the character creation rules detailing
the mechanics of assigning dice roll results to abilities and the advancement of character levels, all game
mechanics and statistics (including the game mechanics of all feats, skills, classes, creatures, spells and
the combat chapter) are declared open content. Printed in China .
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The Chroniclers of Our Time
Greg Lynch
Continuing support for Conan the Roleplaying
Game can be found at , and in the pages
of Signs and Portents magazine.
Editor and Line
Richard Neale
Cover Art
Scott Clark & Chris Quilliams
Interior Artists
Anthea Dilly, Sergio Villa Isaza, Vitor
Ishimura, Celso Mathias, Chad Sergesketter,
Ronald Smith & Alejandro Villen
Studio Manager
Ian Barstow
Production Director
Alexander Fennell
Ron Bedison
Adam Brimmer, Andre Chabot, Simon Galea,
Kenneth Gatt, Robert Hall, Trevor Kerslake, Alan
Marson & Sam Vail
Special Thanks
Theodore Bergquist & Fredrik Malmberg
at Conan Properties.
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Welcome to the Messantia
Messantia stretches before you,
though take heed; for beyond the salt-rimed timbers,
weathered quays and gilded towers of Argos’ greatest city
lie the and clapboard shacks, riotous bazaars and cramped
alleyways, lit only by the flash of knives. Messantia is a
city of intrigue and peril, a city of lords and merchant
houses, all scheming their way through The Thousand
Faces behind the gates and doors of their barricaded villas.
While honest men labour and toil to earn an honest wage
and greedy merchants hoard their gold desperate refugees
and fugitives, gladiators and adventurers kill for copper. So
make ready lads, toss a purse of silvers to the harbourmaster
and make ready to enter the Golden City itself.
Downriver on the Tybor and the Khorotas from Aquilonia,
along the famed Road of Kings and from the streets of
Messantia itself, flows enough wealth to seize a throne or
cast one down. From the city’s busy docks, however, that
wealth, stowed in the holds of trade ships, sails out into the
rest of the world.
This shining metropolis, whose wealth and glory only
partially hide the underbelly of crime and corruption, is as
integral to the Conan stories as are weird beasts and scheming
sorcerers, but Messantia is far more complex than either of
those when presented in a roleplaying setting. Conveying
the bustle, the people, the very feel of a great city is a true
test of a Games Master’s abilities. ‘How do people act?’
‘Where is the best place to buy a sword?’ ‘What is there to
do here?’ ‘What kinds of inns are available?’ All of these are
questions familiar to Games Masters when the characters
enter a city for the first time. Whether the Games Master
is bringing the characters through Messantia’s port on their
way to their next adventure, is planning to run a single city
adventure or even an entire campaign based in Messantia,
the difficulties of convincingly depicting a fantasy city will
arise. Games Masters who have experience running a city
know the devil is in the details, and the details are in this
Like a gilded pearl gleaming in the sand that rises above
the surf, Messantia, the Golden City, capital of Argos and
home to one of the mightiest navies of the Hyborian Age,
glitters on the shore of the Western Ocean.
Standing astride the banks of the Khorotas River and
blessed with a wide, deep-water harbour, Messantia is
perfectly suited to be the trading capital it has become. In
an age as vital and deadly as the Hyborian Age, however, it
takes more than mere geography to build and hold a seat of
power like Messantia. It takes strength, it takes cunning, it
takes avarice and above all, it takes gold.
What is really going on behind Messantia’s guided façade?
These sourcebooks endeavours to answer that question.
Within is a treasure trove of detail to bring the city of
Messantia roaring to life at the gaming table. This series of
books is devoted entirely to this fascinating city, revealing
its history, culture, customs, points of interest, economy,
intrigues and people.
It is an unfortunate fact that Robert E. Howard, Conan’s
creator, left us with only a handful of details about golden
Messantia. In the writing of this sourcebook we have
striven to include all we could from both his works
and those of his successors. As for the rest, it is
all of this author’s creation. With new material
carefully constructed to fit seamlessly with
the old, both players and Games Masters
will find Messantia – City of Riches
a tremendous boon to their own
campaigns in the Hyborian Age.
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