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The United Citizens’ Federation (UCF), a perfect model
of an ordered society, is under attack. Bugs, the soldiers
of a aggressive alien race known as the Arachnids, have re-
emerged with a devastating strike on the sovereign territory
of Pluto. The death toll was high, but we have the tools
and the talent to take this war into their caves and burrows
and make them pay. With the greatest weapons and armour
mankind has ever made, we will prevail. We will not leave
one bug alive; we can kill them all. We must kill them all.
Mobile Infantry Trooper
As a trooper with SICON, your choices are limitless. We
will assess your skills, your talents and your potential to
fi nd your perfect fi t within the military. You may not even
know all your aptitudes, but together we will uncover and
enhance those skills you excel at and turn you into a paragon
of mankind. You will learn how to fi ght, how to lead and
how to defend humanity among the stars. When you have
fi nished your training, you will have an advantage greater
than any soldier in Earth’s history; you will be the fi nest
trooper mankind has ever seen.
How Can I Help?
You have already taken the fi rst step towards citizenship.
By joining the Strategically Integrated Coalition of Nations
(SICON) and signing up for military service, you have
already sent a message to our enemies. We are all ready to
do our part. You have just agreed to become part of the
greatest fi ghting force the universe has ever seen. Each one
of you is a hero. Each one of you carries the fate of the
United Citizens’ Federation on your shoulders. Your choice
to stand up and stand proud is a clear signal to all that you
are the best and the brightest that our race has to offer and
that with your help, Earth cannot fail!
In addition to the best basic training regime that has ever
existed, you may qualify for a specialisation in the military.
This focused training allows you to fulfi l a technical role with
SICON that will set you apart from your fellow troopers.
Your mind and body will be taxed to their limits, but you
will emerge from these specialist fi elds more capable than
ever before. There is no glory without effort, trooper. No
reward without risk!
An army cannot fi ght without communications; without
constant contact there can only be endless anarchy. Without
the ability to co-ordinate his troops, an offi cer cannot hope
to function on the battlefi eld of today. That is where you
will come in. Trained to handle modern communications
gear in combat and report on events as they occur, you are
the eyes, ears and voice of your unit. You are the vital link
between troopers, offi cers and orbital support. If you are up
to the challenge, you can be the most important trooper in
your squad.
You have a long and glorious career ahead of you in SICON,
recruit! You will have the opportunity to work with some
of the most advanced technologies ever produced and wield
the most powerful weapons in the universe. You will be
able to march into battle protected by the best armour in
existence, safe from harm while you lay the enemies of the
Federation low. You will have the fi nest vehicles at your
command, from combat suits to star-spanning spaceships
with more fi repower than a battalion of troopers. You can
take command of your own squad once you prove yourself,
leading the war effort and writing your name in the pages
of history!
The bugs dig in wherever they go, coming out of holes to
attack on all fl anks. They can come at you in waves, endless
tides of mindless death. If the Mobile Infantry had to fi ght
them all on bug terms, it would be a waste of ammunition
and resources. There is a better way – you as a demolitions
expert. With powerful explosives and the precision
equipment needed to maximise their effects, you can kill
more with one bomb than you could with a thousand bullets.
Armed with tactical scale missiles, soft and hard explosives,
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