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Spring 1984, Volume III, Number 1
$2.50 U.S.
$3.50 Canada
ISSN 0739-8018
-Can You Beat Jack Attack?
- More Music
Commodore 64
Commodore Business Machines, Inc.
1200 Wilson Drive. West Chester, PA 193B0
43467 00121
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■home comDutina
...Take on the world, toughen upyour trigger finger and fire away...
to defeat the Wizard and the Warriors,
fighting your way through to the end.
With the new Commodore "MAGIC
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■home computina
Spring 1984, Volume III, Number 1
Jack'sAlmanac bySteveFinkel
Nobody has yetcompleted all 64screensofCommodore'snew
addition to the gamingscene. JackAttack makes you use your
head—so you can squash everybody else's.
Barb in ComputerWonderland byBarbaraKeiter
A studentat Iona College in NewYorkState provides beginning
computerists with an overview of how computersystems work.
50 SID Parameters Selection Table
byJoseph M. Humbert
Use thisprogram to streamline selection ofall the parametersyou
need (attack, decay, sustain, release andwave form} to create
musicon your Commodore 64.
56 The SE Composer byDennisBloomfield
Use yourVIC 20 andSuper Expandercartridge to createsome
beautiful music.
Computer Wonder/and
14 Letters
Ourreaders offeropinionsand advice.
17 Braindrops
From the editor
SE Composer
18 News from the Front
New Commodore Computers Headline the Consumer Electronic Show
Many New Commodore-Related Products Announced by Independents
TheVIC Magician byMichaelTomczyk
Butterfield byJim Butterfield
ConvertingVIC Programs forthe Commodore 64
ASimple Disk Copier forthe Commodore 64
■home computinq
65 The Commodore Challenge Contest
Type and save this month's winner. Tunnel2 by Matt Cislemino. Then fill
out the entry blankand send acopyo( yourbest for the VIC 20. Maybe
you'll be ournext winner!
68 High Scores
How do you measure up in ourongoing competitionV If you beatour
champion gamesters' scores, send in a photo ofthe winning screen.
SIDParameters Table
70 Access: Commodore User Croups
A complete list of usergroups around the world.
78 No More Pencils, No More Books
LearningAbout LOGO byDavid Malmberg
82 Kids'Comer
Touch 'n Grow: The KoalaPad™ by Betsy Byrne
VIC 20 How To by TJ Scimone
Alpha Type by Kevin Kostrzewa
SoYouWant to EakspayIgpay Atinlay byEddieJohnson
ComputerWord Search byJohn Young
104 Jiffies
Eight-Creator by Richard Winters
Program I'izzaz by James R. Miller
Zodiac by Paul Machula
The More-for-22 Subroutine by Kenneth A. Parr
1'oem Writer by Jim Gracely
118 Programs
Stompers: A Game for the Commodore 64 by Steve Proper
125 Tele/Scope
How to Conference on CompuServe by Tony Oiramanico
128 Glitch Fix
When we make a mistake, this iswhere we fix it.
128 Advertisers Index
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