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Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game Collected Rulings File
Last Updated: 08/11/2003
Core Book
Collected rulings and clarifications of the material in the Lord of the Rings RPG Core Book
Page 44: Attributes cannot be higher than 12 + Racial Modifiers at any time, except for certain
spells which may temporarily increase an Attribute. (NOTE: This ruling is modified by rules in the
forthcoming Two Towers Sourcebook that allow attribute maximums to be exceeded on favoured
Page 84: You must have 8+ skill ranks in the relevant Craft skill when making a masterwork item.
Fewer skill ranks are insufficient. For example, a craftsman with the Masterwork order ability and
the skills Craft: Tailor +10, Smithcraft +8, and Stonecraft +5 could make masterwork clothing and
masterwork arms, but not masterwork fortifications.
Page 103: Swift Strike cannot be used for Ranged Combat actions.
Page 116: The maximum number of ranks for any given skill (which is 6 during creation or 12
after) refers only to actual skill ranks, not to any modifiers from Race, Order, Edges or Flaws.
Page 124: Guise can have specialties. Sample specialties for Guise include Specific Culture
(Gondorians, Elves of Mirkwood, etc.) and Specific Profession (Laborers, Learned Folk, etc.).
Page 126: Insight and Inspire can have specialties. Sample specialties for both include Specific
Culture (Dwarves of Erebor, Riders of Rohan, etc.) and Specific Profession (Fighting Folk, Craft-
workers, etc.).
Page 143: It is possible to improve the edge Ally. Each additional pick provides one additional
Page 162: The ground where Snowmane's body was buried grows lush and green. The place
nearby where the Lord of the Nazgul's mount was buried remains black and burned.
Page 169: Spellcasting penalties from having multiple spells in effect expire each day at dawn for
spells cast in the previous 24 hours whose durations are longer than one hour per point of
Bearing. The exception is that penalties from Sorcery spells with durations longer than one hour
per point of Bearing expire at dusk rather than at dawn. For clarity, spells with the duration
'concentration' are not affected by this ruling. Their penalties remain in effect until the spell runs
its course.
Page 207, third column, last paragraph: The test penalty for attacking a character bearing a
shield applies to ranged attacks only. (The rest bonus to parry/block attempts is not affected by
this ruling.)
Page 219: Characters of different sizes do not get the +/- 2 test modifier to Parry combat actions.
If they did, the test modifier based on the size difference would essentially be doubled, since it
would apply once to the attack test, and again to the parry test.
Page 229: Punch/Kick should do 1d6 + Strength Modifier damage.
Page 235: Once a character gains Corruption equal to his Bearing and becomes a non-player
character, his Corruption score is no longer tracked. Rather, his score becomes “Corrupt.”
Page 237, under “Fighting From Horseback”: Add the following text: “When making a mounted
charge, the rider can substitute the horse’s Strength for his own for the purposes of determining
damage and the TN for the target’s check to avoid being knocked prone.”
Page 246: On Table 9.35, the fact that stages are random does not mean a poison varies in the
number of onset stages it has, but rather means you should choose which type of roll you wish to
make and then roll it to determine the number of stages.
Page 278: Like reactions, if your Vitality changes later in the game your health does not
automatically change too. You can buy more health using advancement picks.
Page 278: There are limits to how much you can increase a skill with one Advancement. Order
Skills: 2 Ranks, Non-Order Skills: 1 Rank.
(NOTE: this does not mean you get 2 Ranks for a chosen Order Skill when you spend an
Advancement pick on it, merely that you can only improve any given Order Skill by a maximum of
2 Ranks per Advancement).
Page 278: When spending experience for advancements, Attributes cannot be raised higher than
12 + Racial Modifiers. Only certain spells may temporarily increase an Attribute above 12. There
are no such limits to Reactions. (NOTE: This ruling is modified by a rule in the forthcoming Two
Towers Sourcebook that allow attribute maximums to be exceeded on favoured attributes.)
Page 292: The text for the Uruk should be changed to indicate that they, like Orcs, prefer
Fell Beasts & Wondrous Magic
Collected rulings and clarifications of the material from the Lord of the Rings RPG Fell Beasts &
Wondrous Magic sourcebook.
Page 6: The text says "Defence is typically equal to the creature's Nimbleness +10." This should
technically be "10 + the cretaure's Nimbleness modifier."
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