Clockwork Golem - OMNI-Database Administrator File 1 - Femme Fatale.pdf

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OMNI-Database 1:
Femme Fatale
OMNI-Labs keeps its database of known meta-powered individuals in
the middle of the Nevada desert, buried beneath a heavily fortified
structure that has more in common with a military base than the
research lab that’s advertised at its front gate. The information in the
database is the most complete and up to date data possible for the
powers and background of every super-human known to mankind and
alien species alike. Accessed by super-heroes, law enforcement personnel,
international governments and even the occasional super-villain, OMNI
provides a reliable resource for establishing who you’re facing, how their
powers work, and what they appear to be after.
Drawing on the vast amount of data stored there, this product details
five new super villains for your M&M campaign. All of them are
freelance criminals, covering a range of misdeeds from professional data-
theft to waging a one-woman war against the meta-human individuals
that populate the twenty-first century. Despite their differing
backgrounds and power levels, all of these women have one thing in
common – they’re among the most dangerous women stored on
OMNI’s records.
Written by Peter M. Ball
Edited by Adam Windsor
and T. J. Ball
How to Use this Product
This book presents five new characters that can be introduced into your
M&M campaign. We’ve done our best to create characters that are
easily adaptable into any setting, and while there is the assumption of a
shared background when describing the NPCs, details are left vague so a
referee can simply substitute the name of an established hero, villain or
location from their own campaign rather than use those presented here.
In order to help you quickly familiarize your players with the powers
and history of the characters introduced in this product, we’ve included
5 handouts that can be used to give players a quick overview of who they
are fighting. For flavor reasons these handouts have been written as
entries in the OMNI-Database that gives the series its name, but there is
no reason you can’t use them as information from another source
relevant to your campaign.
For background information on the OMNI-Database, download the
Mutants & Masterminds, M&M
Superlink, the M&M Superlink logo,
and Green Ronin are trademarks of
Green Ronin Publishing and are used
with permission.
The following text is designated as Open
Game Content: All character statistics,
power descriptions and rule discussions.
All other text, including character
backgrounds, descriptions and player
handouts, are considered Product
Artwork Copyright Louis Porter, Jr.
Design, used with Permission
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OMNI-Database: Femme Fatale
Temporal Renegade
Power Level: 12
Real Name: Lee Xan
Other Aliases: Queen of the Ring
Affiliation: Loyal Citizen of the Kallari Empire
Nationality: Kallari Gene-Pure
Age: 22
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 123 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Pink or Red (Originally Blond)
Melee Attack
Ranged Attack Defense
Max. Load
Grapple Knockback
800 lb.
Unarmed Strike
Autofire, Penetrating
Acrobatics 10 (+19), Bluff 6 (+8), Climb 4 (+9),
Computers 4 (+5), Craft (Electronic) 4 (+5), Diplomacy
2 (+4), Disable Device 6 (+7), Drive 5 (+14), Escape
Artist 10 (+19), Gather Information 4 (+6), Intimidate 8
(+10), Knowledge (Technology) 4 (+5), Medicine 3 (+6),
Notice 7 (+10), Sense Motive 5 (+8), Stealth 10 (+19)
Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Ambidexterity,
Assessment, Critical Strike, Defensive Attack, Defensive
Roll 5, Distract (Intimidate), Elusive Target, Endurance
1, Equipment 1, Evasion, Grappling Finesse, Improved
Aim, Improved Block 4, Improved Defense 2, Improved
Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder,
Improved Throw, Improved Trip, Instant Up, Move-By
Action, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Prone Fighting,
Quick Draw 2, Redirect, Seize Initiative, Stunning
Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge, Weapon
Bind, Weapon Break
Deflect 9 (Slow Projectiles; Extras: Automatic,
Reflection); Device 5 (Easy to Lose, see Monofilament
Katana and Wrist Mounted Autocannon ); Super-Speed 4
( Flaws: Fades, Tiring, Uncontrolled); Monofilament
Katana ( Strike 6 ; Power Feats: Mighty; Extras:
Penetrating); Wrist-Mounted Autocannon ( Blast 4 ; Extras:
Autofire, Penetrating)
Bodyarmor (Protection 2), Wrist-Mounted Swingline,
Video Camera
Temporal Anomaly (Paralyzed or Slowed for up to 10
rounds, Uncommon, Moderate), Vulnerability (Major
Vulnerability to Time-Based attacks; Rare)
“Don’t feel too bad about losing,
freak. After all, I’m only human.”
Abilities 40 + Skills 23 (92 Ranks)+ Feats 43 + Powers
53 + Combat 48 + Saves 15 – Drawbacks 4 = 218 PP
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OMNI-Database: Femme Fatale
if his life had taken a different path. It wasn’t until she
was charging across the arena, dodging the panicked laser
fire of her opponent, that the first bubble of energy
flowed out of Friar’s body.
As she burst through the bubble and slipped a blade
into Friar’s ribs, Lee Xan heard the potential mutant let
loose a scream that seemed to pierce every fiber of her
being. In his death-throes John Friar manifested his
powers, releasing a temporal burst that momentarily
freed Xan from the constraints of space and time.
For the first time ever, Lee Xan lost consciousness in
the arena. When she woke up it was 3:34 PM, April 5 th ,
2001. She was lying in a dumpster.
It didn’t take Xan long to find her place in the
twenty-first century. The mutants of this time were
gaudily clad, seemingly willing to engage in the
gladiatorial combat for the primitive media forms of the
age. The purebred humans of the age seemed to have too
few champions of their own, seemed unconcerned about
the inevitable bloodshed and war that would eventually
lead to the creation of the Kallari and the subjugation of
the mutants. Xan made an immediate decision. If none
stood ready to bear the mantle of humanity’s superiority,
then Xan would take on the role for them.
In her brief time in the twenty-first century, Xan has
participated in several public battles with super-human
opponents. Her public battles with villains and heroes
alike have resulted in her killing several opponents on live
television, with only a select few surviving their
encounter with the time-lost gladiator. Dubbed Amazon
X by the media, she is hunted by both the United States
Government and the meta-human underworld.
Background: Lee Xan was born twenty years after the
War of the Capes, a genetically engineered gladiator bred
to give hope to the gene-pure humans that had lived in
fear of the super-human mutants during the decades long
war. Trained since birth in the arts of combat, Xan
served as a living weapon that fought and killed hundreds
of super-powered mutants for the entertainment of the
masses. She served the gene-pure of the Kallari Empire,
the living embodiment of humanity’s superiority over the
meta-human mutant rebels.
Xan was fifteen when she was recognized as the pre-
eminent gladiator in the empire. At sixteen she captured
the hearts of gene-pure throughout the empire, killing a
mutant warrior with steel skin and the strength to move
mountains armed with nothing more than a katana and
her own resolve. She was eighteen when the mutant
rebels first targeted her for assassination, her status
marking her as a symbol of humanity's oppression of
meta-humankind. It was the first of many. None
Her eventual defeat occurred almost by accident, at
the hands of a lowly mutant with no political ambition.
Jack Friar was a petty thief caught stealing a handful of
credits, a crime that would have netted him a few years
jail time had a routine scan not uncovered a mutant
anomaly in his genetic structure. Despite the absence of
any noticeable powers, this was enough to have him
sentenced to death in the arena. As Xan stepped into the
arena she saw Friar as just another mutant criminal
armed with a laser and the possibility of manifesting gills
Knowledge check: War of the Capes
Powers: Xan has spent most of her life training to fight
against opponents that possess a wide variety of super-
human powers, and exhibits a level of strength, awareness
and agility that borders on the super-human. She is a
superb hand-to-hand combatant and marksman,
mastering several offensive and defensive martial arts
styles. She couples her training with a katana crafted in
her own time, its blade cut to a monofilament edge, and
wrist-mounted fléchette cannons capable of firing bursts
of armor piercing darts.
Xan often wields both weapons simultaneously, using
the katana to fend off opponents in melee while bursts of
fire from her wrist-cannon distracts mentalists or aerial
targets. Her combat skills allow her to trip or deflect the
attacks of opponents far stronger and larger than herself,
and she will often use her agility and acrobatic training to
catch slower targets unaware. Her reflexes are fast enough
that she can snatch arrows and thrown weapons out of
the air if necessary.
A common event described by many time travelers
that visit the present age is a global war between
super powered individuals that devastates large parts
of the United States and threatens the existence of
the human race as mutations and super-powers
become more common. The exact dates and events
that lead to the start of the War of the Capes is in a
constant state of flux, usually as a result of changing
events in the present, but common themes in all
reports are the devastation of several prominent
super-human beings, the increased paranoia of
humanity in the face of superhuman powers, and
the increased advance of technology to allow human
kingdoms to compete with the super-human armies.
The aftermath of the war is often marked by a
proliferation of broken societies and militant
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OMNI-Database: Femme Fatale
As a result of the temporal burst that threw her back
in time, Xan is slightly out of phase with the present.
This manifests itself as brief temporal bursts where she
exhibits super-speed or slows to the point that she barely
seems to be moving. Xan has no control over these
temporal bursts, and the stress they put on her system
tends to leave her feeling tired.
becoming created after a great super-human war, in
which heroes and villains nearly wiped out humanity
with their powers. Careless battles in which human lives
are merely bargaining chips could quickly create this kind
of situation, and the trip could be used as a chance to
remind heroes who have been a little careless with
innocent bystanders and property damage exactly where
their behavior could lead.
Although she isn’t inclined to work with other
villains, Amazon X could be lured into working with
normal human hate-groups that show some support for
her gene-pure philosophy. For all her hatred of super-
powered villains Xan is unlikely to understand hate-
groups that foster violence against other members of
gene-pure humanity, and may become a staunch
opponent of groups she sees as weakening the cause of a
humanity unified against the super-human mutants.
Xan’s presence in the campaign as a woman out of
phase with the time stream may attract the attention of
heroes and villains with time related powers. The lack of
control over these time-slips frustrates her, and she may
be willing to work for such characters if they can help her
control the time-slips or learn to master them and use
them as yet another weapon in her arsenal.
Tactics: Amazon X is the veteran of a hundred battles,
and is one of the most deadly opponents most people will
ever face. Her drive to prove her superiority, coupled
with her advanced weaponry and enhanced strength and
agility, make her more than capable of holding her own
against a wide variety of super-powered opponents.
The edge many opponents possess when facing her is
the sudden tendency to slip outside the time-stream,
although the sudden bursts of super-speed are almost as
common as the temporal bursts that leave her moving in
slow motion.
When possible Xan will make use of terrain and
circumstances to give her an advantage. After her
experience with Jack Friar she is careful to research
opponents as much as possible before engaging them,
and is often well prepared for their usual powers and
tactics. She is occasionally betrayed by her desire to win
at all costs, often fighting on despite circumstances
swinging against her, but is yet to be captured despite her
occasional defeats.
Personality: Xan herself is a driven, emotionless woman.
Although she has done her best to adapt to the demands
of life in her new time period, she remains ill at ease
dealing with day-to-day life. Her desire for conflict is
driven by her need for familiarity as much as her personal
beliefs, and she trains with a single-minded mania that is
frightening to behold. Her attempts to serve as an icon
for the humans of this time have met with little success,
and the lack of support is slowly eroding her beliefs bit
by bit. It is possible that she may soon turn towards
battle simply for the sake of doing battle, becoming a
cold-blooded killer with little remorse.
Campaign Use: Amazon X is a good villain to use when
you need a straightforward slugfest, a warrior whose usual
tactic involves attacking a super-powered hero or villain
in the most public space she can find. Her skills make her
a dangerous combatant, and her sudden manifestation of
temporal displacement can quickly change the tone of a
fight if necessary.
Although Xan’s militant belief that super-human
beings exist as second-class citizens is unlikely to gain
sympathy from your players, it can become a tool for
examining the hero’s own relationship with humanity. If
a person can lift a tank over their head, transform
themselves into an animal or control flames with a
thought, are they still as human as they think they are?
The human cost of being a hero can be tough, but it’s
easy to loose sight of what that means and disappear
behind the mask.
Discovering Amazon X’s origins could become a
series of adventures unto itself, and could involve a brief
sojourn into the future to deal with the conflicts of the
Empire itself. If you choose to send PCs to Xan’s own
time, feel free to flesh out how the Empire became what
it is. An interesting twist could involve the empire
Appearance: Amazon X wears a black skintight costume
with red trim that matches the streaks in her hair. Out of
costume she appears to be a slim, young woman who
spends a great deal of time working out. A lifetime of
battle has left her arms and legs crossed with scars.
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