Clockwork Golem - OMNI-Database Administrator File 2 - Absorption.pdf

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OMNI-Database 2:
OMNI-Labs keeps its database of known meta-powered individuals in the
middle of the Nevada desert, buried beneath a heavily fortified structure that
has more in common with a military base than the research lab that’s
advertised at its front gate. The information in the database is the most
complete and up to date data possible for the powers and background of
every super-human known to mankind and alien species alike. Accessed by
super-heroes, law enforcement personnel, international governments and
even the occasional super-villain, OMNI provides a reliable resource for
establishing who you’re facing, how their powers work, and what they
appear to be after.
Drawing on the vast amount of data stored there, this product details five
new super-villains for your M&M campaign. All possess powers of
absorption in one form or another, allowing them to turn the attacks of their
enemies into a power source for their own abilities. Despite the thematic
link, each of these villains is a different and challenging opponent for your
players to face. Player-characters who battle the awesome power of
Darkmatter face a very different opponent than those challenged by the
embittered Agent 88 or facing the 'gangsta stylings' of eXchange. While the
concepts have started with the same power, in the end these five villains only
have one other thing in common: they will give your PCs a fight to
A Henchman Production for
Clockwork Golem Workshop
Written By Adam Windsor
Edited by Peter M. Ball & T. J. Ball
Mutants & Masterminds,
M&M Superlink, the M&M
Superlink logo, and Green
Ronin are trademarks of Green
Ronin Publishing and are used
with permission.
How to Use this Product
This book presents five new characters that can be introduced into your
M&M campaign. In order to help you quickly familiarize your players with
the powers and history of the characters introduced in this product, we’ve
included 5 handouts that can be used to give players a quick overview of
who they are fighting.
For flavor reasons these handouts have been written as entries in the
OMNI-Database that gives the series its name, but there is no reason you
can’t use them as information from another source relevant to your
campaign. While there is the assumption of a shared background in these
writeups, details are left vague so a referee can simply substitute the name of
an established hero, villain or location from their own campaign. For
background information on the OMNI-Database, download the free
OMNI-Database Primer from our website: .
The following text is designated
as Open Game Content: All
character statistics, power
descriptions and rule
discussions. All other text,
including character
backgrounds, descriptions and
player handouts, are considered
Product Identity.
Artwork Copyright Louis
Porter, Jr. Design, used with
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OMNI-Database: Absorption
Agent 88
Embittered Experiment
Power Level: 9 (172 points)
Real Name: Kelly Brunhaus
Other Aliases: Kelly Brown, Kay Brown, Kay
Affiliation: Former Student of Ballantyne Nursing
Base of Operations: no fixed abode
Nationality: American
Age: 20
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond
Max. Load
Grapple Knockback
260 lb.
Unarmed Strike
Radiation Field
Aura, Penetrating
Acrobatics 4 (+8), Bluff 4 (+5), Computers 4 (+5),
Craft (Mechanical) 6 (+8), Disable Device 4 (+5),
Drive 8 (+12), Medicine 4 (+4), Knowledge (Life
Sciences) 4 (+5), Stealth 2 (+6)
Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, Defensive Roll 4,
Dodge Focus 4, Elusive Target, Equipment 2,
Second Chance (Mind control), Sneak Attack
Absorption 8 (Energy, Boosts Dexterity and Dodge
Focus; Flaw: Limited: Dodge Focus only boosted by
4 ranks) Disintegration 8 ( Flaw: Limited: Inorganic
Matter Only), Immunity 5 (Radiation); Strike 8
( Extra: Aura, Penetrating); Super-Senses 4 (X-Ray
vision: blocked by lead)
Leather Jacket (+1 Toughness), Motorcycle
Abilities 20 + Skills 10 (40 ranks) + Feats 15 +
Powers 93 + Combat 20 + Saves 14 = 172
Background: Kelly Brunhaus was born and grew up in
Scranton, Pennsylvania, the youngest of three children.
Both her parents were paramedics, and they were
thrilled when Kelly was the first of their children to
show an interest in joining the health-care industry.
They were even more pleased when Kelly's grades
earned her a place at the Ballantyne Nursing College,
one of the best nursing schools in the country.
Kelly settled in well at the school, making many
friends and finishing in the top twenty percent of all
her classes. Like most college students she struggled
with her finances, looking for odd jobs and part-time
work that would still give her enough time to study.
“You can’t do anything worse than
what they’ve done to me already…”
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OMNI-Database: Absorption
When she saw a poster advertising a new medical study
willing to pay participants fifty dollars a week, she
signed up to take part and convinced both her
roommates to join her.
While the advertising said the study was to test a
new drug to help people quit smoking, in reality it was
a front for the secret organization known as
Contingency. The true purpose of the experiment was
to develop a chemical that would give those who took
it a massively increased tolerance to radiation. Success
would allow Contingency-backed troops to operate in
contaminated areas without the need for cumbersome
and fragile NBC (Nuclear Biological & Chemical)
environment suits, and more importantly it would
ensure the leaders of the Contingency survived the
fallout of a nuclear confrontation.
Each of the one hundred unwitting participants was
given a series of injections with a different chemical
agent developed by Contingency’s scientists. Each
agent was referred to by its number: Kelly was injected
with Agent 88. On their eleventh visit to the clinic,
each participant was escorted to a shielded room and
exposed to a stream of hard radiation. Contingency
anticipated that between three and five participants
would die within a week, while the remainder would
develop cancer over a three to ten year period. There
was an estimated thirty percent chance that one of the
tests would be successful. Plans were in place to cover-
up the short-term deaths, and to monitor the
remaining participants.
There were no plans for what happened to Kelly
The day after her eleventh treatment, Kelly abruptly
manifested dangerous radiation based powers. During
the first flare, she accidentally gave her roommate
Roberta a life-threatening radiation burn. When she
frantically tried to call 911 her powers flared for a
second time, destroying her cell phone. Eventually
Kelly managed to get an ambulance to take Roberta to
the hospital for treatment, but panicked and desperate
not to hurt anyone else she kept her own condition
secret from the paramedics when they arrived.
A Contingency surveillance team reported the
incident, and its leaders' decision was immediate: take
the girl in for study. A team of Contingency agents
was dispatched from the fake 'clinic' to capture her
while she was alone in the house. They succeeded, and
brought her at gunpoint for examination, but while she
was there Kelly's powers manifested once more.
Terrified and angry, she turned on her captors,
triggering a fight that left six Contingency agents dead
and did over a million dollars of property damage.
After interrogating one of the surviving agents,
Kelly's first thought was to expose what had happened
to the media. Contingency moved too quickly,
however, and she became the subject of a nation-wide
alert, her picture on news broadcasts as a suspected
terrorist. She found herself with no option but to pack
a few belongings and go on the run.
Kelly has adopted the name Agent 88 as a reminder
of how she gained her powers. Eight months later she
is still on the run, trying to stay ahead of super-heroes
and Contingency agents while occasionally striking
back at organizations she knows (or has been
persuaded) are involved with the Contingency’s plans.
Her experiences have left her with an instinctive
suspicion of all things related to the authorities, and
more than half of her attacks have been against law-
enforcement personal, military emplacements and
super-human targets that have nothing to do with the
Contingency. As time goes by, and she grows more
desperate, the proportion of misplaced attacks is on the
Powers: The experiment of which Agent 88 was an
unwitting participant was looking for a chemical that
could render the subject resistant to radiation. For
Agent 88, it did that, and much more. She is not only
resistant to radiation, but she can actually absorb
strong sources of energy (such as a hero's energy blasts)
and use them to supercharge her metabolism, giving
her heightened reflexes and agility. There is a limit on
how much energy she can metabolize at one time, and
amounts in excess of this can still harm her.
In addition to her absorption power, Agent 88 can
surround herself with an energy field of radiation that
is potentially lethal to those exposed to it. Fortunately,
she possesses the ability to reduce the intensity of this
field, or even suppress it entirely, when she wishes.
Knowledge Check: The Contingency
The Contingency is an organization run by a group
of politicians and industrialists who believe that a
hideous and destructive third World War is one
day inevitable. They further believe that only
those countries with a strong and prepared
leadership will survive the conflict, and they are
determined to put themselves in a position where
they become those leaders. The Contingency has
access to a wide variety of resources, and is known
to maintain an extensive covert military force in
addition to a variety of research teams and super-
human forces.
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OMNI-Database: Absorption
Agent 88 also has the ability to focus her energy
field into short bursts of radiation, which have a
disruptive effect on inanimate objects, rendering them
brittle and easily broken, or even reducing them to
Finally the radiation infusing her body gives Agent
88 the ability to see into the X-Ray spectrum, allowing
her to look right through most solid objects. This has
saved her from capture on more than one occasion in
the past.
Lacking any kind of special movement powers,
Agent 88 relies on her red and black motorcycle
whenever she needs to travel quickly, or for long
distances. This includes retreating from the scene of a
battle, and consequently she keeps the big road bike
within a few hundred feet of her at all times, her
rucksack of belongings already strapped on the back.
Removing the Contingency
Some GMs might want to use Agent 88 as a
'straight' villain – an opponent without a complex
backstory full of betrayal and anger who is instead
the violent terrorist the media portrays her as.
This is particularly appropriate in golden and silver
age campaigns where the authorities are generally
depicted as 'good guys'.
To do this, change Contingency's illegal
experiment to a government-funded program to
develop anti-radiological chemicals in case of
nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl. Kelly
Brunhaus was a willing and fully informed
volunteer for this program, who unexpectedly
manifested super-powers during the course of her
treatments. Rather than use these abilities for the
good of others she has decided to use them for her
own profit and now hires out her destructive
powers to the highest bidder.
Tactics: Early in her career, Agent 88 suffered a couple
of defeats from which she was lucky to escape, and the
experience has taught her that in a direct fight her
powers aren't really a match for the typical super-hero,
let alone for an entire team of them. She's also limited
by the fact that her energy field delivers potentially
lethal doses of radiation: despite feeling a growing urge
to just cut loose, she's not yet ready to kill people out
of hand. As a consequence, she tends to focus on
indirect attacks, particularly through the use of her
disintegration power.
One of her favorite tricks is to 'punch' walls, doors
and other inanimate objects, while simultaneously
activating her disintegration power. The sight of
masonry exploding into dust from a single punch has
convinced more than one opponent that she has super-
strength - an inaccuracy that actually appeared in the
OMNI-database at one time. She also makes frequent
use of her disintegration power against opponents who
lack special movement powers, usually by
disintegrating the floor or trapping them in a pit dug
using her powers. She also uses this ability to attack
walkways and bridges that opponents are standing on,
or to weaken support beams and potentially cause
ceilings or walls to collapse on them.
Agent 88 also makes extensive use of her
disintegration power for more traditional purposes. As
she has very little resistance to physical attacks, she
makes a point of identifying anyone in the combat who
is carrying a gun or melee weapon, and attempts to
disintegrate those items as early as she can. She has
also been known to target other devices, and once
caused the super-hero Scramjet to be hospitalized when
she disintegrated his rocket pack while he was flying at
a height of nearly two hundred feet.
If her disintegration abilities prove ineffective,
Agent 88 must rely on the protection of her energy
absorption and energy field powers. These are often
effective against normal humans or heroes with energy
blast attacks, but Agent 88 is too cautious to rely on
them entirely. Ever since her encounter with the hero
Roundhouse, Agent 88 takes every possible precaution
to stay out of the reach of super-strong opponents.
When working alongside energy blasting characters,
Agent 88 often has them power her up with energy
blasts before the battle commences.
Campaign Use: Agent 88 is intended to let player-
characters interact with an opponent who has genuine
grievances, slowly being pushed closer and closer to
outright villainy by her unfortunate circumstances.
Heroes should hear of Agent 88 long before they
meet her. Contingency have spent the last ten months
manipulating their government and media contacts to
portray her as a dangerously unstable terrorist, and
referees are encouraged to work mention of her 'deadly
attacks' into other sessions prior to introducing her as a
character. She has become a favorite topic of the more
sensationalist media, which has produced articles such
as Agent 88: American's Sexiest Traitor that combine
modeling shots Kelly once did with scenes of
destruction from her attack on a government facility in
New Mexico.
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