1.G15-275 - WRONG WAY GO BACK!.pdf

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Set The Controls
Ulysses Ai
Can you escape from a ship that is about to plunge into the sun? You will
need to use all of your wits, skills, training, and…well, maybe you’ll just get
But the fairies of fortune had better shower four-leaf clovers on you quickly,
before your time is up!
This adventure is conducted according to normal FF rules, with one small
difference: you are under a time limit. At the bottom of each passage there
will usually be a time in seconds. You must add this to your Duration total,
which begins at 0h 0m 0s. You have 1 hour, 1 minute and 1 second (total
3661 seconds) to escape, or to find out what is going on and stop it. As soon
as your Duration total passes 1h 1m 1s, you must turn immediately to 33
Roll 1 die and add 6. The total is your SKILL. This represents you general
ability to perform tasks. If you are ever asked to test your SKILL, roll 2 die. If
the total is the same or less than your SKILL, then you are successful. If the
dice roll is higher, then you have failed. SKILL is also used in combat as
explained below.
Roll 2 dice and add 12. The total is your STAMINA. This represents your
strength, fitness, life and energy. If this is ever reduced to 0, then you are
dead. Certain items can increase STAMINA. The passages you read will tell
you when you have lost STAMINA and when and how it can be restored.
Roll 1 die and add 6. The total is your LUCK. This represents your
general fortune. Sometimes the outcome of this is determined purely by luck.
If you are asked to test your LUCK, do so in the way as for the test of SKILL.
The only difference is that when you test your LUCK, you must reduce your
current LUCK by 1.
There is only one fight in this book! When you reach it you will be given
your opponent’s SKILL and STAMINA scores. Conduct the combat as
1. Roll 2 dice and add the result to your SKILL. The total is your Attack
2. Roll 2 dice and add the result to your opponent’s SKILL. The total is
his Attack Strength.
3. Compare the two Attack Strengths. If your AS is higher, then you have
wounded your opponent (go to Step 4). If his AS is higher, then he has
wounded you (go to Step 5).
4. You have wounded your opponent. Reduce his STAMINA by 2. Now
return to Step 1 for the next round.
5. You have been wounded. Reduce your STAMINA by 2. Now return
to Step 1 for the next round.
This process continues until either you or your opponent’s STAMINA is 0.
If your STAMINA reaches 0, you are dead. If your opponent’s STAMINA
reaches 0, you have defeated him and can continue the story.
There are several secret references in this little adventure that you will
need to find. You will never be told how to find these secret references; so
stay alert and think logically.
Growing up on the planetoid of G15-275 was not as exciting as it sounds.
Known only for its manufacture of plastic cutlery, the barren orb compares
poorly with the exciting descriptions of life on other worlds in the galaxy. So
as soon as you had amassed enough cash, you announced to your parent-bot
that you were leaving. The caring unit tried to dissuade you, telling you that
your departure would surely sadden your mother and father.
You paused for a few moments to consider the man and woman who had
appeared periodically to ruffle your hair, but found no good reason to
speculate too much about how they might feel about your absence. Telling
your parent-bot to go and deactivate itself (poor thing took your words
literally), you packed a bagful of your belongings and set off for adventure!
You were seven at the time and were promptly returned to your
habitation unit by the supply deport android to whose establishment you had
gone to acquire further supplies. The parent-bob was reactivated and had its
settings adjusted to ‘stern’.
But you did not give up and your attempts finally saw you reach the
departure lounge before you were returned and the parent-bot set to ‘mother-
in-law’. After that nothing escaped the darned robot’s attention and with
your teddy bear held as a hostage you were unable to abscond.
Finally at the age of 14 you realised that you didn’t care about the fate of
Mr Fluffles anymore, and made good your escape. Rather than buy passage,
you stowed away on a transport, and finding some coveralls, made yourself
appear useful, carrying things through the service decks, polishing
equipment, writing on clipboards, etc. No one suspected you were not part of
the crew, and at the age of eighteen finally left, holding a glowing reference
from the chief engineer about your excellent conduct and capable
performance at whatever it was that you actually did.
On the strength of your reference you were hired as a systems technician
aboard the luxury cruiser Attila the Hon , a vessel famed for romance. You
promptly decide it is time to find a girlfriend. Accordingly, you hit the dance
clubs on board after your shifts end and try to be as charming as possible by
drinking copious amounts of alcohol.
One day, like many of the days before, you fail to score and fall asleep
under a table. You wake some hours later with a terrible hangover, and groan
for several minutes I the hope that someone (preferable an attractive female)
will come to offer you sympathy. But nothing happens and you eventually
force yourself to get up.
The dance floor is strewn with rubbish and spills of various kinds of
liquid. You stagger from the dim chamber and out into the bright corridor,
the white lights searing your eyes. You feel your way down the hall, still
groaning in the hope some sympathetic soul will get you a hair of the dog, or
at least help you find your cabin. After your eyes adjust somewhat to the
brightness, you squint about and see that the decks are completely
abandoned. Examining an electronic noticeboard, you see it filled with a star
scape dominated by an uncomfortably large star. Superimposed on top are
large flashing red letters that read:
You begin your adventure with a headache, a dry thirst, a bruise on your
right elbow and sensitive eyes; all of which reduces your SKILL by 1 and your
Now turn to 1
Staring at the message, you realise you are in great danger. For some
reason the ship is on a collision course with the star. Even though you have
not studied astrophysics, you have a rudimentary grasp of physical concepts
such as gravity wells and fire-is-hot. While your brainstem is screaming for
you to escape, your cerebral cortex contemplates the possibilities. How did
this perilous situation arise? What about the ships failsafe systems? It knows
how to manoeuvre itself. Why doesn’t it just turn aside? Human crews fulfil
a similar function to a non-executive Head of State
If you want to try and talk to the ship’s computer, turn to 43
If you want to make your way to the escape pods, turn to 12
You stagger along until you find a wall screen and call up a map. Plotting
your course, you set off, guiding lights in the floor leading you onwards.
Eventually you arrive at a set of doors that whoosh open at your approach,
and you enter into a round chamber with a large reclining chair set on a
swivel base in the centre. A medical android stands nearby, its exoskeleton
pale green like some kind of imitation surgeon.
“Welcome. Please state the nature of your injury, sensation, or anxiety,” it
says in a soothing voice.
“Hungover. Fix it!” You collapse into the chair, which automatically
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