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German Guard Tower
Copyright © 2004 Ebob Miniatures
side panels
outer side
side panels
inner side
German Guard Tower
floor top side
floor under side
roof top side
roof under side
Copyright © 2004 Ebob Miniatures
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Stage 1:
Print out the first page, cut out the shapes and glue all
the 'top sides' to heavy card.
I recommend you obtain some 'mounting board' from
an art supply shop or picture framer.
Using a sharp craft knife and a ruler Cut out the pieces.
Glue the 'under side' textures to the cut out pieces.
Score the wall section heavily and assemble the floor
as shown - note that you need remove a bit from the
bottom edge of the walls where the platform sticks out
from the floor.
Roof Assembly:
Score heavily and assemble as shown.
Use a piece of sticky tape on the inside to
hold while glue dries.
Under side texture:
Rotate the under side texture 180
to the top card section so that the
joins are not in the same place
and insert - using spray mount or
PVA to glue in place.
Copyright © 2004 Ebob Miniatures
Assembly of scaffold
roof support 40mm
1 pack of bar-b-que skewers
1 needle-saw or stanley knife
top strut 65mm
Using the diagram shown here
cut or saw the skewers into the
appropriate lengths indicated.
You will require 4 of each length.
Note: You can use the pointed
end of the skewer to give a
pointed end to the 4 uprights
which can then be used to
spike the tower into the
ground if you have a soft
base board.
Assemble two sides using
PVA glue - use a craft knife
to 'nick' the skewers at the
joints so the 'marry' when
assembled - this give added
strength. Allow plenty of
drying time for the PVA.
bottom strut 85mm
Connect the two sides with
the remaining struts to
complete the stucture.
You can stab the uprights
into some cardboard to
aid in final assembly.
Copyright © 2004 Ebob Miniatures
Stage 1:
The ladder was constructed
simply from scale timber
from the model shop.
Having made two smal 'nicks'
in each upright - place the uprights
on the diagram provided using that
as a guide and glue on the upper
and lower struts using PVA glue.
No magic here - just
make yourself a 'spacer'
to ensure you get the
rungs evenly spaced.
Allow sufficient drying time before
flipping the frame over and gluing
on the diagonal cross member.
Constuct two frames as above.l
Stage 2:
Support the two sides using
plasticene or poke the feet
through some thick cardboard
and glue in place the last
upper and lower struts, resting
them on top of the ones
already in place.
Glue the cross members on
the 'inside' of the structure as
Copyright © 2004 Ebob Miniatures
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