Poetic Edda - A collection of Heroic Tales.pdf

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ht t p : / /w ww.s q ui rre l. com / s qu ir re l / asa tr u / po e t ic _e dd a. t xt
Note: This translation and others in this collection are the sole work
of Stephan Grundy and are here with his permission. They are under his
copyright. They are freely reproducible and quotable as long as this
notice is attached if these are being reproduced or due credit is
given to him for his translation if they are being quoted in another
1. Very many have heard, how earlier
warriors prepared speech together, which was profit to few.
Private speech made, terrible to them afterwards,
and likewise to the sons of Gjuki, who were truth-betrayed!
2. Shaping was made for Skjoldings - they were fey! -
ill Atli counseled himself - though he had understanding! -
felled great pillars, did hard ill to himself:
sent bidding swiftly that kinsmen come straight away.
3. The house-Freyja was wise, thought with human wit,
she heard the lay of words, what they spoke in secret;
then the wise one was unhappy, wished to help them,
they should sail over sea, but (she) herself came not.
4. (She) took to risting runes; Vingi confused them
- he was causing harm - before he gave them forth.
Afterwards Atli's messengers fared then
to the Lim Firth, where the keen ones dwelt.
5. There were friendly welcomes, and fires kindled
(for) those who were come there; they sensed no wiles.
took those treasures which the good one sent them,
hung on the pillars; thought not to be wary of that.
6. Kostbera came then - she was Hogni's wife,
a very fine woman - and spoke to them both.
Glaumvor, whom Gunnarr married, was also glad,
swiftly (and) seemingly fulfilled what is needed for guests.
7. They invited Hogni home, if he would rather fare then;
the deception was visible, if they had given heed!
Gunnarr swore then that if Hogni would,
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Hogni did not deny what he suggested.
8. The famed women bore mead, there was much of all hospitality,
Many horns fared, until (everyone) seemed to have drunken fully;
9. the married folk went to bed as seemed wisest to them.
Kostbera was knowing, she knew (how to tell) the differences of runes,
she looked at word-staves by fire's light:
guarded was her tongue within both jaws:
they were so confused that rede was lacking.
10. They two, (she and) Hogni, fared to bed afterwards;
the folk-kind dreamed, she did not conceal this,
said to the wise helm-warder as soon as she awakened:
11. "You would (go) from home, Hogni: think on rede!
few are full-runed: fare you another time!
I understand those runes which your sister risted:
the bright one has not bidden you to this!
12. "I wonedered most about that one thing, but I could not
how it was with the wise one, that she should rist confusedly;
because it was shown, as if it were underneath,
the bane of you both, if you go swiftly,
the wife was lacking a stave, or another ruled it!"
13. "All women are ill-mindful; I do not have such a kind (of
I will not seek for these unless we must pay them.
The leader shall give us glow-red rings;
I am never afraid, although we hear of fright."
14. "It must go badly if you two think to go there!
There shall be no friendly welcome to you at this time!
Hogni, I dreamed - I do not conceal it,
you shall go against the wind, or otherwise I fear.
15. "I sensed your bedclothes burn in fire,
high flames broke against my house."
16. "Linens lie here, which you think little of:
they shall swiftly burn, there where you saw bedclothes."
17. "I sensed a bear come in here, broke up planks,
shook paws so that we became frightened,
had many of us in mouth, so that we might do nothing,
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and there was trampling, not so little!"
18. "A storm shall grow there, winds become swift!
sensed a white bear? there shall be a storm from the east!"
19. "I sensed an eagle fly in here, the length of the house
- that shall deal much with us - he sprinkled us all with blood:
I sensed from his appearance, that was Atli's hamr!
20. "We shall slaughter soon: we shall then see ruddied;
often is that concerning oxen, when eagles are dreamed of!
Atli's soul is good towards us, whatever you dream."
They then let it be closed, every rede to end.
21. The well-born wakened; of the same was deemed:
Glaumvor was worried, ill came to sleep.
....with Gunnarr to get two ways.
22. "I sensed a gallows ready for you, you went to hang,
wyrms ate you, I knew you living,
the doom of gods readied itself; give rede, what that were!"
23. "I sensed a bloodied blade borne out of your sark
- ill is such sleep, to say to husband! -
I sensed a spear standing through your middle,
howling wolves at either end."
24. "Small dogs run there, they make great barking:
often the noise of dogs comes for the flight of spears."
25. "I sensed a river run in here, the length of the house,
it roared with wrath, stormed forth over benches,
broke your legs, two brothers here,
water made no sparing, that must be before something!
26. "I sensed dead women come here by night,
they were sadly clad, wished to choose you,
bade you swiftly to their benches,
I speak strengthlessly: they were your disir!"
29. "It is too late to speak as you now give rede;
I cannot flee (this) faring, for faring is expected;
much shows strongly that we must be short-lived."
30. It was dawn when they readied; the eager let themselves
all rise up; others held them back.
Five fared together, there were
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half as many house-carls; that was ill-thought!
Snaevarr and Solarr, they were Hogni's sons,
He hight Orkning who yet followed them,
blithe was the shield-tree, brother of his wife.
31. The fair-dressed women fared with them, until the firth parted
the bright ones warned unheard, rather, they did not let it be spoken.
32. Glaumvor, who Gunnarr was married to, spoke these words,
she spoke to Vingi as it seemed worthwhile to her:
"I do not know how what will be paid for our joy;
a misdeed is guest's coming, if something should happen!"
33. Vingi answered then, little held him back:
"Etins have him, if he lies to you,
all to gallows, if he thinks other than peace!"
34. Bera spoke these words, blithe in her soul:
"Blessed sail you, and win victory,
fare, as I spoke before: let none hinder that!"
35. Hogni, well-disposed to kin, answered -
"Be brave, wise ones, however it goes!
Many speak thus, but fail it greatly,
little speaks to many as (it) was sent from home."
36. They looked backwards, before going into the sound.
then I think shaping ruled, their ways parted.
37. The powerful ones began to row, keel half-ripped,
they rowed leaning back, rather brandished wrathfully,
oar-thongs tore, tholes broke,
they did not make the ship fast before they went forth.
38. And a little later - I shall tell the end of this -
they saw a dwelling standing, which Budhli possessed,
high rang the gate when Hogni struck.
39. Vingi said these words, which better were not:
"Fare far from house! it is false to seek.
I have you swiftly burned, swiftly shall you be hewed -
fairly I bade you come, but it was false underneath -
or bide here while I hew you a gallows!"
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40. Hogni spoke this word - little thought he to spare,
never fearful when testing was - :
"Think you to frighten us, you will have that seldom forth!
if you speak a word, ill shall lengthen for you!"
41. They fell upon Vingi, and slew him to Hel,
laid on with axes, while life-breath rattled.
42. Atli gathered them (his men), and fared in byrnies,
readied to go thus, that the garth was between,
all cast words wrathfully at once:
"We were fully set to deprive you of life!"
43. "That is hardly to see, if you were fully set before!
You are still unready, and we have felled one,
struck down to Hel - he was of your host!"
44. They became furious when they heard that word,
busied fingers and grasped at strings,
shot sharply, and protected themselves with shields.
45. The news of what took place outside came in;
high ones before hall; they heard a thrall tell.
46. Awful became Gudhrun then, when she heard the sadness,
laden with necklaces: she threw down all,
slung silver thus, that rings broke in parts.
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