Distant Healing Manual by John Living.pdf

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Compiled by John living
Compiled by John living
Compiled by John living
Your comprehensive guide to
using your Pendulum to Heal
in co-operation with the Healing Energies
and Angelic Beings of Other Dimensions,
where Time & Distance are not important.
Published by the Holistic Intuition Society
Our logo is the sign of the Heart Chakra:
Interlaced Pink and Green triangles signifying the joining of
Above & Below, Heaven & Earth, Spirit & Soul, Mind & Matter.
It is a Symbol of Love
ISBN 978-0-9686-3238-3
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Distant Healing Manual
© John Living, and the Holistic Intuition Society, 2008
ISBN 978-0-9686-3238-3
this revision dated 2009 MAY 25
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be stored, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system,
without the written permission of John Living or the Holistic Intuition Society as prime owner of the work.
Purchasers of this manual from the Society are hereby licensed by the copyright holders to make copies of
the pages for their own use in the Healing of their Healee patients.
Published by The Holistic Intuition Society
Executive Secretary: John Living
RR#1 S9 C6, Galiano Island, British Columbia, V0N 1P0, Canada
Telephone: (250)539-5807 or (Toll Free Canada & USA) 1-866-369-7464
Email: Sales@in2it.ca or John@dowsers.ca Website: www.in2it.ca
For other books published by the Society see:: www.in2it.ca/Books.htm
True Holy Love, Namaste
I see in you myself;
I recognize in you my image;
We are all the same.
I pledge that I will do my best to help
All that you do with Good Intent
Without harm or Hurt to Any.
This manual is dedicated with Thanks and Gratitude
To all the Angelic Beings, Healing Energies,
And Loving Souls who work with the Love Namaste Healing Team
And provide Love and Healing to All Beings.
Warning !
The contents of this manual are only for correct use in Good Healing practices.
It is Energetically protected by Angelic Beings - any intended mis-use of the
information can be expected to backfire on the mis-user, so that they themselves
are hurt, without any hurt to the intended victim. All ‘Bad Medicine’ is forbidden !
Let those who actively disparage Spiritual Healing as described in this manual for
reasons of greed, profit, power, prestige or dogma suffer their own misfortunes.
Distant Healing Manual
Page 2
Holistic Intuition Society © John Living, 2008
Information and Tools for the Healer
The Intent of this Manual 4
Introduction and Guidelines 5
c gr d 5
Internet Healing 6
Our Senses 6
Dowsing Signals 6
Your Handy Chart 7
Working with ‘The System’ 7
‘Love Namaste Healing Team’ 8
Your Confidence is Critical 8
Healing Procedure 8
e e lee 8
Master record Sheets 9
Higher Levels of Being-ness 9
Healing the Deep Auras 9
Other Noxious Energies 10
Attachments and Possession 10
Mental & Emotional Problems 11
Using TouchStones 11
Chakras and Energy Systems 12
Genetic and Other Influences 12
Healing the Aura 13
Meridians and their Points 13
The Physical Body 14
Essences & Similar Remedies 14
cer 5
Terminal Cases 15
Radionic Broadcasts 15
e lee ec r s 6
Joining the Healing Group 16
Application: Join the Healing Group 17
Tips on working with Energies 18
Preparing to Dowse 19
Percentage Chart, & On Completion 20
Meridians and their Points 21
rm eri i s 2
Bladder Meridian 23
Chong Mai Meridian 24
Dai Mai Meridian 25
Du Mai Meridian 26
Gall Bladder Meridian 27
Head Meridians 8
e rt eri i n 9
Kidney Meridian 30
Leg Meridians #1 31
Leg Meridians #2 32
Colon Large Intestine Meridian 33
Liver Meridian 34
g eri i n 5
Pericardium Meridian 36
Ren Mai Meridian 37
Small Intestine Meridian 38
Spleen Meridian 39
Stomach Meridian 40
San Jiao Meridian 41
Torso - Front Meridians 42
Torso - Back Meridian 43
Yin & Yang Qiao Mai Meridian 44
Ying & Yang Wei Mai Meridian 45
Essences, etc
Sanjeevini #1 46
Sanjeevini #2 47
Sanjeevini #3, China Herbs #1 48
Chinese Herbs - #2 49
Chinese Herbs - #3 50
Elements (Leadbeater, Besant) 51
Homeopathy, Bach, etc #1 52
Homeopathy, Vitamins, Extras 53
Flower Plant Sea Essences #1 54
Flower Plant Sea Essences #2 55
Proto-type of ‘Blue Print’ for Radionics 56
See p. 98 for changes made
Submitted by Healee (from web page)
Application for Distant Healing 57
Details of Perceived Problems 58
Obtained by Healee (from web page)
‘Forgiveness’ 9
ife eview
Pages Printed for Each Healee as needed
Master Record Page 1 64
Master Record Page 2 65
Master Record Page 3 66
Record Sheet (Blanks) 67
TouchStones for Hi & Aumakua 68
Exorcism #1 - Nature of Possession 69
Exorcism #2 - Influences 70
Energy System - Vitality 71
Energy System - Main Chakras 72
Energy System - Endocrine Glands 73
Energy System - Hara Line 74
Assemblage Point 75
Body - Front View of Person 76
Body - Back View of Person 77
Body - Side Views of Person 78
TouchStones - For Organs 79
‘Lulu’ & TouchStones - For Skeleton 80
TouchStones - For Spine 81
TouchStones - For Teeth - Right Side 82
TouchStones - For Teeth - Left Side 83
TouchStones - For Brain 84
TouchStones - For Body 85
TouchStones - Spare 86
Negative Emotions & Attitudes 87
Main Pages used in Radionic Broadcast
Essences, etc to be Sent 88
Chakra Spiral ‘Radionics Machine’ 89
On this page place all the Pages used with TouchStones,
the ‘Essences to be Sent page’, and last the First Page of
Healee’s Application form, and store in a folder.
Spares for your own use
Blank Chart - 25 Options 90
Blank Chart - 2 * 25 Options 91
Blank Chart - 50 Options 92
Blank Chart - 100 Options 93
Holistic Intuition Society’s - ‘Shop’ 94
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The Intent of this Manual
Is to enable Good Health for All at Reasonable Cost.
For thousands of years the Chinese people have enjoyed better health than their
western cousins, based on using Acupuncture and herbs for Healing.
In India the ancient understandings of Life enabled people to have a good
understanding of the effect of non-physical influences on health.
In the west, up to a couple of hundred years ago medical treatment consisted of
blood-letting and the cutting off of diseased limbs - and sealing the cuts with the
help of the local blacksmith.
Western knowledge has advanced since the mid-19th century, and its investigations
have opened new doors to Healing methods. But like a person who has just found
out a bit, the prevalent attitude is that they ‘know it all’ - and disparage the ancient
knowledge and skills from other cultures.
Is it not obvious that combining all methods into the best possible way of Healing far
surpasses any one way ?
It is sad that the pharmaceutical drug companies have such a stronghold over
health systems; new drugs are marketed without adequate testing - and senior staff
of approving authorities have later been given employment by the companies that
they were supposed to oversee; grants seem to enhance their ‘guidance’ to medical
training establishments; their sales force is often the main source of information for
physicians - who are trained to prescribe drugs.
Can this manual help medical personnel to improve their Healing abilities ?
Research establishments are greatly subsidized by these companies - and their
organization encourages research mainly into drugs that are patentable. Clinical
trials for simple solutions to health problems are seldom funded - patents are not
possible, so profits will not grow !
So many drugs have unwelcome side-effects. Do the pharmaceutical companies see
this problem as an opportunity to sell more drugs to overcome these side-effects -
and so increase their profits even more ?
The cost of health as presently administered is tending to bankrupt governments;
with the increase in the proportionate number of elderly people (who have more
health problems) this financial problem can only get worse.
There are many cases of doctors who have been trained and have practiced in one
jurisdiction that are not permitted to practice where they now reside - their
knowledge would help them to excel at Distant Healing.
A number of great successes in Healing have been reported to clairvoyants who get
interested in Healing - many more clairvoyants are needed to do Healing work !
Dowsing is a way of accessing your Intuition, your link to ‘Upstairs’. It enables you
to Heal even if not clairvoyant - you get the needed information in a different way.
Dowsing is most powerful, since Dowsers can best access the ‘Power of the Mind’
and so work better with the Angelic Beings and Healing Energies from ‘Upstairs’.
It is time for a change ! A change for Better Health !
Distant Healing Manual
Page 4
Holistic Intuition Society © John Living, 2008
Thank you for your interest in this manual -
I hope that it helps you in your Healing work !
Namaste John
Introduction and Guidelines
Printing this Manual
When printing pages from this manual ensure that your .pdf printer is set to the actual
paper loaded. Otherwise the bottom of the pages may not print. A colour printer should be
used for all pages having TouchStones and Acupressure meridians.
Instructional DVD is now ready: http://www.in2it.ca/HealManual.htm
This manual has been compiled using material from many sources, with credit shown to
those sources where applicable. Much has come from my own working with ‘Upstairs’ - my
nick-name for the Angelic Beings, Leaders of Healing Energies, Guides, and others who are
in non-physical dimensions - although they do work in all the dimensions of creation.
It is published in a protected .pdf format - you can print copies of pages for your own use,
but not make changes to the original work or copy pages to other formats.
For a better understanding of how this Healing works it is suggested that you obtain the
following books: (Click on any email or web link shown in this .pdf to connect)
‘Intuition Technology’ by John Living, (www.in2it.ca/Books.htm)
Holistic Intuition Society - ISBN 978-0-9686-3234-5 or 978-1-4357-0433-6
An in-depth explanation of how Dowsing is Intuition Technology, and how to access your Intuition to
work with ‘Upstairs’ for locating items, getting information, and Healing.
‘Dowse This … Holistically Healthy’ by Juanita Ott, (www.mirrorwaters.com)
Mirrorwaters - ISBN 978-0-9780-2586-1
A beautiful selection of Dowsing Charts with instructions on how to use them to identify health
problems and do what is needed to Heal them.
‘Earth Radiation’ by Käthe Bachler, (www.in2it.ca/Books.htm)
Holistic Intuition Society - ISBN 978-0-9686-3235-2 or 978-1-4357-0246-2
Summary (with diagrams) of research on the effect of noxious Earth Energies causing illness - involving
11,000 people in more than 3,000 places in14 countries.
An alternative to this book is ‘Sleep Well, Be Healthy’, also published by the Society. It is a
condensed version - designed as a hand-out for Dowsers and to ‘educate’ normal health workers
about noxious Earth Energies, since this is not covered in their normal training.
‘The Catalyst of Power’ and ‘Naked Spirit - The Supernatural Odyssey’
by Jonathan Whale, (www.whalemedical.com/ap1.html)
The best examination of the Assemblage Point and its key importance to the supply of vital energy - and
how the location and direction of this supply is critical to good health and emotional stability; failure to
adjust the Assemblage Point make other Healings ineffective !
‘Exorcism’ by Eugene Maurey - Whitford Press ISBN 978-0-9149-1888-2
Without any doubt this is the key instructional book on releasing Souls (and other invasive life forms)
back into ‘The Light’ - with case histories, all achieved by using your Pendulum !
‘A Cry from the Womb’ by Gwen Jones, (www.angelsoflightandhealing.org) ISBN 978-0-9740-7301-9
Case histories of Healing the Baby Souls who become attached to the mother (without her knowledge)
even just a few days after conception if they are not born (or die young) and cause health and
emotional problems many years later ! A problem not even considered by medical authorities !
‘Vibrational Energy Healing’ by Bill Ellis, (www.in2it.ca/Books.htm)
Holistic Intuition Society - ISBN 978-0-9686-3237-6 or 978-1-4357-2299-6
An acknowledged Master Healer and teacher explains new and improved Healing (including distant
Healing) using colours, bio-scalar energy, ‘Focal Touch’, and time lines.
‘Chopsticks Acupuncture’ by Shmuel Halevi, (www.acumedico.com)
Trafford Publishing - ISBN 978-1-5539-5610-9
Respected world-wide and with more than 30 years of clinical experience, he explains how a person
can use simple devices for self-acupuncture - and details the influence of all the meridians and their
points. A fantastic self-help book, invaluable to all Healers.
Distant Healing Manual
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Holistic Intuition Society © John Living, 2008
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