Barrett 95 Manual.pdf

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Microsoft Word - Manual 95 1 revised _2_.doc
Model 95
OperatorÔs Manual
November 28, 2006
200872721.001.png 200872721.002.png
Before you handle the Model 95 rifle, read this manual in its entirety . It is
important that you understand the principles of safe gun handling in general and
the unique features of this rifle. This manual is not a substitute for training from
a qualified instructor . Important safety topics are discussed in this chapter and
throughout this manual. This manual should remain with the rifle and it should
be transferred with the rifle to subsequent owners. It will be replaced at no cost
by contacting the manufacturer.
This manual covers all variants of the Model 95. Technical specifications are
subject to change without notice.
Failure to follow safety guidelines may cause injury or death.
Barrett does not condone the use of handloaded, remanufactured, or surplus
ammunition. The use of clean, dry and properly stored commercially
manufactured ammunition will preserve your warranty.
Safety distance
The .50 BMG cartridge is identical in construction to an ordinary centerfire rifle
cartridge. Bullets fired from this rifle may travel as far as 5 miles. Make certain
that you have an adequate backstop.
Hearing protection
Hearing loss is permanent. Hearing loss from gunfire is cumulative, but the
noise from even one shot may cause permanent loss. Wear both ear plugs and
ear muffs. It is also your responsibility to protect the hearing of those around
you. The muzzle brake is integral to the design of your rifle and works to divert
a large portion of a shot’s blast rearward and to the side of the muzzle. Your
rifle must not be fired without it. People and objects should not be in the vicinity
of the muzzle brake because its blast consists of high pressure, high
temperature gas. All spectators should use double hearing protection. The
safest place for a spectator is directly behind the shooter.
Eye protection
Eye protection should be worn when both shooting and maintaining your rifle. It
is normal for firing to generate airborne dust and debris. Glasses also protect
you from scopes during recoil. Protect your eyes from solvents and uncaptured
parts under spring pressure while performing maintenance on your rifle.
Assume every gun is loaded
Until you personally prove otherwise, treat every gun as if it were loaded. Do
not trust your memory and do not take anyone else’s word for it. Look and feel
for an empty chamber. Do not trust the extractor to provide an empty chamber.
Beware of barrel obstructions
Ensure the barrel’s bore is free of obstructions before you fire your rifle. Even
the smallest obstruction such as a stuck patch or even grease will cause
dangerously increased pressures that can rupture the barrel.
Use your muzzle brake
Your rifle was designed to be fired with the muzzle brake installed. Firing your
rifle without the muzzle brake will subject your rifle and its accessories to
damaging recoil. It could also cause the shooter to be injured.
Muzzle control
Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Never allow your muzzle to
point at anything that you do not intend to shoot.
Keep your finger off the trigger
Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until your sights are
aligned on your target and you intend to fire.
Keep your safety on
Keep your safety on until your sights are aligned on your target and you intend
to fire.
Identify your target and backstop
Before you pull the trigger, make certain of your target and what is beyond it.
The rifle should never be fired at surfaces where bullets are likely to glance off
in unpredictable directions.
Failure to fire
If your rifle fails to fire when you pull the trigger, do not lift the bolt handle to
open the action. Keep the rifle pointed toward a safe area and wait 2 minutes.
If a hangfire (slow ignition) has occurred, the round will probably fire within two
minutes. If the round does not fire, remove and inspect the cartridge. If the
primer is indented properly, discard it in a safe manner. If the primer is lightly
dented, refer to the troubleshooting chart in this manual.
Maintain your rifle properly
Performing proper maintenance, as outlined in this manual, insures that your
rifle will be safe to shoot and will perform to design specification for many years.
Alterations, modifications or adjustments may damage your rifle, make it unsafe
to fire and will void warranty claims.
Store your rifle safely
Even though your rifle represents a significant financial investment, the greatest
value in keeping it secured is preventing it from falling into the hands of a child,
a careless adult, or a thief. It is your responsibility to take every reasonable
precaution to secure your rifle.
Alcohol, medications and drugs
Do not handle or operate your rifle under the influence of alcohol, medication or
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing Inc. (BFMI), warrants that this firearm was
manufactured free of defects in materials and workmanship. For one year from
the date of purchase by the original owner, BFMI agrees to correct any defect in
this firearm for the original purchaser by repair or replacement with the same or
comparable model.
BFMI will not be responsible for injury, death, or damage to property resulting
from either intentional or accidental discharge of this firearm or from its function
when used for purposes or subjected to treatment for which it was not
designed. BFMI will not honor claims involving this firearm which result from
careless or improper handling, unauthorized adjustment or parts replacement,
corrosion, neglect, the use of the wrong caliber ammunition, or the use of other
than commercially manufactured ammunition in good condition, or any
combination thereof. BFMI will not honor claims involving this firearm when
such claims are made by the second or subsequent owner.
If you need factory service, whether made under warranty or not, please contact
BFMI for instructions on how to have your gun repaired.
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing Inc.
P.O. Box 1077
Murfreesboro, TN 37133-1077
Your Responsibility
Your Barrett rifle is well-engineered and manufactured to the highest standards.
It was proof-fired and carefully inspected before it was packaged and shipped
from our factory. Its safe use depends on you alone. You are the ultimate
safety device. Much like other mechanical devices, such as electric power
tools, gas-powered lawn equipment, and automobiles, your rifle is safe unless
handled in an irresponsible or uneducated manner.
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