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Microsoft Word - Steps of TAT_11-11-06.doc
WhatIs TAT?
TAT sa mracuousheang oolhatcombnesghy hodng a ew acupressure ponson
yourhead (he TAT Pose)asyou putyourattenon on a probem (the SepsofTAT). Wth
hsechnque,you can prooundy mprove any aspectofyoure -- sbeen caed a Ðporal
TAT sa reavey new heang approach and he exentofseecveness,aswelassrsks
and benes,are notyetuy known. Pease be advsed ofhe oowng:
· Emoonaland physcalsensaonsoraddonalunresoved memoresmay surace.
· Prevousy vvd orraumacmemoresmay ade. Thscoud adversey mpacthe
aby to provde deaed egalesmony regardng a raumac ncden.
Beore readng and usng he normaon n thsdocumen,Iacknowedge and agree o the
· My choce o uze TAT sofmy own ree w.
· Iassume ulresponsby ormy se-care n alaspecsofmy e.
· My choce o use TAT sree rom any ousde pressure.
· Iwlread hsdocumentn senrey beore usng TAT.
· TAT doesnotprovde medcaldagnosesnordoestoercures;tdoesnotrepace
herapy orheah care rom medcalproessonas. Iwlconsutwth my heah care
How to Do the TAT § Pose
Wh one hand, ghy ouch he p of he humb
o he area 1/8-nch above he nner cornerof your
eye. Wh he ourh nger (rng nger) of he
same hand,ghy ouch he p ofhe ngero he
area 1/8-nch above the nner corner of he oher
eye. Pace he p of he mdde nger at he pont
mdway between, and about 1/2 nch above,
eyebrow eve.
Now pace your oher hand on he back of your
head, wh he pam touchng he head so hat he
humb sresng athe base ofhe skulustabove
he harne. The pam crades he base of your
sku. If you are hodng your hands n he TAT
pose on someone ese, he same area at he base
of he skul s covered, but your e nger wl be
ust above he harne. Boh hands shoud be
resng geny. No pressure snecessary.
Forchdren age 11 and under,an open hand sused
n ron, he pam paced over he orehead coverng
he op hafofhe eyes. Forbabes,very sck peope
or anyone who ees uncomorabe wh ouch, he
pose s done by hodng he hands n he same
poson as or chdren, ony he hands are an nch
orwo away rom he personshead.
Each sep shoud astaround a mnue orunlyou eeldone. Feeng done can be ndcaed
by a sgh,a sense ofnotbeng engaged wh he probem anymore,youratenon wanderng,
an energy reease,orsmpy a eeng ofbeng done. Forchdren,thsmay happen n a ew
Very rarey,youreengsmay getsrongerasyou do TAT and become he cenralocusof
youratenon. Ifhshappens,say n he TAT pose and putyouraenon on oowng he
nentofhe Sep. Dontputyouratenon on geng more and more no hose eengs.
Foowng hese nsrucons,youreengsusuay become peaceuln abouta mnue. Ifyou
donteelpeace begnnng o come aerabouta mnue,ask orhep rom a Cered TAT
Proessonalora censed menalheah praconer.
You can restyourarmsatany me you want,durng a sep orbeween seps. Eyescan be
open orcosed,and etherhand can be n ron.
Keep yourTAT work o a maxmum of20 mnuesperday acuay n he TAT pose. Drnk 6-8
gassesofwaeron he daysyou do TAT.
How to Combne the Pose and the Steps ofTAT §
To HealTrauma
Decde on he rauma you woud ke o have heaed. On a scae of0-10,wh 0Óndcang no
sressÓand 10Óndcang he worsttcoud be,rae yourrauma athsmomen. Welreer
o hatrauma asÐhsÑn he oowng SepsofTAT.
Make he nenon hathe heang you are aboutto do wlaso benetofalofyour
ancesors,youramy,everyone nvoved,alparsofyoursefand alponsofvew you have
Ifyou have neverdone TAT beore,do he TAT pose and putyouraenon on each ofhese
hree saemens,ora ew secondso abouta mnue:
TAT s too easy to work orbe ofany vaue.
TAT s easy and coud work and be ofgreatvaue.
I deserve to ve and I acceptove,hep and heang.
Do he TAT Pose and putyouraenon on each ofhe SepsofTAT orabouta mnue or
unlyou eeldone.
Sep One: Ths happened.
Sep Two: Ths happened,ts over,and Im OK.
Sep Three: Althe paces n my mnd,body and fe where ths has been stored are
heang now.
And/Or: God (whatevername you use),thank you forheang althe paces n
my mnd,body and fe where ths has been stored.
Sep Four: Althe orgns ofths are heang now.
And/Or: God,thank you forheang althe orgns ofths.
Sep Fve: I apoogze to everyone I hurtreated to ths and wsh them ove,
happness and peace.
I forgve everyone who hurtme reated to ths and wsh them ove,
happness and peace.
I forgve everyone I bamed forths,ncudng God and mysef.
Sep Sx: Althe parts ofme thatgotsomethng from ths are heang now.
Sep Seven: Whatevers eftaboutths s heang now.
Sep Egh: I choose (whateverpostve outcome you wantreated to ths).
Sep Nne: Ths heang s competey ntegrated now.
And/Or: God,(whatevername you use forGod),thank You forcompetey
ntegratng ths heang now.
Swch he poson ofyourhandsand putyouraenon on: Ths heang s
competey ntegrated now.
In Sep Three,you do notneed o know althe paceswhere he rauma wassored. In Sep
Four,you do notneed o know whathe orgnsare;ustmake he nenon hathey are
heaed. In Sep Fve,you do notneed o hnk ofeach person nvoved;ustmake he
nenon wh yourhear.
Now hatyou have nshed dong TAT,rae thsrauma agan. On a scae of0-10,wh 0Ó
ndcang no stressÓand 10Óndcang he worsttcoud be,rae yourrauma now.
Compare yourbeore and aerrang.
Lasy,Irecommend thatyou gve hankso whomeverorwhaeveryou eeldd he heang
oryou Î God,MoherNaure,Hoy Spr,Dvne Love,ec.
* * * * * * * * *
The approach gven here wlbe ncredby eecve n heang mostraumas.However,many
suaonshave dynamcsrequrng more ranng.A person may have a compex emoonal
hsory oroheracorshatcan aecthe heang process.They may have a partof
hemseveswhch sopsheang rom progressng.Brngng a happy e no beng may need
he asssance ofa Cered TAT Proessonalo hep revealpahsofse-dscovery and
umen.Fulheang n hese suaonsoten requresmany derentappcaonsofTAT.
Some suaonsrequre hata person gethep rom a censed heahcare praconer.Saey
and eecvey carng orpeope n alsuaonssourway.
To earn how o use TAT compeey and proessonay n heang aergcreacons,emoonal
roosofphyscalness,mng bees,and orcreang a happy e,vstwwwTATLecom
ornsprng soresand normaon on vdeos,DVDsand books. Youlearn how o use hs
oolwh chdren,groupsofpeope and even oryourpes. To uy earn TAT,we oer
workshopsgven by TapasFemng and Cered TAT Traners. Tranngsare posed at
wwwTATLecom. Youre wecome o earn and pracce TAT atany evelyoud ke. We oer
programsorbecomng raned asa Cered TAT Proessonaland aso asa Cered TAT
Traner. New producsare consany beng deveoped o urheryourundersandng and
praccalexperse. Many ofourworkshopsand onne coursesare approved orproessonal
connung educaon creds. We are happy to oerourree downoadabe book and ree
eNewseerÎ boh are avaabe at wwwTATLecom . Wed ove to hearyourcommensand
PMB 7000-379
Redondo Beach,CA 90277
Copyright Tapas Fleming, 2006. All rights reserved.
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