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The Dragon within the Triangle of Darkness
An exploration of the Adversary within Magick
Michael W. Ford
© 2004 Michael W. Ford
For The Order of Phosphorus members only.
Succubus Publishing website – http://algol.chaosmagic.com
Psychonaut 75 website – http://www.psychonaut75.com
E-mail: keteb75@psychonaut75.com
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I. Set – the Egyptian God of Darkness
II. Ahriman – the Persian Devil and the Whore of Darkness
III. The Adversary and the Bride of the Devil, Cain the Son
IV. The Gnostic Yaltabaoth, “Child of Chaos”
V. The Path of the Crooked Serpent – Leviathan and Beelzebub
The very intent and purpose of this essay is to bring to light the roots of the Adversary in
Magick from a historical and mythological standpoint. As a practitioner of Magick from a
Satanic and Luciferian viewpoint, many often inquire on my sources and inspirations
from which I form my sorcerous work. It was because of this need for a crystallization of
the form and function of the praxis of sorcery that I began, to present a concise view of
the practice of Left Hand Path magical practice from a Luciferian viewpoint.
The Dragon within the Triangle of Darkness is a reference made to the evocation circle as
the meeting place of the Daemon and Man, but also the Luciferian rite of Azi Dahaka, the
Sorcerer-Dragon King from Persian mythology called Zohak, an original Son of Satan.
The Black Triangle by more common knowledge is related to the concentration of Will to
Evoke the Daemon of Man and Woman, to uplift and envenom their spirit with the
Adversarial Gnosis (an illustration is found in the Paitisha).
It must be considered appropriate that we explore the traits and descriptions of the
Adversary or Opposer from a historical and mythological standpoint as well as from a
practitioners’ own viewpoint. This will present the very need of imagination within
Magick itself, an essential ingredient to successful sorcery. While I am limited to
encircling and crystallizing the finer points of the various forms of the Adversary, I by no
means have presented the entire spectrum of the Opposer in praxis of the Path. It is
however, desired to offer a collective comment and study on the exhaustive sources of
Lucifer and Lilith in their various forms throughout time, with inclusion to modern
magicians such as Charles Pace, Aleister Crowley, Nathaniel Harris, Anton Szandor
LaVey, myself and others within the Fire of the Adversary. It must be understood that
what is firstly considered the devil is only a cipher towards which lies within; that looks
are deceiving and thus a test to the nature of both the Opposer and the sorcerer within the
context of relation. By passing through the darkness is a light revealed brighter than all
Beginning with the foundations of the Adversary in the form of the Egyptian Set are we
able to firstly understand that his force, while averse is indeed a necessary and
significantly important to the balance of nature in both a ‘natural’ and ‘supernatural’
sense. The Shadow holds substance which bears the fruit of knowledge from the
practitioner who is daring enough to taste it. Set is the original Opposer or Adversary,
whose form captivated and later frightened those who dare stand against him.
The Persian foundation of averse practice is found in some ‘satanic’ lore written by
Zoroastrian priests. Ahriman, the Prince of Darkness in that regions lore is the initiator of
the shadow – practice of sorcery, thus cannot be judged within a spectrum of the
Zoroastrian religion – this gnosis is ‘other’ and stands outside within practice. To make
proper reference;
“And by their devotion to witchcraft (yatuk-dinoih) he seduces mankind into affection for
himself and disaffection to Ohrmazd, so that they forsake the religion of Ohrmazd, and
practice that of Ahriman.” – The Bundahishn, from “On the Evil-doing of Ahriman and
the Demons” , Sacred Books of the East, Oxford University Press, 1897
Here lies the very foundation and cipher of the averse magical practice of Satanic and
Luciferian Magick – it is ‘other’ and exists outside any other religion, despite having
inverse practices of traditional Right Hand Path religions. Sorcery is a religion, and its
doctrines are written in the Will and Works of the Magician his or herself. The Evil Eye
itself holds a precedence and importance within the practice of Yatuk-Dinoih, there are
specific demons of the evil eye. This may be considered in the context of powerful
consciousness, the Will in consistent motion; thus therein a part of the Adversary.
Consider also the nature of the other demons, Savar, who is the leader and may be
corresponded to the Hebrew Belial, the angel of Lucifer, as well as Taromat who is a
demon of disobedience, thus Antinomian in purpose and practice.
In the context of the presented essay, the reader or practitioner of Magick may by this
find the associations to the Grimoires of the Luciferian Path 1 and how this form of
practice manifests from mythological and historical sources.
Another question may be asked, what is the purpose of the Adversary? In my years of
practice and development of the art on a personal level, I feel and understand the nature
of the Adversary to be dual in its nature. Satan is a tester, who by illuminating the self of
the initiate asks and poses many questions and challenges; it is up to the individual to
answer these by action and balanced thought. The devil has always given the greatest
gifts, however the cost is the test itself. You may be led into the darkness and feel as if
you cannot go on – therein is a test, to rise up through that trouble in your life to emerge
as a Bringer of Light – this is only a mere glimpse of the Fall under the shadows of the
adversary. The nature of Lucifer is movement and motion; storms, chaos and order which
arises from it. To drink the venom of this cup is cursing and blessing – be prepared to
change and mutate into something greater; or seal your fate to a mindless death.
1 See the Suggested Reading List at the end.
I. Set – the Egyptian God of Darkness
“I am Set, the Father of the Gods. I shall never come to an end.”
-The Book of the Dead
The Egyptian mythology of Gods and powerful deities is perhaps History’s most
elaborate and evasive within the conception of their opposing powers. The Egyptian God
of Chaos and Storms, Set, called also Sutekh, Set-heh or Seth-an was revered in the 3 rd
Millennia B.C. and forward, originally as a positive force of movement and foreign lands.
It was later on that Set became a form of the Opposer, with Red being a sacred color and
his minions being actual demons who tested or destroyed others. Set was commonly
perceived as a God of War, who taught some Pharaohs the art of shooting the bow and
arrow, etc. The Egyptian Book of the Dead presents Set as the Lord of the Northern Sky,
who is over storms, cold weather and darkness. Set was perhaps the most significant
Egyptian God in that he alone was the God of Mystery and the Unknown, both the
shadow and fire. As being a Patron of the Deserts, Seth was also revered as a Deity over
the Scorching Heat of the desert sands. This concept continued on in the Persian Ahriman
and the Islamic Shaitan, which shall be discussed in further detail later on in this treatise.
“Verily, the Soul of Set, which is greater than all the gods, hath departed” - From the
Papyrus of Ani
Set was known as a God of unrest who continually fought with Horus, his brother and
was the antagonist and murderer of Osiris, a God of Stasis. Set also protected Ra on his
journeys through the Underworld, and was able to master the chaotic force of Apep, a
Serpent of Darkness. Set is known in the Book of the Dead as having legions of devils,
known as Seba as well as Smaiu, who obey his commands. It seems also that there were a
group of rebels who were of Set and were defeated early on. Set is mentioned in the
Egyptian Book of the Dead as having the skin of a Bull. In the eleventh section of the
Tuat called “Reenqerrtaptkhatu”, Set is in the form of a serpent and called “Set-heh”
meaning “The Eternal Set”.
“When Osiris came again, Typhon plotted with seventy-two comrades, and with Aso, the
queen of Ethiopia, to slay him” -The Egyptian Book of the Dead, E.A. Wallis Budge
Set is primarily regarded the same as the Greek Typhon, a serpent like Daemon-God who
is a Patron Spirit of Sorcery and Magick. Plutarch explained that in Egyptian astronomy
Seth or Typhon was connected to the Solar World, while Osiris was associated with the
Moon. The Sun was considered very hostile as it dried up and made lands inhabitable,
while the Moon nourished and brought moisture. Plutarch writes the Seth means
“Compelling and Overmastering”, being a powerful force of chaos and order. Typhon
was collectively later known and associated to the Earth’s shadow, which they bring into
the lunar cycle and the eclipse. In such an aspect, Seth is highly significant to the balance
of chaos and order, as he creates situations for both to occur.
Set and Horus indeed have a close connection as not only brothers but also deific
opposites. It is suggested by E.A. Wallis Budge that Horus means something similar to
“He who is above” and Set therefore “He who is below”, thus holding a significance to
“As Above, So Below” and the Baphomet idol long regarded as a form of hidden
knowledge. Considering Set’s name had similar hieroglyphic connections to stone, it can
be suggested further that this god was a personification of the lands of death, stony land
and the desert wastes. Set’s direction was also often consider South as well, and his
opposing side of the North. In later times, as previously mentioned, Ahriman has been
long associated with not only the North but also the South, making reference to his
powers over both scorching heat and cold. The Head of Ramses II has been shown being
dually crowned by both Set and Horus – indicating Power and Knowledge. One reference
of which Set makes comment is in the crowning “I will give thee all life, and strength and
health”, thus although considered often a Devil and a most feared God, this power could
be used in a positive aspect as well.
Set was also friendly to the Shades of the Dead as well, Set was said to purify and Horus
strengthen. The backbone of the dead was considered the backbone of Set. Another title
of Set is SMAI, the Egyptian name associated with Set as the archfiend and devil.
It was as the Adversary becoming the mastering force over Apep, thus slowly Apep
became a form of Set and vise versa. The demonic beasts, serpents and such located and
dwelling deep in the waters were considered of Set and therefore part of his essence.
Similarly anything with Red was often considered to be of Set, as Red was the color
commonly associated with Fire and Aggression.
Apep and his/its brood have been referred to as “Children of Rebellion” 2 and were
opponents to the Sun God. While Set has been considered for being a beneficial God, his
darker side lays foundations of power and awe, from which lived on even beyond his
name being denounced and demonized. The names of the form of Set as Apep are indeed
many, some of which are Saatet-ta (Darkener of the Earth), Hau-hra (Backward Face),
Tutu (Doubly Evil One), Hemhemti (Devourer), all of which describe the Storm Demon
who is called also Kharebutu the Fourfold Fiend. In the gnosis of Set who overcame the
serpent for Apep to become him presents a powerful gnosis for the aspiring sorcerer.
Apep also bore the name of Rerek, a monster serpent form of Set who had many helpers
being serpents, noxious creatures and demons. It is further connected that Thoth was said
to have gotten the knife to slay the Bull from Set, thus making parallel the name of Smain
with Set, being violence.
One specific dwelling place of Set was called “Set Amentet 3 ” which is the “Mountain of
the Underworld”, which is a cemetery in the desert on the west banks of the Nile.
Set is also closely connected with a former Death-God called Seker, who was later
merged with Osiris and became something rather different in nature. In the Tuat, Seker
resided within a kingdom called Ra-Stau, from which he sat upon a Throne in Majesty,
having numerous legions of winged serpents, devils called Seba and other monsters
2 Budge, E.A. Wallis, the Gods of the Egyptians Volume 1
3 Compare with the Persian Arezura, the Mountain in the North from which ‘hell’ is commonly located.
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