B2.1 mock - odpowiedzi.doc

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MOCK MODULE TEST B2.1 (BR 13, 14, 15)



Fill in the gaps with no more than three words.

1.       London has good airports, roads, transport and plenty of __.

2.       The building of new facilities cost __ pounds.

3.       106 million pounds is ‘risk money’ to cover any __.

4.       They hope to earn 864 million pounds from __.

5.       Job creation, housing and advertising are just some of business __ that the Games will bring.


Fill in the gaps with no more than three words.

1.       IKEA started operating in Russia in 1)__.

2.       Shopping malls contain a variety of smaller 2) __.

3.       In the second year the sales more than  3) __.

4.       Russia offers good 4) __ such as wood and metals for example.

5.       Russia also has many factories able to produce in 5) __.



Read the article about recruitment on the Internet and choose the best sentence below to fill each of the gaps. Do not mark any letter more than once. There is an extra sentence that you do not need to use.  

a. Graeme Wright, a human resources expert, wonders if CVs are necessary when a machine can interview

    the best candidates.

b. But as the test leads to a final interview, lying like this is simply a waste of everyone’s time.

c. Their computer test asks candidates questions like: Why did you leave your last job?’ and then it responds

    to the answer.

d. It enables people who are knowledgeable exploring the options

e. One student says that it enables graduates to see lots of different options without having to send off

    for application forms, which can take a long time.

f. One way of doing this is by using selection tests on the Internet which will identify unsuitable



How employers can gain net benefits                                                                                        


When it comes to recruiting graduates, clever firms are not just interested in how to attract the best candidates, but also in how to keep them. 1)__ These tests can be used right up to the interview to make sure that only the best candidates get through to this stage.2)__ In fact, few companies ask for them these days because they are promotional tools and are, therefore, difficult to assess. He says that with the increase in Internet use, recruitment using computer testing is a growing and inevitable trend.

In the States, Macy’s department store takes on hundreds of extra staff at peak season. It already selects the best candidates through computer testing. 3)__It also finds out how candidates might react in certain situations. The test is then marked by the software, and if the candidate is successful, his / her computer gets in touch with the right person at Macy’s to arrange a personal interview

However, there are some drawbacks. For example an  applicant ,who has no personal skills could get a friend to do the test 4)__

Like the employers, students too can see the benefits of using recruitment methods available on the Internet. 5)__Nevertheless, many still feel that it is important to go to traditional recruitment fairs. Here they can actually meet people who have been through the recruitment process and have managed to get jobs with their chosen companies.

1 F 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 E


Choose the answer A, B or C which best fits the space.

1.       The disk on my computer keeps going __.

a. down

b. off

c. wrong

2.       If your boss doesn’t listen you can always __.

a. threat to leave

b. threaten to leave

c. threat to live

3.       What __ at 10 o’clock last night?

a. had you done

b. did you do

c. were you doing

4.       Ann __ television a lot when she was ill last year.

a. was watching

b. watched

c. watches

5.       The man sitting next to me on a plane was very nervous. He __ before.

a. didn’t fly

b. haven’t flown

c. hadn’t flown

6.       Is that ok __ you?

a. with

b. from

c. to

7.       That should __ it out.

a. fix

b. sort

c. solve

8.       My boss __ on giving me extra work.

a. gets

b. goes

c. keeps

9.       Try to __ by someone else.

a. introduce

b. be introduced

c. introducing

10.    The leather pieces __ together to make the balls.

a. sew

b. are sewn

c. are sown

1 C 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 B 8 C 9 B 10 B


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words the brackets.

1. I __ (already buy) computer game when I saw it was cheaper in another shop. HAD ALREADY BOUGHT

2. When we shared a room Zoe __ (always/ take) my things. It was so annoying. WAS ALWAYS TAKING

3. Where __ (you go) when I saw you last night on the bus. WERE YOU GOING

4. By the time he died Beethoven __ (write) 9 symphonies. HAD WRITTEN

5. I think my mobile __ (steal). HAS BEEN STOLEN

6. Two men __ (question) at this moment by the police. ARE BEING QUESTIONED

7. Your application __ (consider) and we will let you know as soon as we’ve made the decision. IS BEING COSIDERED/ WILL BE CONSIDERED

8. We’ve had yet another delivery of defective good from that supplier. We __ (not use) them again. WON’T USE

9. It mustn’t __ (change) in any way. BE CHANGED

10. The post __ (open) in the morning. OPENS/ IS OPENED



Choose the best answer from the words in italics.

1.       She doesn’t work enough/ enough work.

2.       The restaurant was very/ too expensive, but we enjoyed ourselves.

3.       What would/should you do if you were me?

4.       Have you tried putting/ put it in a different position?

5.       The campaign was too much expensive/ much too expensive.

6.       I was wondering/ wonder if we could meet next week.

7.       One of your key strengths/ strenghs is being a team player.

8.       I’d advice/ advise you to take it easy.

9.       I think you should ask for an extension/ extention on the deadline.

10.    How are you getting out/ on with these late orders?


Read the sentences below and choose the best word from the box to complete the sentences. There are FIVE extra words.

















1.       How do you think we should __? PROCEED

2.       The disease is caused by a __ gene. DEFECTIVE

3.       The jewellery can be yours for $15 plus __. SHIPPING

4.       She is a __ socialist. DEDICATED

5.       The hospital tries to __ that people get better quickly. ENSURE

6.       They didn't...

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