The Drink Tank 282 (2011).pdf

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Handicapping The Hugos 2011
Editors: Chris Garcia and James Bacon
As always, it’s amazing to be on the bal-
lot again! I’m so happy that we did another great
year. I have to start by thanking Mr. James Bacon.
I love that guy! He’s done great stuff, the two
most visible and impressive issues of last year,
The Clarkes and the Hugo for Best Novel is-
sue, OH, make that three with the Hitman issue,
were all sorts of James, and he was around all
year to make the zine as good as it could be! I’m
so happy to see that he’s on the ballot as himself
for Best Fan Writer. I assure you, he’s going to
destroy me in the voting!
I’ve got a lot of folks to thank. First off,
Mo Starkey, on the ballot for the first time her-
self, has been doing great covers and art for The
Drink Tank for a few years and it’s great to see
her up there. Thanks, MO!
The greatest disappointment for me was
the lack of Taral Wayne on the Best Fan Writer
ballot. He’s done so much for so many zines that
he really should be up there. Thanks, Taral! Even
though I’ve not been the best of all possible
zines to showcase your stuff, you keep sendin’ it
my way and I could not be happier!
Bill Burns made all this possible. Without, there would be no Drink Tank. I
wouldn’t be a Fan Writer at all. Thanks, Bill!
And, of course, there’s the folks who’ve
been sending things along and letting me write
for them. Frank Wu, Warren Buff, Steve Green,
Steven H Silver, Guy Lillian, Joe Major, Niall Har-
rison, Brad W. Foster, Steve Stiles, Lloyd Penney,
John Purcell, Jay Lake, Judith Morel, M, SaBean,
Daniel Kimmel, Mike Perschon, Jay, Jason Scha-
chat, Kevin Roche, Andy Trembley, Padraig, Helen
Montgomery, Claire Brialey, Mike, John Hertz,
Cousin Claire, Dann Lopez, Kevin Standlee,
Brianna SpaceKat-Wu, John Coxon, Graham
Charnock, Paul Cornell, Espana Sheriff, Leigh
Ann, Jean Martin, MIKO (MikoFact - MIko was
famously turned away from Ellis Island for not
being huddled enough), Spike, Tom Becker, Bruce
Gillespie, Earl Kemp, Jan Stinson, Jerry Kaufman,
Joel Zakem, Chris Marble, Mike, Radio, Lux, Cyn-
thia, Jason Wiener, JB Whaley and so many oth-
ers! SO many great people!
OK, this issue is going to be fun. I’ll look
at all the categories and the various things. I do
think the administrators blew it a bit this year
when it comes to PodCasts. There are two Pod-
Casts in two separate categories. I’ve listened to
both, neither one seems that fundamentally dif-
ferent from the other. So why are PodCasts the
only things allowed to exist in two categories at
once? I really hate that the answer always seems
to be the same: Vox populi, vox Dei. It fails! I’m
sorry, we need guidelines in which the populi to
vox properly. We have terribly weak definitions
and we need to strengthen them! If two things
that are the same can be put into two catego-
ries simply based on where people vote them
to, then that has to hold for everything. There’s
nothing special about PodCasts that make them
immune to the rules of the other categories. If
one had been nominated for a specific episode
and the other for the entire year’s of run, I’d
have bought it.
But it wasn’t.
We need to get serious and we need our
administrators to administrate more strongly. I
have nothing but respect for this year’s admins,
but I really think they took too loose a hand this
year and should have made some rulings. It hap-
On the other hand, this team seems to
be the best that’ve been around, they’re just
placed in dumb situations because of the weak-
ness of our rules. So it goes.
So, this is the look at all the categories
(except for the Campbell because it’s NOT A
HUGO!) and some snark, some fun and some
folks making comments along with me!
Comments on Our Choices?!
Best Fan Artist
Last Year’s Winner – Brad W. Foster
Most Wins in the Category – Brad W. Foster with 7
First time Nominees – MO STARKEY!, Randall Munroe
Missing from the list – Sue Mason, Ditmar (still a
crime!), Brianna SpaceKat-Wu, Craig Smith, Frank
Wu, Andy Trembley (Photographers have never made
the ballot, I believe)
The Drink Tank.
Positives – One of the greatest fan artists of all-
time, a Rotsler winner.
Negatives – Perhaps a bit less visible over the
last year or so
It hurts to not say that Stiles should be
taking one of these home with him, but alas, I
don’t think this is his year. Still, he’s an amazing
artist, one of the best that have ever graced fan-
Odds – 7-to-1
Fifth – Steve Stiles
Previous Nominations – Eleven of ‘em!
My Favorite Piece of his 2010 – The Cover im-
age for Earl Kemp’s eI 52. I love that one.
Appearances in Garcia Zines – Several, most no-
tably a couple of exceptional abstract covers for
Fourth – Mo Starkey
Previous Nominations – None
My favorite of her pieces in 2010 – Personally,
I love the Tiki cover she did for the Drink Tank
239, but the one she did for Andy Trembley’s iKi-
nook Reader was amazing!
Appearances in Garcia Zines – She’s done a ton
of covers for The Drink Tank, the cover for Jour-
ney Planet 2, and is currently doing the art for 52
Weeks to Science Fiction Film Literacy.
Positives – She’s been doing great stuff in some
very visible zines and Reno is in her Wheelhouse,
as it were, and has the dreaded BASFA voting
bloc behind her.
Negatives – First year on the ballot, not in a lot
of the biggest zines.
I’d love to say that she’d be walking off
with the Rocket, but I just don’t see it happen-
ing, as much as that hurts. I really think she does
great work and no other nomination made me
personally happier. Still, she could surprise with
a win at a WorldCon that’s in her backyard.
Odds – 6-to-1
Third – Brad W. Foster
Previous Nominations – 22 with 7 wins!
My Favorite Piece of his 2010 – Wow, hard to say.
I gotta go with the Bull for eI issue 51, though
he did have an amazing piece in the most recent
Exhibition Hall, but that’s 2011.
Appearances in Garcia Zines – Tons, covers and
interior art and on and on...
Positives – One of the most-beloved Fan Artists
in history, A Rotsler winner, who has been do-
ing great stuff for years and especially in recent
Negatives – Has won twice in the last three
Brad’s great. I totally think he’s one of
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the best artists ever and one of the best work-
ing out there today. His style is so distinctive, so
clean and baroque and awesome! I don’t think
he’ll take it this year, but it’s always good to see
him on the ballot.
Odds – 4-to-1
Art, in Fan Art, in Fan Writing, and a Rotsler win-
ner also.
Negatives – He’s not a superstar beyond the fan
art community.
I really wish I could write that he was go-
ing to be walking off with it, but I don’t see it just
because of the guy I think will be winning. It’s a
shame because there’ve been two years where I
really thought he’d take it, he certainly deserved
it, and it never happened.
Odds – 3-to-1
Winner – Randall Munroe
Previous Nomiantions – None
My favorite piece of his in 2010 – http://xkcd.
Appearances in Garcia Zines – None.
Positives – xkcd is a massive hit and even I think
it’s pretty funny.
Negatives – I’ve not found any zines or the like
where he’s appeared.
It’s just about dead certain that Best Fan
Artist will fall for what Best Fan Writer has sev-
eral years prior, where if you have a pro on the
ballot, you end up with them winning. It’s kind of
a shame as there’s so much talent doing so much
great stuff that to have it go to a guy who should
be in the Best Pro Artist section isn’t great, but
still, I do love his stuff that I’ve seen.
Odds – 5-to-4
This is an interesting category and I’m
thinking that it may well turn out to be the one
that sees the biggest win. Randall might even win
without needing a redistribute. It’s going to be
the broken record, we need better definitions.
And so on. It’s not like we’re all clamouring to
give Hugos to the folks who do art for zines
or programme books. I’d not have been upset if
Dave Howell had won last year, primarily for his
Hugo base design, but this just feels wrong.
It’s a shame that Taral and Stiles haven’t
won one. They need to. They’re both legends
who have won just about every other award
Fandom has for them. Well, Taral hasn’t won the
Aurora. Or a FAAn award. Folks, we really need
to get on that!
Still, I’m hoping that I’ll get some of these
folks to do some more art for me in the future!
Second – Taral Wayne
Previous Nominations
– Nine
My favorite piece of his
2010 – IS in The Drink
Tank 259, on the Editorial
page! It’s got me with a
gun at my head!
Appearances in Garcia
ZInes – Too many to men-
tion, especially in the area
of writing.
Positives – One of the
biggest names in Furry
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Best Fan Writer
Last Year’s Winner – Fred Pohl
Most Wins in the Category – Dave Langford with
First time Nominees – JAMES BACON!!!!!
Missing from the list – Taral Wayne, a crime. Lloyd
Penney, also a crime. John Hertz, another crime.
Mike Perschon, Randy Smith, Randy Byers, Frank
Wu, Bruce Gillespie, Leigh Ann Hildebrand, Kevin
Roche, Guy Lillian, crimes that one and all ain’t on
the ballot!
My favorite piece of his 2010 – I gotta go with
his tribute to Samuel Clemens - http://efanzines.
Appearances in Garcia Zines – Several over the
years, last year a Twain piece and I think one of
two others.
Where can you read his stuff - http://efanzines.
Positives - Long-standing nominee back on the
ballot after a year off. Always does good stuff.
Fan GoH at FenCon this year!
Negatives – Argentus not on the ballot might in-
dicate that he’s fallen out of the public eye a bit.
I’d love to see Steven win one of these,
and hey, there’s Chicago coming up next year. I
just don’t see it happening this year. Still, St Pe-
tersburg Gazette and
Dawson’s Landing Herald and last year’s Argen-
tus were both really good stuff from him.
Odds – 5-to-1
Came in second to Fred Pohl last year.
Negatives – Doesn’t have much on-line.
I can not do justice to Claire Brial-
ey, so here’s a piece from her about getting
The Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer has
been presented 45 times (as you’ll recall, Professor,
it was introduced for NyCon 3 in 1967) but has
been won by only 13 different people: Terry Carr,
Richard E Geis, Mike Glyer, Dave Langford, Cheryl
Morgan, Alexei Panshin, Fred Pohl, John Scalzi, Bob
Shaw, Bob Tucker, Ted White, Harry Warner Jr and
Susan Wood.
Of course it’s a cliché to say that it’s an hon-
our just to be on the short-list, but this year we know
that one of us will get the undoubted honour of join-
ing that list of winners – possibly, in that company,
decorated with the footnote ‘Who?’ – unless we cre-
ate history in a different way by all being beaten
by No Award. Rest assured that even to be in the
running makes me, too, wonder who I think I am.
Fortunately it’s not something I really need
to worry about too much. In September 2010 I sent
a long overdue letter of comment to The Drink Tank
– so overdue, in fact, that among many other previ-
ous topics it was able to comment with the benefit
of hindsight on the 2010 version of this issue, which
had appeared about five months before. I said then,
notwithstanding last year’s results, that I hadn’t been
harbouring any false optimism about my chances
(or those for Banana Wings in the fanzine ballot),
and that this had caused me no distress whatsoever.
And that remains the case.
This isn’t any sort of false modesty, but rath-
er pragmatism. I’m an old fart sort of fan, whose
writing and the forums in which I write probably
don’t resonate with the majority of Worldcon at-
Fifth place – James Nicoll
Previous Nominations – Last year he debuted.
My favorite piece of his 2010 – I honestly can’t
think of a single one. I imagine this is more my
problem with not keeping up with the main-
stream than his not being visible or memorable.
Appearances in Garcia Zines – 0.
Where you can read some of his stuff - http://
Positives – Has a widely-read LJ, writes some
good stuff.
Negatives – Didn’t fare well last year
I’ve not read much James Nicoll. I’ve
read a few pieces in the past, and he made a few
very memorable quotes in the USENET days as
I seem to have discovered. I guess the biggest
reason I could never put him higher on my bal-
lot is his quote about Stephen Baxter’s Titan -
It would not surprise me if reading that book
causes birth defects. I love Titan!
Odds – 8-to-1
Third – Claire Brialey
Previous Nomiantions – Only three, which I find
almost criminal!
My favorite piece of hers 2010 – And my favorite
LoC of all-time in
Appearances in Garcia Zines – She plays a piv-
otal role in Journey Planet (basically, she keeps
me and James from looking like idiots!) and she’s
been in several issues of The Drink Tank over
the last few years. And there’s that LoC!
Where can you read her stuff – Well, she doesn’t
have that much on-line, though you can find
pieces of Claire’s in The Drink Tank Clarkes is-
sue and, in 2011, the Stephen Baxter issue.
Positives – The Best Fan Writer in the World.
Fourth – Stephen Silver
Previous Nominations – 9 for Best Fan Writer
and I think 3 for Best Fanzine for Argentus
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