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ESL Podcast English Café 143
English as a Second Language Podcast
Harley Davidson; Famous Americans: Jesse Jackson; because versus since,
yikes, speaking of which
loyal – being faithful to something; always using or being a customer to a
product or business
* When she became president of the company, she gave management jobs to
the employees who had been loyal to her for years.
logo – a small image, sometimes with text, that identifies a company or
* Some people like to wear clothes with the logo of famous or high-status clothing
engine – the part of a machine that provides power or energy; the part of a car or
vehicle that makes it run
* Do you know why your car’s engine is making those funny noises?
reputation – the way that other people think about a person, organization, or
something else
* Zia has a reputation for being generous with her friends and family.
pejorative – something very negative; expressing disapproval
* When his daughter’s boyfriend yelled at his daughter, he called the boyfriend a
pejorative name.
mid-life crisis a period of time in one’s life when one is worried about getting
older and does and buys things to feel younger
* Lee had a mid-life crisis at the age of 45 and bought a brand new sports car.
reverend – a title of respect for a minister, preacher, pastor, or another person
who leads a church and speaks to other people about faith and religion
* We spoke to the reverend at our church and he agreed to marry us next month.
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English as a Second Language Podcast
civil rights – the things that everyone should be able to have and do, such as
the freedom to practice religion or to vote, no matter what color a person’s skin is
or whether they are a man or a woman
* They filed a lawsuit against the government for violating their civil rights.
activist – a person who strongly believes that something should be changed in
society and works hard to change that thing
* Xander used to be lawyer, but now he’s an environmental activist.
segregated – separated by race, or skin color; separated for a specific purpose
* Let’s keep the two groups of people participating in this research study
segregated until after we get the test results.
march – an event when many people walk outside together for some purpose,
such as to show support for a cause or to show dislike of something
* Last year, we marched from downtown to city hall to protest the new state
shadow senator – an elected representative in the U.S. government from
Washington, D.C., who cannot vote for or against laws and policies
* Even though she’s the shadow senator, she has a lot of influence on which
policies are voted on.
because – for the reason that; since
* I don’t want to sing in front of my friends because I have a bad singing voice.
since – for that reason that; because; from a specific time in the past to the
* Since I started exercising, I’ve had more energy and feel more relaxed.
yikes – an exclamation to show shock or alarm, often to be funny; something
said to express surprise, fear, or disgust
* You have eight of your aunts, uncles, and cousins staying at your house this
summer? Yikes!
speaking of which – an expression used when someone is talking about a topic
and he or she wants to mention, ask about, or suddenly recall something related
to that topic
* My favorite TV show is 60 Minutes. Speaking of which, did you see last week’s
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English as a Second Language Podcast
The Classic Movie Easy Rider
If you were to ask Americans to name a classic “biker” (motorcycle riding) movie,
there is a good chance the answer would be Easy Rider. Easy Rider was a 1969
film about two bikers who travel around the southwestern part of the United
States to experience life and to meet people. Three of the main actors, writers,
and directors of the film – Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda, and Dennis Hopper –
are well known and well respected actors today.
In the movie, two young bikers, Wyatt and Billy, get money by selling drugs in
Southern California and begin their trip to find a lifestyle that is right for them. On
the journey, they encounter hatred from small-town communities who “despise”
(hate) and fear their “non-conformist” (not following the rules) views on life.
However, Wyatt and Billy also discover people attempting “alternative lifestyles,”
or a different way to live, who are resisting this “narrow-mindedness” (not willing
to listen to or tolerate others’ views).
Easy Rider was one of the films that began a new way of making films in
Hollywood during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The major film making
“studios” (companies) realized that they could make money by making “low-
budget” (low cost) films with “avant-garde” or new and experimental directors.
This way of making films reflected the social atmosphere and attitudes of the
U.S. during this time. This was a period in American history of people’s,
especially young people’s, increasing “disillusionment” (feeling disappointment
after finding out that something is not good) with the government and the world.
The film was nominated for many awards, including several Academy Awards for
acting and writing.
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English as a Second Language Podcast
You’re listening to ESL Podcast’s English Café number 143.
This is English as a Second Language Podcast’s English Café episode 143. I’m
your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational
Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California.
Our website is You can download this episode’s Learning Guide, an
8 to 10 page guide we provide for all of our current episodes that gives you some
additional help in improving your English. You can also take a look at our ESL
Podcast Store, which has additional courses in business and daily English I think
you may enjoy.
On this Café, we’re going to talk about Harley Davidson motorcycles. What they
are, and why they are important to the culture of the United States – at least, to
part of our culture. We’ll also continue our series on famous Americans. Today
we’ll be learning about the life and accomplishments of Jesse Jackson. And as
always, we’ll answer a few of your questions. Let’s get started.
Our first topic today is Harley Davidson motorcycles. A somewhat unusual topic,
I will admit, for our Café, but I hope that you will see that it is, in fact, an
interesting part of American culture.
The Harley Davidson Company is based in the state of Wisconsin, which is in the
mid-western – the upper mid-western part of the United States, next to the State
of Minnesota, north of the State of Illinois, and just east of the State of Michigan.
Harley Davidson Motor Company manufactures (or makes) very popular
motorcycles in the U.S. The motorcycles are called “Harley Davidsons,” or
sometimes simply “Harleys.” Many people who own these motorcycles are very
loyal to the Harley Davidson brand – to the type of product that they produce. To
be “loyal,” in this case, means to always use a particular product or always try to
promote a particular product – to think good things about them. A “brand,” as I
said, is really a name that a company puts on its products – in this case, “Harley
Davidson.” When I say that people are loyal to the Harley Davidson brand, I
mean that they will buy only Harleys when they want a motorcycle.
Many of these people buy other Harley Davidson products as well, such as t-
shirts, stickers, and other and just about any other item that show the Harley
Davidson logo. A “logo” (logo) is a small image, sometimes with some writing on
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2008). Posting of
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English as a Second Language Podcast
it that identifies a company or organization. If you go onto the ESL Podcast
website, in the top left corner you will see the ESL Pod logo, designed by our
wonderful webmaster, Adriano Galeno. The Harley Davidson logo is black,
orange, and white. You can see these on jackets, you can see these on t-shirts;
they’re very popular among people who ride Harley Davidson motorcycles.
The Harley Davidson Company was founded more than 100 years ago, in 1903.
The company’s motorcycles became very popular almost immediately. In 1917,
the U.S. government bought more than 20,000 Harleys to use in World War I.
Many of the soldiers and the other men who used the motorcycles during the war
liked them so much that they bought their own Harleys when they came back to
the United States. Very soon after, Harley Davidson became the biggest
manufacturer of motorcycles in the world.
Then, unfortunately, came the Great Depression, that period of time from the late
20s and through the 1930s, when the United States and, really, the world
economy was very bad and there was very little extra money for people to buy
things like motorcycles. For this reason, the company actually stopped making
motorcycles, or at least, stopped focusing on motorcycles – I believe they
continued to make them – and instead made engines for factories. An “engine”
is the part of a machine that provides the power or the energy. In your car – in
an American car, your engine is usually in the front of the car.
Well, the plan, or strategy, worked for Harley Davidson. They were only one of
only two motorcycle manufacturers to stay in business during the Great
Depression, and when World War II started, at least for the United States
involvement in World War II in 1941, the company made many more motorcycles
for the U.S. government. Then it began selling motorcycles again to civilians,
people who are not in the military, and it continues to do so today. So, after the
war, Harley Davidson was successful again at selling motorcycles to the average
person, not just to the government.
Harley Davidson Company’s “reputation,” what people think of it, suffered, or got
worse, when the company changed ownership. We sometimes say your
reputation “suffers.” Normally, “suffer” is a verb we use to talk about human pain,
but here it refers to a decline, or decrease, or worsening of your reputation. The
Harley Davidson Motor Company’s reputation suffered when it was bought by
another company that changed the way motorcycles were made. The quality of
the motorcycle got worse; it “deteriorated.” People began to use pejorative
names for the motorcycle. Something that is “pejorative” (pejorative) is very
negative. The pejorative names for the Harleys included: “Hardly Drivable,”
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2008). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
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