[Server 2003][2276][MOC]Implementing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure Network Hosts.pdf

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Implementing a Microsoft §
Windows § Server 2003 Network
Infrastructure: Network Hosts
Delivery Guide
Course Number: 2276B
Part Number: X09-62540
Released: 05/2003
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Course Number: 2276B
Part Number: X09-62540
Released: 05/2003
Implementing a Microsoft§ Windows§ Server 2003 Network Infrastructure: Network Hosts
Course Materials................................................................................................... 2
Additional Reading from Microsoft Press ............................................................ 3
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................... 4
Course Outline...................................................................................................... 5
Setup ..................................................................................................................... 7
Microsoft Official Curriculum.............................................................................. 8
Microsoft Certified Professional Program............................................................ 9
Multimedia: Job Roles in TodayÓs Information Systems Environment.............. 12
Facilities ............................................................................................................. 13
Module 1: Reviewing the Suite of TCP/IP Protocols
Overview .............................................................................................................. 1
Lesson: Overview of the OSI Model .................................................................... 2
Lesson: Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite .................................................. 7
Lesson: Viewing Frames Using Network Monitor............................................. 14
Module 2: Assigning IP Addresses in a Multiple Subnet Network
Overview .............................................................................................................. 1
Lesson: Assigning IP Addresses........................................................................... 2
Lesson: Creating a Subnet .................................................................................. 19
Lesson: Using IP Routing Tables ....................................................................... 29
Lesson: Overcoming Limitations of the IP Addressing Scheme ........................ 45
Module 3: Configuring a Client IP Address
Overview .............................................................................................................. 1
Lesson: Configuring a Client to Use a Static IP Address ..................................... 2
Lesson: Configuring a Client to Obtain an IP Address Automatically................. 9
Lesson: Using Alternate Configuration .............................................................. 19
Course Evaluation .............................................................................................. 27
Module 4: Configuring a Client for Name Resolution
Overview .............................................................................................................. 1
Lesson: Resolving Client Names.......................................................................... 2
Lesson: Managing the ARP Cache ....................................................................... 4
Lesson: Overview of NetBIOS........................................................................... 13
Lesson: Using Static Name Resolution .............................................................. 25
Lesson: Using Dynamic Name Resolution......................................................... 35
Lesson: Summarizing the Name Resolution Process ......................................... 44
Module 5: Isolating Common Connectivity Issues
Overview .............................................................................................................. 1
Lesson: Determining the Causes of Connectivity Issues...................................... 2
Lesson: Network Utilities That You Can Use to Isolate Connectivity Issues .... 12
Lab A: Isolating Common Connectivity Issues.................................................. 33
Course Evaluation .............................................................................................. 41
Problem Isolation Flow Chart
Implementing a Microsoft§ Windows§ Server 2003 Network Infrastructure: Network Hosts
About This Course
This section provides you with a brief description of the course, audience,
suggested prerequisites, and course objectives.
The goal of this two-day course is to provide students with the skills and
knowledge necessary to configure a Windows-based computer to operate in a
Microsoft § Windows § Server 2003 networking infrastructure.
The target audience for this course includes individuals who are either
employed by, or who are seeking employment as, a Systems Administrator in
Medium and Large (M/LORG) organizations. The entry criterion for this course
includes individuals who are:
¡ Entry-level IT professionals, new to hands-on Windows server and network
¡ Preparing for exam 70-291, Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure , a core requirement
for the MCSA and MCSE certification credentials.
Student prerequisites
This course requires that students meet the following prerequisites:
¡ A+ certification or have equivalent knowledge and skills.
¡ Network+ certification or have equivalent knowledge and skills.
¡ Course 2274, Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment , or
have equivalent knowledge and skills.
Course objectives
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
¡ Describe the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
protocol architecture.
¡ Convert Internet Protocol (IP) addresses between decimal and binary.
¡ Calculate a subnet mask.
¡ Create subnets using Variable-Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) and Classless
Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR).
¡ Configure a host to use a static IP address.
¡ Assign IP addresses in a multiple subnet network.
¡ Describe the IP routing process.
¡ Configure a host to obtain an IP address automatically.
¡ Configure a host so that automatic private IP address configuration is
¡ Configure a host to use name servers.
¡ Isolate common connectivity issues.
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