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Audit and Assurance
Paper F8 (Global)
Course Notes
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F8 Audit and Assurance (Global)
Study Programme
Introduction to the paper and the course............................................................................................................... (ii)
The concept of audit and other assurance engagements ........................................................................... 1.1
Statutory audits ........................................................................................................................................... 2.1
The regulatory environment and corporate governance.............................................................................. 3.1
Professional ethics and ACCA's Code of Ethics and Conduct .................................................................... 4.1
Internal audit................................................................................................................................................ 5.1
Risk assessment ......................................................................................................................................... 6.1
End of Day 1 – refer to Course Companion for Home Study
Progress test 1
7 Audit planning and documentation .............................................................................................................. 7.1
8 Introduction to audit evidence...................................................................................................................... 8.1
9 Internal control............................................................................................................................................. 9.1
10 Tests of controls ........................................................................................................................................ 10.1
Audit procedures and sampling ................................................................................................................. 11.1
End of Day 2 – refer to Course Companion for
Home Study
Progress test 2
Course exam 1
12 Receivables ............................................................................................................................................... 12.1
13 Inventory.................................................................................................................................................... 13.1
14 Liabilities and capital ................................................................................................................................. 14.1
15 Bank and cash........................................................................................................................................... 15.1
16 Non-current assets .................................................................................................................................... 16.1
17 Not–for-profit organisations ....................................................................................................................... 17.1
18 Audit review and finalisation ...................................................................................................................... 18.1
19 Reports...................................................................................................................................................... 19.1
End of Day 3 – refer to Course Companion for Home Study
Progress test 3
Course exam 2
Answers to Lecture Examples ................................................................................................................... 20.1
Question and Answer bank ....................................................................................................................... 21.1
Appendix: Pilot Paper questions (UK and International) ........................................................................... 22.1
Don’t forget to plan your revision phase!
Revision of syllabus
BPP provides revision courses, question days,
mock days and specific material to assist you in
this important phase of your studies.
Testing of knowledge
Question practice
Exam technique practice
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Introduction to Paper F8 Audit and Assurance
Overall aim of the syllabus
To develop knowledge and understanding of the process of carrying out the assurance engagement and its
application in the context of the professional regulatory framework.
The syllabus
The broad syllabus headings are:
Audit framework and regulation
Internal audit
Planning and risk assessment
Internal control
Audit evidence
Main capabilities
On successful completion of this paper, candidates should be able to:
Explain the nature, purpose and scope of assurance engagements including the role of the external audit
and its regulatory and ethical framework.
Explain the nature of internal audit and describe its role as part of overall performance management and
its relationship with the external audit
Demonstrate how the auditor obtains an understanding of the entity and its environment, assesses the
risk of material misstatement (whether arising from fraud or other irregularities) and plans an audit of
financial statements
Describe and evaluate information systems and internal controls to identify and communicate control risks
and their potential consequences, making appropriate recommendations
Identify and describe the work and evidence required to meet the objectives of audit engagements and
the application of the International Standards on Auditing
Evaluate findings and modify the audit plan as necessary
Explain how the conclusions from audit work are reflected in different types of audit report, explain the
elements of each type of report
Links with other papers
The Professional Accountant
Advanced Audit and Assurance
Corporate and
Business Law (F4)
Financial Reporting
Audit & Assurance
This diagram shows where direct (solid line arrows) and indirect (dashed line arrows) links exist between this
paper and other papers that may precede or follow it.
Although ACCA's diagram shows Paper F7 feeding into Paper F8, the accounting knowledge assumed in the F8
exam will only be that covered within Paper F3 Financial Accounting .
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Assessment methods and format of the exam
Examiner : Alan Lewin
The examination is a three hour paper with 15 minutes reading and planning time. All questions are compulsory.
Some questions will adopt a scenario/case study approach. All questions will require some form of written
response although questions on planning or review may require the calculation and interpretation of some basic
Format of the Exam
Question 1
This will always be a question on audit procedures, and the application of
these procedures to a specific scenario
Question 2
Short factual questions based on International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
and other knowledge-based areas of the Study Guide
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
These questions are likely to involve short practical scenarios and will cover
topics such as: internal audit, risk assessment, planning, controls, evidence,
conclusions and reporting
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