Stormy Glenn - Tri-Omega Mates 04.5 - A Tri-Omega Christmas.pdf

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Microsoft Word - Stormy Glenn - Tri-Omega Mates 4.5 - A Tri-Omega Christmas
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
May all of your Christmas wishes come true and the new year be one of
happiness and harmony for us all.
Best Wishes, Stormy
Stormy Glenn
ÑLeyland, Lucas is not going to get here any faster with you looking out the
Leyland turned and glared at Jake before looking back out the window. ÑIÔm
less worried about how fast he gets here and more worried about those clouds
gathering overhead.Ò He waved his hand at the dark gray clouds gathering over the
mountains surrounding their little ranch. ÑI just donÔt want him to get caught out in
this stuff.Ò
Leyland felt strong arms encircle him from behind. ÑBaby, weÔre werewolves.
We can handle a little cold weather.Ò
Leyland leaned back into JakeÔs arms, leaning his head against the wide
muscular chest pressed against his back. ÑJake, I love you, really I do, but sometimes
you can be a real pain in the ass.Ò
Jake chuckled, his warm breath blowing across LeylandÔs neck. ÑAdmit it,
you love it when IÔm a pain in your ass.Ò
ÑMaybe?Ò Jake exclaimed.
ÑJake!Ò Leyland yelped then laughed uncontrollably when Jake picked him.
He found himself tossed over JakeÔs shoulder, ass in the air and head hanging down
next to JakeÔs magnificent ass, as he was carried through the living room and into
their bedroom.
Leyland let out another yelp when he suddenly flew through the bedroom
and landed on the bed, bouncing several times. By the time he came to a stop Jake
already had his shirt off and was working on pushing his jeans down his legs.
All laughter left Leyland as his level of lust went from semi interested to
automatic overdrive. His mate was damn sexy, even more so knowing that he
belonged to Leyland. ÑGod, youÔre hot!Ò
Jake grinned. ÑYeah?Ò
Leyland rolled onto his hands and knees and crawled to the edge of the bed.
He eyed the massive cock bouncing in front of his face, licking his lips. ÑOh yeah,Ò
he whispered right before he licked the tip of JakeÔs cock.
The low, needy groan he heard from above him made Leyland feel giddy. He
loved making his mate feel good. It was almost as good as an orgasm, almost.
Nothing on earth really topped having an orgasm created by one of his mates.
MatesÈthat thought made Leyland remember that Jake wasnÔt his only mate.
He wanted to ask Jake where Lucas was but his mouth was full of JakeÔs cock and he
wasnÔt about to give up his toy now that he had it.
Instead, he used the mental bond that all mates had. ÑWhere did you say Lucas
went? ShouldnÔt he be in here with us?Ò
ÑHe needed to run into town for some last minute errands,Ò Jake said. ÑNow pay
attention to what youÔre doing, baby.Ò
Leyland giggled. Jake could be so single minded sometimes, not that Leyland
minded. A horny Jake was a very good thing. A horny Jake and Lucas was even
better but Leyland supposed he could wait until Lucas got home for that.
ÑFuck, baby, youÔre so good at that,Ò Jake groaned. ÑYour mouth is like
Leyland grinned around the cock in his mouth before swallow more of JakeÔs
large shaft. Jake was massive, something that Leyland found very arousing, but the
man wasnÔt easy to take, either in his mouth or his ass.
The soft skin over hard steel, the sweet taste of pre-cum, all of it combined to
drive Leyland crazy. His cock was so hard in his jeans he thought his pants might
burst. Leyland dropped cock from his mouth and leaned back to pull his shirt over
his head. He tossed it across the room and reached for the buttons on his jeans.
Before he could get them pushed down his legs, Jake growled. It sent shivers
of delight down his spine. Jake pushed Leyland back onto the bed and grabbed the
leg of his jeans, yanking them down his legs so fast that Leyland barely knew what
happened before he was naked.
Leyland grinned and held his arms open to his mate. The level of heat arching
between them could have started a forest fire. Leyland wrapped his arms around
Jake as the man settled over his body. He loved the feeling of being weighted down
by one of his mates. It let him know he was being loved on.
ÑNow, IÔm going to show you what a pain in your ass I can be,Ò Jake said as
two lubed fingers pushed into LeylandÔs ass.
Leyland hissed, the sudden intrusion burning, aching. His hips bucked,
driving JakeÔs fingers deeper inside his clenching grasp. The burn slowly dwindled
away as Jake thrust in and put, to be replaced by a deep ache.
ÑYou like that, baby?Ò
Leyland panted. ÑItÐit would be better if it were you.Ò
ÑSoon, Leyland,Ò Jake said. His voice sounded low and deep, needy. ÑI just
have to stretch you out a bit more before you can take me.Ò
No matter how much he wanted to feel Jake plunge into him right this
second, he knew Jake was right. The man was hung like a horse. Leyland could be
seriously injured if Jake didnÔt prepare him properly first. But once he didÈ
ÑMore, Jake,Ò Leyland begged. His fingers clawed at the sheet. He gripped his
thighs just above his knees and pulled them up to his chest, spreading his legs as far
apart as he could. He knew he looked wanton. He didnÔt care.
A third finger pushed into Leyland. It was quickly joined by a fourth finger.
LeylandÔs mind slid into a haze of lust. When JakeÔs fingers began gently tugging at
his nipples, JakeÔs lips devouring him, Leyland started shuddering.
His orgasm wasnÔt far off. ÑJake, if you donÔt get that beautiful cock in my ass
in the next two seconds IÔm going off without you.Ò
Jake chuckled. LeylandÔs eyes narrowed. It was an evil sound. He groaned in
protest when Jake pulled his fingers away until he felt a small slap to his hip.
Leyland raised an eyebrow at Jake.
ÑRoll over, baby,Ò Jake commanded. ÑFucking you isnÔt the only thing I want
to do to you.Ò
Leyland couldnÔt roll over fast enough. Jake, Lucas, and Leyland enjoyed a
variance of sexual play. Some of it was loving, slow, and gentle. Some of it was hot,
desperate, and needy. And some of it was downright kinky.
Leyland could tell by JakeÔs words that this would be the kinky variety. Both
of his mates knew he liked being spanked and took every opportunity to do just that.
Leyland was pretty sure he could come from just the feel of Jake or LucasÔs hand
smacking his ass alone. There was nothing like it in the world.
Leyland pushed himself up onto his hands and knees and presented himself
to his mate. He wiggled his ass, anticipating the feel of JakeÔs hand coming down on
his rounded cheeks. The wait was half the fun. The other half made Leyland moan as
Jake smacked his ass.
ÑI do love how much you enjoy this, Leyland.Ò
Leyland giggled. ÑAnd I enjoy how much you love it.Ò
ÑWorks out well for us then, huh?Ò
ÑIt would work better if you put that big cock in my ass while you spank me.Ò
ÑI donÔt know, Leyland,Ò Jake said as he smacked LeylandÔs ass again. ÑDo
you deserve my cock? Have you been a good boy?Ò
ÑGod, yes!Ò Leyland groaned as he pushed back into the next spanking. HeÔd
been good. HeÔd been really good. He hadnÔt used his Tri Omega powers on anyone
lately. He tried real hard not to drive Jake and Lucas nuts when he discovered all
their friends were coming to Christmas. HeÔd been very good.
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