TC - Turkish Language Lessons 8.pdf

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TC - Turkish Language Lessons 8
TC Turkish Language Lessons
Story Past Tense
There are 5 fundamental tenses in Turkish. These are:
Present simple tense (Geni zaman)
Present continuous tense (imdiki zaman)
Future tense (Gelecek zaman)
Past tense with di (di'li geçmi zaman) > Regular past tense
Past tense with mi (mi'li geçmi zaman) > Also called the story past tense
Past tense with mi (mi'li geçmi zaman) ==> Also called the story past
To obtain the story past tense of a verb, we append the suffix mi to the verb. Be careful about the harmony rules. Past
tense with mi is used:
To talk about something you learned from somebody else or some other resource, there is some uncertainty in the
statement. If you use the story past tense when talking about something, it implies that you are not the source of the
information and you shouldn't be responsible for the mistakes.
I talked to his mother. He went to school. > Annesiyle konutum. Okula gitmi. (The part about talking to
the mother is your direct experience, so you tell it using regular past tense. However, the part about he going
to school is information you got from the mother, so you tell it using story past tense.)
To talk about something you just learned or understood
Is this your daughter? She is very beautiful. > Bu senin kızın mı? Çok güzelmi. (You just noticed that she is
beautiful, and you express this using story past tense)
Simple stories are written and told in using this tense.
Story past tense of a word is constructed this way:
word root + (negative) + mi + present tense to be
The same way story past tense is applied to verbs, it can also be applied to nouns and adjectives.
I talked to Kemal about her. She is sick. > Kemal'le onun hakkında konutum. Hastaymı. (You learned that
she is sick from Kemal)
Prime minister was in France yesterday. > Babakan dün Fransadaymı. (You use story past tense because
you learned this from somebody else or from the news)
Prime minister was not in France yesterday. > Babakan dün Fransada değilmi. (Remember that negatives
of nonverbs are made with değil )
Let's see the use of story past tense on some example verbs.
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TC Turkish Language Lessons
gelmi > gelmi > he came
gitmisiniz> gitmisiniz > you went (plural you)
okumisin> okumusun > you read
kapatmiler> kapatmılar > they closed
komemi> komamı > he did not run
aramemisin> aramamısın > you did not call
konumemiler> konumamılar > they did not talk
vermiiz> vermiiz > we gave
Finally, let's see how a verb is used in the story past tense with different personal pronouns.
to wait > beklemek
i waited
(ben) beklemiim > beklemiim
you waited
(sen) beklemisin > beklemisin
he \
she | waited
(o) beklemi
it /
we waited
(biz) beklemiiz > beklemiiz
you waited
(siz) beklemisiniz > beklemisiniz
they waited
(onlar) beklemiler > beklemiler
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