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Translation and Exercises:
Anna Kowalczyk
Series Editor:
Adam Wolański
Warsaw 2006
Dariusz Kętla
Copy editor:
Christopher Smith
Production editor:
Barbara Gluza
Cover designer:
Michał Dąbrowski
Krzysztof Świstak
Text and illustrations
copyright © by FELBERG SJA
Publishing House, 2006
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the Publisher.
Printed in Poland
ISBN 83-88667-50-5
Mr. Harry Dickson, Esq.
Baker Street
Esq . Esquire, used when you’re
writing a man’s name and
address on an envelope
(formal, old-fashioned)
Dear Mr. Dickson,
I’m begging you to help me and my whole family. Somebody has put a curse on
all of us and the house of my father. We have already tried everything to stop it
but without success. So you are our last hope. Only you can solve this mystery
and save us from death.
beg błagać
curse klątwa, przekleństwo
solve rozwiązać
mystery tajemnica
save ocalić
Robert Riderswood
Harry Dickson received this letter two days ago. He was not very busy
and was going to rest for some time but all his plans had to be changed.
As a man who enjoyed good health, he used to say that relaxation makes
him tired and is more exhausting than the hardest work.
So, after settling his most important matters, he packed his suitcases
and left for Norwich.
The letter was sent from a town called Bolton, from the Riderswoods’
property, which is situated in the heart of the least-known area of
Wash—a land of lakes, mud and swamps.
When Dickson arrived at Norwich, he took the letter out of his
pocket and read it once again. He wanted to make sure that the
sender’s name was Riderswood and to check the address.
Dickson called a taxi.
“We’ll go to Bolton!”
“Yes, sir.”
The Riderswoods were the biggest landowners in the area so the
chauffeur should know them. When Dickson asked him about the
family, the chauffeur turned round and looked at the detective with his
eyes wide open:
“What? Are you going to the Riderswoods? Is it possible?”
“Why would it be impossible? Why are you so surprised?”
The chauffeur took off his hat:
“Can you see this, sir?” he said. “I have grey hair. I’m already
fifty years old. But I have never in my life driven anybody to the
Riderswoods. Everybody knows that Lord Riderswood does not allow
any visitors in his gloomy house.”
Harry Dickson didn’t show how much he became interested in this
“One day it had to happen. I may be the first visitor there but I hope
not the last one. Let’s go! First, however, I’d like to stop at an inn in
Bolton. I will leave my suitcases there and then we will go directly to
the Lord’s house.”
The chauffeur nodded his head and added, this time with a smile:
“You won’t be able to see the house anyway, sir. Only the wall. But
I do not believe you have seen such a wall anywhere in the world.”
The car was moving fast along the road while Dickson was thinking
receive otrzymać
exhausting wyczerpujący
matter sprawa
Norwich a town in eastern
landowner właściciel ziemski
gloomy ponury
inn gospoda, zajazd
nod skinąć
: nieruchomość
Wash area in the central part
of eastern England
swamp mokradła
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin