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"A series written by professional mathematicians in order to make some
important mathematical ideas interesting and understandable to a large
audience of high school students and laymen..."

????????? An_Introduction_To_Inequalities.djvu
????????? Continued_Fractions.djvu
????????? Elementary_Cryptanalysis.djvu
????????? Episodes_From_The_Early_History_of_Mathematics.djvu
????????? Episodes_in_Nineteenth_and_Twentieth_Century_Euclidean_Geometry.djvu
????????? First_Concepts_Of_Topology.djvu
????????? Game_Theory_And_Strategy.djvu
????????? Geometric_Inequalities.djvu
????????? Geometric_Transformations_I.djvu
????????? Geometric_Transformations_II.djvu
????????? Geometry_of_Numbers.djvu
????????? Geometry_Revisited.djvu
????????? Graphs_And_Their_Uses.djvu
????????? Hungarian_Problem_Book_I_1894-1905.djvu
????????? Hungarian_Problem_Book_II_1906-1928.djvu
????????? Hungarian_Problem_Book_III_1929-1943.djvu
????????? Ingenuity_in_Mathematics.djvu
????????? International_Mathematical_Olympiads_1959-1977.djvu
????????? Invitation_to_Number_Theory.djvu
????????? Mathematical_Methods_In_Science.djvu
????????? Mathematical_Miniatures.djvu
????????? Mathematics_Of_Choice.djvu
????????? Numbers_Rational_And_Irrational.djvu
????????? Riddles_of_The_Sphinx_and_Other_Mathematical_Puzzle_Tales.djvu
????????? The_Contest_Problem_Book_I.djvu
????????? The_Contest_Problem_Book_III.djvu
????????? The_Contest_Problem_Book_IV.djvu
????????? The_Lore_of_Large_Numbers.djvu
????????? The_Mathematics_of_Games_and_Gambling.djvu
????????? The_Role_Of_Mathematics_In_Science.djvu
????????? Uses_of_Infinity.djvu
????????? What_Is_Calculus_About.djvu

33/43 Books in the series.

As much as I would like for this collection to be complete some of the 
books in this series are missing. What bothers me the most is that some 
very interesting books are included among the missing ones. Though
most of this collection is complete. 1-10,20-30, are complete. 14,16 and 
17 are Missing, as well as some of 30-43. If you find any these books 
listed below please let us know. By Contacting us at

#14 Groups and Their Graphs
#16 From Pythagoras to Einstein
#17 The Contest Problem Book II
#24 Geometric Transformations III
#31 International Mathematical Olympiads 1978-1986
#33 U.S.A Mathematical Olympiads 1972-1986
#35 Exploring Mathematics With Your Computer
#38 The Contest Problem Book V
#39 Over and Over Again
#40 The Contest Problem Book VI

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