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Chapter 5 - 5.26
26. We assume the direction of motion is + x and assume the refrigerator starts from rest (so that the speed
being discussed is the velocity v which results from the process). The only force along the x axis is the
x component of the applied force F .
(a) Since v 0 =0, the combination of Eq. 2-11 and Eq. 5-2 leads simply to
F x = m v
v i = F cos θ i
for i =1 or 2 (where we denote θ 1 =0and θ 2 = θ for the two cases). Hence, we see that the ratio
v 2 over v 1 is equal to cos θ .
(b) Since v 0 =0, the combination of Eq. 2-16 and Eq. 5-2 leads to
F x = m v 2
2∆ x
v i =
2 F cos θ i
for i =1 or 2 (again, θ 1 =0a nd θ 2 = θ is used for the two cases). In this scenario, we see that the
ratio v 2 over v 1 is equal to cos θ .
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