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Chapter 11 - 11.9
9. We assume the sense of initial rotation is positive. Then, with ω 0 > 0and ω = 0 (since it stops at time
t ), our angular acceleration is negative-valued.
(a) The angular acceleration is constant, so we can apply Eq. 11-12 ( ω = ω 0 + αt ). To obtain the
requested units, we have t =30 / 60 = 0 . 50min. Thus,
α =
33 . 33rev / min
0 . 50min
66 . 7rev / min 2
(b) We use Eq. 11-13:
2 αt 2 =(33 . 33)(0 . 50) + 1
2 (
66 . 7)(0 . 50) 2 =8 . 3rev .
θ = ω 0 t + 1
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