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Chapter 13 - 13.34
34. We locate the origin of the x axis at the edge of the table and choose rightwards positive. The criterion
(in part (a)) is that the center of mass of the block above another must be no further than the edge of
the one below; the criterion in part (b) is more subtle and is discussed below. Since the edge of the table
corresponds to x =0 then the total center of mass of the blocks must be zero.
(a) We treat this as three items: one on the upper left (composed of two bricks, one directly on top of
the other) of mass 2 m whose center is above the left edge of the bottom brick; a single brick at the
upper right of mass m which necessarily has its center over the right edge of the bottom brick (so
a 1 = L/ 2 trivially); and, the bottom brick of mass m . The total center of mass is
(2 m )( a 2
L )+ ma 2 + m ( a 2
L/ 2)
4 m
L/ 2. The middle layer consists of two bricks, and
we note that it is possible for each of their centers of mass to be beyond the respective edges of the
bottom one! This is due to the fact that the top brick is exerting downward forces (each equal to
half its weight) on the middle blocks – and in the extreme case, this may be thought of as a pair of
concentrated forces exerted at the innermost edges of the middle bricks. Also, in the extreme
case, the support force (upward) exerted
on a middle block (by the bottom one)
may be thought of as a concentrated force
located at the edge of the bottom block
(which is the point about which we com-
putetorques, inthefollowing). If(asindi-
catedinoursketch,where F top has mag-
nitude mg/ 2) we consider equilibrium of
torques on the rightmost brick, we obtain
F top
F bottom
mg b 1
2 L = mg
2 ( L
b 1 )
which leads to b 1 =2 L/ 3. Once we conclude from symmetry that b 2 = L/ 2 then we also arrive at
h = b 2 + b 1 =7 L/ 6.
which leads to a 2 =5 L/ 8. Consequently, h = a 2 + a 1 =9 L/ 8.
(b) We have four bricks (each of mass m ) where the center of mass of the top and the center of mass of
the bottom one have the same value x cm = b 2
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