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Chapter 18 - 18.91
91. Since they oscillate out of phase, then their waves will cancel (producing a node) at a point exactly
midwaybetweenthem(themidpointofthesystem,wherewechoose x =0). WenotethatFigure18-14,
andthe n =3caseofFigure18-15(a)havethisproperty(ofanodeatthemidpoint). Thedistance∆ x
betweennodesis λ/ 2,where λ = v/f and f =300Hzand v =343m/s. Thus,∆ x == v/ 2 f =0 . 572m.
x =
x =
0 . 57m
1 . 14m
x = ± 3∆ x = ± 1 . 72m
2∆ x =
x =
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