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Chapter 26 - 26.69
69. (a) The voltage across C 1 is 12 V, so the charge is
q 1 = C 1 V 1 =24 µ C .
(b) We reduce the circuit, starting with C 4 and C 3 (in parallel) which are equivalent to 4 µ F. This is
then in series with C 2 , resulting in an equivalence equal to 3 µ F which would have 12 V across it.
The charge on this 3 µ F capacitor (and therefore on C 2 )is( 3 µ F)(12V) = 16 µ C. Consequently,
the voltage across C 2 is
C 2 = 16 µ C
2 µ F
=8V .
This leaves 12
8=4Vacross C 4 (similarly for C 3 ).
V 2 = q 2
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