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The Ivory Triangle
The Ivory Triangle
Design: Kirk Botula and Curtis Scott
Editing: Bruce H. Harlick and Bill Slavicsek
Chapter 2: Raiding Tribes .................................. 39
Chapter 3: Lands of the Ivory Ttiangle ................. 65
Chapter 4: Monsters of the Ivory Triangle ............ 9 I
Project Coordination: Dori Jean Watry
Cover Art: Brom
Interior Art: Thomas Baxa and Brom
Cartography: Diesel
Typography: Angelika Lokotz
Graphic Design: Sarah Feggestad
Respectfully dedicated to the memory of
Curtis Scott,
lost tragically in an auto accident August 19,1992.
He will be missed by the many friends he touched through his writing and gaming.
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ISBN I-56076-604-2
Introduction ....................................................... 2
Chapter I: Merchant Forts
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Esrevas Journal
long-time home. I no longer thirst for the sweet water of
freedom. I know I would not live long enough to enjoy it.
My master tells me that my words will guide the forces
of Lalali-Puy in her battles against those of the Shadow
King. This gives me joy. Though I am told she is terrible
to behold, and indeed many in the city of Gulg serve her
out of fear rather than love, all know that it is the power
of our oba that saves us from ruin at the hands of the
Shadow King; armies. In the way of a slave, I have aided
the oba for most of my life. It pleases me that at the end of
my life I still have value in her eyes.
In my life, I have gained much knowledge, and per-
haps a little wisdom. While the task I now undertake is to
recall for the scribe what I know of the lands of the Ivory
Triangle, the vanity of an old man requires me to also tell
my view of its people. Vanity is a luxury
but in the twilight of my life there are
only now have the courage to take.
I am Esreva, slave to the templar Brevit Musteva of seven
necklaces, himself, like all in the city of Gulg, a servant of
the great oba Lalali-Puy. What follows is all that I have
seen and heard of the region called the Ivory Triangle,
spoken aloud so that the scribe of my master can set
down the words, and that all in service to the oba can
share the knowledge I have acquired.
As a youth, I burned with the desire to see the world
in all its glory. I signed on with a merchant caravan, wan-
dering the deserts in the name of profit. In those years, I
traveled widely, but my view of the world was as narrow
as my margins. My ambition to rise within my merchant
house led me to appreciate only what was out of reach
and never what I actually had. I knew the sweet joys of
freedom, but like most born with that gift, I never truly
loved it.
One day my freedom was suddenly taken from me. For
years I blamed the slave traders who captured me for the
curse of a life of servitude. It was they, I felt, who robbed
me of my freedom, and they who would be punished for
the deed. In time, however, I came to realize that it is my
templar master who is truly the slave. It is the templar
who must constantly devote his heart and mind to the
adoration of his queen. Although my hands are enslaved,
my heart is free.
As a young slave, I sought to regain my freedom many
times. My master was truly merciful in not slaying me for
my escape attempts. Perhaps my ability to distinctly
recall things I have seen and heard gave him reason to be
patient with me. My memory allowed me to maintain a
complete store of my masters accounts without the
weight of written records. My talents afforded me the
opportunity to travel with my master, surveying his
domain and committing to memory all he had me see.
Our journeys led throughout the Ivory Triangle, and in
addition to the many sights my master required me to
note, I saw other things which my mind will not allow me
to forget.
Now I am old. My skin is burned to leather by the heat
of the sun, my back scarred by the lash, my limbs with-
ered, and my heart tired. Only my memory, which so
often fails in the old, remains strong. Soon I will die, my
flesh given to sustain life in the fields and forests of my
denied to a slave,
many freedoms I
The Ivory Triangle is a supplement for the DARK
SUN campaign setting. It discusses the Ivory Triangle, a
region of Athas whose corners are the cities of Gulg and
Nibenay and the slave village of Salt View. This region
includes the Great Ivory Plain, the Crescent Forest, and the
Mekillot Mountains; in the surrounding area can be found
the Blackspine Mountains and the verdant caravan route
running toward South Ledopolus.
The DARK SUN game world is quite different from
other AD&D® game worlds. Life here is tormented by hot,
arid conditions, and every day is a challenge for survival.
There are no well-watered inns or secure nations where
characters can recuperate; every location carries dangers of
its own.
The world of Athas has been twisted by magic, its very
essence warped by centuries of magical abuse. The need for
survival has forced all to adapt, changing in crucial ways the
character of the various races. Moreover, the nature of magic
differs on Athas from other AD&D game settings, and the
power of psionics is much more common here than else-
where. If you are considering starting a campaign on the world
of Athas, you should first become familiar with the contents
of the DARK SUN boxed set and The Complete Psionics
Handbook before using the material presented here.
This supplement is divided into several parts. This 76-
page book includes a sampling of merchant forts, a survey of
the major slave tribes. and a discussion of the wilderness
regions and inhabitants of the area. This book is primarily
for the Dungeon Masters use. Scattered through this text
are the observations of Esreva, a slave of Gulg who traveled
the wastes for nearly 40 years.
The two 32-page books contain detailed descriptions of
the cities of Gulg and Nibenay. Each presents details of one
citys culture, social classes, military, and economy. Each
text is written in the voice of a guide who presents the city
from a local perspective. In addition, there are also sample
nonplayer character inhabitants of each city, as well as
BATTLESYSTEM army lists detailing the military
forces each can muster.
Two large maps are also included in this box. One
depicts the cities of Gulg and Nibenay, and the other shows
the entire Ivory Triangle region. In addition, six cards are
the gith of the Blackspine Mountains lay in wait for a day
when they will bury the cities of men beneath the blowing
sands! Such are the tensions that bind the Ivory Triangle
and threaten to break it apart. What better a location for
fame, opportunity, and dark adventure?
provided as player handouts and adventure opportunities.
A blinding wave of heat rises from the Great Ivory Plain.
In the Crescent Forest, the leaves rustle with the pad of
unseen feet. The hunters of Gulg and the wives of Nibenay
skirmish on their borders. The ruins in the Windbreak
Mountains echo with the howls of the dwarven dead, and
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