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Ann Maxwell
Fashion writer Christy McKenna hasn’t heard from her sister Jo-Jo
in 12 years, so she is concerned when Jo-Jo, presently the model for
fashion designer Peter Hutton, calls and begs Christy to come to
Hutton’s posh Colorado ranch. At the ranch, Christy gets a scoop
from Hutton on the source of his new designs--exquisite Indian
artifacts recently unearthed. Jo-Jo, however, is nowhere to be seen.
When Christy sneaks into Jo-Jo’s room, she escapes detection
because the security guards are busy beating up another prowler.
Making a hasty retreat, she is nabbed by Aaron Cain, a freelance
archeologist who has his own reasons for pussyfooting around the
ranch. Aaron recruits Christy to accompany him on a search for
artifacts at a site he hasn’t visited lately: last time he was there,
someone shot him and left him for dead.
Books by Ann Maxwell
The Ruby
The Diamond Tiger
The Secret Sisters
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Call Jo-Jo. Urgent.
The message on the call slip was three days old, just one of many
notes that had built up during Christy McKenna’s two-week
vacation. But reading it made her stomach feel as though the bottom
of the world had just fallen out.
Christy hadn’t heard from her younger sister in twelve years. It
had been bad news then.
Undoubtedly, it would be bad news now.
Even as the thought came, Christy felt the old familiar mixture of
love and guilt snake through her. Jo-Jo couldn’t help being born with
the kind of beauty that literally made people stare. It wasn’t Jo-Jo’s
fault that most people tripped over themselves in their rush to please
her. Why should she be blamed for thinking she was the center of the
You like people because of certain things, Christy reminded
herself wryly. You love them despite certain things.
For better or for worse, Christy loved her beautiful younger
The cool breath of the past chilled Christy’s spine as she flipped
through more messages. After more than a decade of silence, Jo-Jo
had called five times in two weeks.
Christy had never entirely forgiven Jo-Jo for taking whatever
caught her eye on her way through life – her sister’s clothes, shoes,
boyfriends, friends, Grandmother McKenna’s gold nugget necklace.
Of all that Jo-Jo had taken, only the necklace still rankled. It was
the only piece of the past that Christy wanted.
Jo-Jo had known it. That was why she took it.
Christy knew it too.
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