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A Passionate Business
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SILHOUETTE BOOKS, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10.020
Copyright © 1981 by Stephanie James
Distributed by Pocket Books
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address
Silhouette Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10.020
ISBN: 0-671-47.444-8
First Silhouette printing July, 1981
-10 9 8 7 6 5
All of the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
SILHOUETTE, SILHOUETTE ROM ANCE and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
America’s Publisher of Contemporary Romance
Printed in the U.S.A.
Chapter One
„You may tell Mr. Saber that his future wife is waiting to see him,“ Hilary Forrester announced with fine hauteur. „You
may also add that she hasn’t appreciated being kept waiting for nearly an hour!“
The lie had the expected devastating impact on the pleasant, competent-looking woman who sat behind the desk in
Logan Saber’s outer office. Her name, according to the little sign in front of her, was E. Morgan and she appeared to be
somewhere in her early thirties, married if the ring was any indication and possibly the mother of two. This last
assumption was based on the presence of two framed photographs of laughing children who had E. Morgan’s eyes.
Even without all the clues, Hilary thought she would have guessed the secretary’s background. E. Morgan had that
married-with-kids look and that surprised Hilary. She would have expected a more flamboyant sort of female to be
occupying the desk.
„His wife!“ E. Morgan exclaimed, obviously quite startled.
„His future wife,“ Hilary corrected sweetly, well aware that the other woman had every right to be shocked by her
claim. After all, it was a safe bet that Logan Saber’s women, and there were undoubtedly several of them, bore little or
no resemblance to herself. A man like Saber would almost certainly be seen with glamorously exciting, chic creatures.
They wouldn’t have honey-brown hair like Hilary; they would be blonde. And they wouldn’t wear said hair in a heavy
braid wound around the head in a neat, old-fashioned coronet as Hilary habitually did. Blonde hair was usually worn in
deceptively casual, windswept styles here in Southern California.
Hilary was quite certain she didn’t run true to type in a number of other ways. Her figure could be described as
slender, but she was not blessed with either a model’s slimness or the voluptuousness of a starlet. A pair of
long-lashed amber eyes were probably the best feature of an otherwise attractive but not beautiful face. The face, with
its rather firm little chin, a mouth that smiled readily and the candid, straightforward expression in the amber eyes, was
not made up to any significant degree. Hilary thought she looked exactly what she was: a hardworking, sober,
businesswoman. At twenty-seven she was finally beginning to see signs of success and she was wearing the
traditional little gray suit today to prove it. She wasn’t particularly conscious of the fact that the blood-red blouse she
had chosen to accompany the suit gave the outfit more than a touch of interest. It hinted at something more in its
owner’s character. Something of which the owner, herself, wasn’t really aware.
„I’m terribly sorry, Miss…?“ E. Morgan waited encouragingly for a name with which to finish the sentence but
when it was not forthcoming, she went on hurriedly. „I’ll let Mr. Saber know right away. He’s been busy with a
conference call, you understand. I’m sure he’ll want you to go right in.“ The secretary punched the intercom button,
speaking into the little mesh screen before her listener could even acknowledge the call.
„Mr. Saber, your… your fiancée is here. She’s been waiting for quite some time…“
There was a distinct pause during which Hilary had to take a firm grip on her courage. She mustn’t back down now.
After all, this was nothing more than a business meeting….
Finally, a marvelously gritty voice on the other end of the intercom said in a gentle rumble, „I’m sorry, Mrs.
Morgan, I didn’t quite catch the name…“
„I said your fiancée, Mr. Saber,“ E. Morgan repeated, looking a bit desperate as Hilary smiled benignly down at her.
„I see.“ Another pause. „Please send her in.“
„This way, Miss…“
„Forrester,“ Hilary supplied, following obediently as E. Morgan rose from behind the desk and led the way toward
an imposing door. „Hilary Forrester.“
„Yes. I’m terribly sorry to have kept you waiting. I’m afraid that when you just said to tell Mr. Saber he had a visitor
I rather assumed you were a salesperson. We get so many and they…“
„That’s quite all right,“ Hilary assured her smoothly, wishing the butterflies in her stomach would find someplace
to settle. It was difficult to calm E. Morgan and herself at the same time. The secretary opened the door.
„Miss Forrester, Sir,“ E. Morgan said politely, ushering Hilary into a richly plush office. A huge mahogany desk
dominated the room. Hilary had very little chance to take in the details of the scene because a very tall, very
broad-shouldered man was getting to his feet on the other side of the desk. In fact, Hilary thought vaguely, Logan
Saber was probably best described as large. She was tall, herself, but she had to look up a goodly distance in order to
meet his eyes. Yet for all his size there wasn’t a hint of softness or extra weight anywhere on his well-muscled frame. In
fact, the overall impression was that of a heavy, sleek jungle cat. And those cool, assessing, gray-green eyes didn’t
detract one bit from the image.
„Thank you Mrs. Morgan,“ Logan Saber said in that soft growl which seemed to emanate from somewhere deep in
his chest. With a flick of the gray-green gaze he dismissed the interested secretary before turning to face his visitor.
Hilary felt herself growing warm beneath the impact of his narrowed gaze as it lazily raked her figure from the top of
her tidy head to the toes of her well-shod feet. She opened her mouth, determined to get control of the interview from
the beginning, but before she could say anything Logan Saber was already speaking.
„You will, I’m sure, forgive my small lapse, but I appear to have forgotten the, umm, precise details of our
relationship, Miss Forrester,“ he said smoothly, coming around to the front of the huge desk and leaning against it,
arms folded as he studied her.
Hilary drew a small breath, determined to be cool about the whole matter. „You can relax, Mr. Saber, I’ve come to
save you from me. My name is Hilary and I’m Crawford Forrester’s daughter.“ She waited briefly for the name to click
into place although she knew from past experience that she wasn’t at all what people generally expected. Any
daughter of Crawford Forrester’s ought to be beautiful, adventuresome and a bit reckless. Logan Saber, on the other
hand, would undoubtedly turn out to be from the same mold as the others Crawford had chosen for her. He appeared
to be a little older than the previous candidate, perhaps thirty-five or thirty-six and he wasn’t nearly as handsome as
the last one, but Saber had that successful look Crawford favored. In fact, Hilary decided suddenly, the man in front of
her struck her as being the kind of person who would be thoroughly competent at whatever he involved himself with
from women to business to sports. Definitely someone Crawford would want in the family.
Hilary noted the hard, rugged lines of Saber’s face with its firm mouth and proud nose. No, not handsome, but
strong. Too strong? Ridiculous, she assured herself quickly. She could handle the situation. The heavy pelt of his hair
nearly matched the mahogany of his desk she found herself thinking suddenly and wondered why he kept it cut so
short. Wasn’t this one going to turn out to be as style conscious as the others had been? The gray suit he wore was a
masculine version of her own. But unlike Hilary, this man probably had a whole closet full of such expensive clothes.
And they would all fit him with the same hand-tailored look this one had.
„Crawford’s daughter?“ Logan Saber was saying thoughtfully. „I wasn’t aware he had a daughter.“
„You would have been made aware of the fact quite soon,“ Hilary assured him with a slightly rueful smile. „As
soon as the deal for the restaurants got anywhere near closing.“ She took a seat with an air of nonchalance.
„I see. Please excuse my failure to keep up with the conversation. I seem to still be recovering from the shock of
having my fiancée introduced to me by my secretary.“ Logan moved, an easy, coordinated motion which took him
back behind the desk. He sat down and regarded his visitor with an effective, quelling sort of manner. „Let’s start at
the beginning, shall we? Suppose you explain exactly what it is you want to accomplish here, Miss Forrester.“
„Of course,“ Hilary agreed briskly, forcing herself to be all business as she came to the embarrassing part of the
discussion. „I’m sorry about telling your secretary I was your future wife, but I really have been kept waiting for some
time and I have other things to do today. Mrs. Morgan thought I was a salesperson, you see…“
„Mrs. Morgan is well paid to ensure, only necessary visitors make it into this room,“ Logan told her. „The
indefinite wait is one of her favorite tactics. Normally it’s very effective.“
Hilary nodded, appreciating the situation. „I understand, but it’s getting close to lunch and as I’m sure you’ll have
plans I wanted to get my business over with quickly. You see, Mr. Saber, the line I gave your secretary wasn’t exactly
a complete lie.“
There was a weighty pause during which Logan Saber’s only reaction was a rising eyebrow.
Hilary plunged in. „Were you aware that my father’s restaurants have nearly been sold three times during the past
„I knew there had been other negotiations, yes,“ the large man said coolly, the gray-green gaze watchful in a lazy,
half-menacing way.
„Did Crawford tell you why the deals had failed to close?“ Hilary persisted, wishing he wouldn’t pin her with that
particular look. This whole thing was hard enough as it was!
„We haven’t discussed the issue. But I have the feeling you’re about to enlighten me,“ he added dryly.
„The deals fell through because the bargains were made contingent on the buyer marrying me,“ Hilary announced
baldly, fighting down the wave of red she knew was rising into her cheeks. This was so embarrassing!
„Really?“ Logan Saber’s inflection said it all: He didn’t believe her.
Hilary sighed and tried again. „I know it’s difficult to understand, especially since Crawford has yet to mention me
to you, but it’s true. I’m here today because I’ve run out of clever ideas for foiling my father’s plans and I thought I’d
try the straightforward approach; one businessperson to another.“
Logan idly drummed the fingers of one large, square hand on the desk top while he studied her. The action
reminded Hilary of the way a large cat might twitch the tip of its tail. There was a touch of impatience in the gesture
and a small threat.
„You expect me to believe this story, Miss Forrester?“ he finally asked in a low growl.
„No, not immediately,“ she admitted with an understanding smile. „I realize I’m not exactly what you would expect
Crawford’s daughter to look like. And if you were to get to know me you’d realize I don’t behave as one would expect
any daughter of his to behave. I don’t even ski!“
„What’s that got to do with the matter?“ he asked in surprise.
„Skiing? Only that Crawford is very much a sportsman and I don’t share his interests. That’s part of the problem.
You see, my father endowed me with his business sense but not his sense of adventure or his love of excitement. We
get along very well, but he doesn’t always understand me. And when it comes to my tastes in men, he’s totally
mystified. A year ago, shortly after my twenty-sixth birthday he decided he’d settle me down with the right kind of
man. Crawford’s afraid that I’ve become so totally devoted to my work that I’m not very bright where men are
concerned. He’s taken it upon himself to insure I bring the right sort into the family and he’s using the lure of his
restaurants to do it.“
„Your father and I have progressed quite a way in the discussions without your name having even been
mentioned, Miss Forrester. Perhaps in my case he’s made an exception?“ Logan mocked.
„I doubt it. Tell me, has he invited you to his place in Santa Barbara yet?“ As soon as she said it, Hilary knew she’d
guessed right. She nodded, satisfied.
„How did you know about the invitation?“ He hid his surprise well but it was too late.
„It’s the usual routine,“ she said a little sadly. „At least I’m learning. The first two candidates and I were equally
startled but by the time the third one had arrived on the scene I managed to figure out the pattern.“
„And with me you think you’ve actually gotten a step ahead of your father, is that it?“ Logan seemed amused,
Hilary thought. He probably didn’t believe a word she was saying.
„Exactly,“ she confirmed grimly.
„Tell me,“ he invited casually, „What’s supposed to happen in Santa Barbara?“
„I live there,“ she explained patiently. „We’ll be introduced when I’m asked to have dinner or something. By then
you’ll have been told what is expected of you.“
„You think your father will tell me that if I’m really interested in getting the restaurants I’ll offer to marry you?“ he
„Yes. That’s the deal he made with the other three. Don’t worry, the financial arrangements he’ll offer will be
„The other three, er, candidates went for it?“
„I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t act so astonished,“
Hilary said wryly. „I mean, I realize I’m not the Playmate of the Year, but I do have a few redeeming characteristics.
Which brings me to the bottom line. If and when I marry, it will be to someone capable of recognizing and appreciating
those qualities. I will not be part of a business arrangement regardless of how right Crawford thinks the man is for me!“
Her small chin lifted with unconscious firmness.
„You wish to marry for love?“ he asked with a faint twitch of humor at the corner of his mouth.
„A silly eccentricity, I admit, but there you are. Say goodbye to the restaurants, Mr. Saber, or find a way to
outmaneuver my father,“ Hilary said staunchly, letting some of her inner resolve show in her tone.
„Aren’t you afraid you might be presenting me with a challenge?“ he suggested softly.
She blinked, uncertain of his attitude.
„I’m attempting to reason with you, Mr. Saber,“ she replied carefully. „You should be grateful,“ she added with a
sudden grin. „The other candidates weren’t so lucky!“
„They, I gather, weren’t treated to a friendly warning?“
„Not until they had already heard the deal my father was offering and had decided it was worth courting me. By
then they had met me and decided I was going to be easy prey. After all, a woman like me should be damn grateful to
have such men willing to marry her!“
„So how did you unconvince them?“ Logan asked, sounding interested.
„You want a case by case account?“ Hilary inquired archly.
„Yes,“ he said slowly, leaning forward to rest his arms on the desk while he watched her face intently. „I think I do.
I’m beginning to find the whole thing quite fascinating!“
„Well,“ Hilary hesitated and then decided to let him have the facts. „Candidate number one took me by complete
surprise. I was actually rather flattered to have such a good-looking, sophisticated man take such an interest in me. It
didn’t take long, however, to find out what was going on. My father was a little too obvious and number one wasn’t as
bright as he could have been. I won’t go into details but suffice it to say I decided to opt out in a hurry. Since my
erstwhile Romeo viewed the entire matter as a business deal I thought the easiest way to get rid of him was to throw
myself at him like a lovesick Juliet. He had made it clear he didn’t care for the clinging vine variety of female and when I
started talking about babies and gardens, et cetera, he decided the restaurants weren’t worth it.“
„The man obviously lacked brains if he couldn’t see that he was being tricked,“ Logan commented.
„Correct. The second candidate had a touch of insecurity in him so I took the approach of making him think I was
willing to marry because Crawford wouldn’t let me get my hands on the restaurants otherwise.“
„You let number two know you intended to run the operation and were merely using him?“
„He fled almost immediately, much to Crawford’s disgust. My father doesn’t care for weak men, you see.“
„I understand,“ Logan acknowledged politely. „Please continue.“
„Candidate number three made it simple for me because I found out he had a severe craving for reckless blondes. I
sicced my friend Julia on him and he succumbed immediately. Julia did me the favor of arranging to be seen with him at
a local nightclub on a night he was supposed to be romancing me. My father considered the poor man hopelessly
compromised and sent him packing.“
„It sounds as if you were having a great deal of success with your various approaches,“ Logan noted coolly. „I
suppose I should feel fortunate to get advance warning.“
„I’m running out of clever ideas, Mr. Saber,“ Hilary returned calmly. „I have confronted my father with my feelings
on the issue and he refuses to listen. Even claims I’m imagining his plots.“ She sighed. „I’ve decided not to be
bothered playing any more stupid games.“
„Games?“ he queried consideringly. „I’m not so sure that what you’ve described could be construed as games. It
sounds more like strategy. You seem to have analyzed the candidates’ weaknesses and used those weaknesses
against them.“ Logan sounded almost admiring, Hilary thought, struck by a strange, vague worry.
„At the time the methods I used appeared to be the easiest ways of achieving my goal. In your case, however, I
have decided to give the straightforward approach a try. It will be so much easier on everyone concerned if it works.“
„What? You mean I don’t get an opportunity to deal with a clinging female or prove my ability to handle the
restaurants and keep a wife in line?“
„Or meet Julia,“ Hilary concluded with a smile.
„Oh, yes, the reckless blonde. Now that will be a pity, but then, reckless blondes are fairly common these days.
You, on the other hand, strike me as not being out of an easily described mold. It’s no wonder your father is having
problems matching you up with the right man,“ Logan said smoothly, gray-green eyes gleaming with laughter.
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