A-no-ther head hangs lo-wly
Child is slo-wly tir-ed
And the vio-lence caused such silence
Who are we mi-sta-ken
But you see it's not me
It's not my fa-mi-ly
In your head in your head
They are figh-ting
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
They are cry-ing
In your he-ad in your he-ad
Zo-m-bie zo-m-bie zo-m-bie tu-tu-tu
What's in your head in your he-ad
Zo-m-bie zo-m-bie zo-m-bie
Oh oh oh
A-no-ther mo-ther's brea-king he-art is ta-king over
When the vio-lence cau-ses sile-nce
We must be mista-ken
It's the sa-me old the-me si-nce 1-9-1-6
They're still fighting
They a-re dying
tel. 0606283806
Zom-bie zom-bie zom-bie zom-bie zom-bie zom-bie zom-bie zom-bie zombie o o o, o o o