C&C Generals Manual.doc

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Copyright 2003 Chris Dietsch


Copyright 2003 Chris Dietsch


What:Command & Conquer: Generals FAQ

Who: Chris Dietsch (and people on the GameFAQ message boards)

When: February 19, 2003


E-mail with questions/comments are encouraged if you have any. My email is

jdietsch@attbi.com. Please put something like "Command and Conquer","Generals"

or "FAQ" in the title, so that I don't delete it.  Typos, grammatical errors

and anything else of the like are greatly appreciated.


Version .50



--------------------------------Table of Contents-----------------------------



0] Table of Contents

1] Version History

2] About Command & Conquer:Generals

   A] Story

   B] What is CCG?

   C] Sides

   D] System Requirements (not that I followed them...)

   E] Modes of play

   F] How is CCG played?

      1) Building

      2) Power

      3) Money

         3a) Power bar (not the food -_-)

         3b) Money bar

      4) Veterancy

   G] Interface

      1) Battle Window

      2) Command Bar

3] Walkthrough (Coming)

      1) Chinese Campaign

      2) GLA Campaign

      3) USA Campaign

4] Structures

   A] USA Structures

      1)Structure Upgrades

   B] Chinese Structures

5] Units

   A] USA Army

      1)Unit Upgrades

   B] Chinese Army

      1)Unit Upgrades

   C] GLA Army

      1)Unit Upgrades

         a) Unit purpose descriptions

6] Generals Points + Strategy (Coming, Strategy idea thanks to Syphadeus)

7] Superweapons ( -_- ) (Coming)

8] Multiplayer/Tips (Developing)

9] Multiplayer/Skirmish Medals

   A] Skirmish Medals

   B] Multiplayer Medals

10] Strategies/Tips (Coming)

11] Thanks to...

12] Legal Stuff



-------------------------**1** Version History--------------------------------



Version .25- February 19, 2003. This is the first version of the guide. I have

started to do the things in numbers 2 and 3 in the Table of Contents. More

will come tomorrow. Stopped after US Unit Upgrades.


Version .40- February 20, 2003. Today I finished allll the units and unit up-

grades. Coming up next will be the Generals point strategy, then Structures,

then Superweapons. Also added a few things like the Where Buy for the unit

upgrades and other stuff.


Version .45- February 21, 2003. Got a few e-mails that pointed out some dumb

mistakes that I made doing all the units at once. Let http://www.neoseeker.com,

http://www.cheatcc.com/, and http://www.planetcnc.com/ use the FAQ. Also fixed

incorrect spelling of"missle" to "missile". Never would have known that one....

Also added myfirst Multiplayer Tip from Tory Kean Hau. I would love more of

these, because I wont be touching MP for awhile. Also did the USA structures

and the ONE upgrade.


Version .50- February 22, 2003. Got a ton of fixes from emails, will only

be doing these tonight as I had a All-State track meet, and Im wiped. A lot

of thanks to Calvin, for he came up with by far the most things for me to

work with and helped a ton. Also, the new unit categorization, kudos to him.

Also added Skirmish Medals, thanks to Crayon! Also, added a new Interface


YOU!!!! Keep the Emails comin!


Also, I thought this was pretty funny, an email I got..


hello Chris Dietsch ,

i saw your faqs about C&C; Generals and i wonder if you already owned or played

the game. if you do please give me your CD serial number/ game serial number. i

really need it.i would be grateful if you would reply to me back.


thank you.


^_^... if your reading,I may have misread it, and you might be asking for it i

I were already done, but either way, im not giving my key out.


February 23, 2003. Got an email today, Im wiped after a Monster Jam show....

it was awesome.. huge headache tho. So im simply adding in the tips I got.


February 24, 2003. Just did the Chinese structures + upgrades...



------------------**2** About Command & Conquer:Generals----------------------




Welcome to the Command and Conquer Universe!


The following is taken DIRECTLY from the Command & Conquer:Generals

(Hereout know as CCG) instruction manual, page 0 (?)*


"Security Council Sub-Committee (Resolution 1379) on Global Liberation Army


Report to Security Council: Situation Report (SIT REP) on GLA Activities.


Distribution CLASSIFIED


Hotan, China 


For several months, observers have expressed convern over the activities of

the Global Liberation Army (GLA). A loose federation of freedom fighters and

terrorists, the GLA has established several strongholds in the republics of

Central Asia. By distributing forces and leadership across the borders of

these developing nations, the GLA has thwarted efforts to engage in meaningful

dialogue. Last year, this group without borders crossed into Western China and

began building popular support for an independant state in this remote region.

GLA funding continues to grow from unknown sources, and its leadership remains

a mystery.


For the Beijing governemnt, this incursion along its western border could not

have come at a worse time. The reforms in China's "Modern Way" program have

produced new civil liberties and excellent growth in Chinese exports,

particuarly in light manufacturing and agricultural products. Beijing has

repeatedly stated that these changes are here to stay, a position that

does not sit well with the GLA.


Last week, the GLA struck a military depot at Yechung, stole thousands of

rounds of munitions, and destroyed a nuclear power plant. Dangerous levels of

radiation have been detected over 100 kilometers downwind. The Chinese

government is furious and has refused to allow observers to mediate

discussions with the GLA. Several divisions of the Red Army have established

positions in the province along major roadways and rivers.


While the United States continues to provide orbital reconnaissance to the

Security Council, it has failed to contribute troops to the peacekeeping

efforts in the region. The Council's refusal to support United States counter-

terrorist initiatives in the Middle East in recent years has not been

forgotten. USA military forces have remained in port and on base, venturing

out only to secure its coastline.


Scattered intelligence reports arriving from Europe and Asia indicate that the

GLA has establisged and fundhed sleeper cells to further spread its sphere of

influence. If China succeeds in forcing out the GLA, it is difficult to

predict where the group will resurface. The United States would be the logical

choice to buttress Chinese efforts to contain the GLA, but the United States

continues to maintain its non-involvement in the clain that eventually the GLA

will cross paths with USA forces in Asia or elsewhere in the world.


The sub-committee recommends to the Security Council that it continue to

maintain an open channel with the GLA, to establish a clear set of boundaries

for Chniese activiy, and to communicate the need for the USA participation in

peacekeeping initiatives before the Council loses its influence on the



--What is Command & Conquer:Generals (CCG)?


CCG is a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game made by EA. An RTS game is one where

you do everything, usually in an army or military based setting. In CCG,

which is unconnected to the Red Alert or Tiberian Sun storylines from

previous C&C games, You can control either the US, Chinese or GLA armies. The

3 armies are vastly different, and arguably make up the most balanced CnC game

to date. There are also 3 different box arts, mainly themes of the 3 different

sides of the game. Also, if you preordered, you got a special "Officer's Club"

code, and a few things will be there because you pre-ordered. Someone please

tell me what exactly you get for being in the Club.




Whew... there you have it. That is the background information on CCG. That

intro brings in 3 distinct sides that you will be picking between when you

play CCG, the USA, China, and the GLA. The USA are the precision, high-tech,

look before you leap group. The Chinese are the vast, powerful, and relativly

cheap army that uses its obvious strength to its advantage: power in numbers.

The GLA are the junkyard dogs of CCG. They make do with what they can, but can

upgrade their technology with parts from destroyed enemies. The GLA uses crude

methods, doing whatever it takes to defeat their enemy.


I will be going over each sides units later, in section 3, the

structures avaible to each side in section 4, the superweapons in section 5

and also strategies and tips in the 6 different possible matchups (US v US,

US v China, US v GLA, China v China China v GLA, and GLA v GLA.)in section 8.

Also I will have the Generals points section, with tips for different types of

players for how they should spend their points.


--System Requirements--

"Minimum" System Requirements


Command & Conquer:Generals System Requirements (Taken from CCG box)

OS: Windows XP/Me/2000/98 (Windows 95/NT not supported)

CPUT: 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor

RAM: 128 MB

CD/DVD-Rom Speed: 8x

Hard Drive Space: 1.8 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved games,

Windows swapfile, and DirectX 8.1

Video: 32MB AGP video card using the Nvidia GeForce2, ATI Radeo 7500 or more

recent chipset with DirectX 8.1 compatible driver

Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card

Input: Keyboard, Mouse


Required for Multiplayer

265 MB RAM (3-8 players). One set of game discs per player. Disc 1 and Disc 2

cannot be used simultaneously for multiplayer games.

Internet (2-4 players) 56 Kbps or faster direct Internet connefction

Internet (5-8 players) Cable, DSL, or a faster direct Internet connection

Network (2-8 players) TCP/IP compliant network




1.8 GHz or faster Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon processor, 256 MB or more

RAM, Nvidia GeForce3 or more recent Direct3D capable video card.


Now dont take these verbatum, because I have a

P3 600 MHz, 640 Ram GeForce 3 Ti 200 comp, and it runs pretty well.


--Modes of Play--


There are 3 main ways to play CCG. There is the single player, consisting of

3 7-level campaigns, one campaign for each army. There is a skirmish mode with

up to 7 computer players with any customizable team preference that you want.

There is also the multiplayer, where you can have up to 8 players.


--How is CCG Played?--


CCG is played as if you are the General of the army of the units that you are

commanding on-screen. There are a few things you must understand to play CCG.


1) Building(s)


In CCG, you build buildings by using either a Construction Dozer (USA/China)

or a Worker (GLA). To build a building, you must have selected the worker unit

(hereout, worker unit means Worker OR Dozer), and then at the bottom of the

screen will be pictures of buildings available for you to build. When you hit

the button of the building you want to build, first you will pick the location

of where you want the new building. If you want to rotate the building, hold

down the left mouse button at the area you want it to be built. When you let

go of the mouse button, the infrastructure will be automatically built, and

the worker unit will make its way over there, and it will start building. Only

one worker unit can build a building, not like in previous RTS' where it was

possible to have many worker units build at once.


2) Power


Power. The force that drives all armies. Right? WRONG. The GLA are the odd men

out in CCG, because for some reason, their buildings dont require power. This

section will be for the USA and Chinese armies. To supply power for these

armies, you will need power plants. The USA uses "Cold Fusion Reactors". The

Chinese use "Nuclear Reactors". The Chinese Nuclear Reactors can be set on

"Overload" to provide more power, but damage the reactor itself. This is very

useful for instances when you accidentally go over the power limit, but you

need your defense structures working until you get a new power plant up.


3) Money


Money. The root of all evil. Especially shown in a few GLA missions, money is

the driving factor of the CNC universe, and no different in CCG. The way money

is collected for the 3 different armies are very different. For the USA Army,

the method of collection is Chinook helicopters deployed from the Supply

Center. The Chinese use Supply Trucks deployed from the Supply Center to pick

up supplies from the Supply Stash. *Whew!* -_-. The GLA are unique yet again,

because they use slave labor to collect supplies. The trick is that the amount

collected is different for each side. The USA gets $600 per trip from the

Chinooks. The GLA gets a measly $75, but you can send more Workers for a much

better profit. The Chinese get $300 per truck load.


3a) Power Bar


This secion is not about the nutrious snack, but about the bar that shows your

power needs. This is fairly simple. The green/yellow bar shows how much power

your power plants are producing at any given time. The triangle at the bottom

shows how much power your buildings currently require. If the triangle goes to

the right of the bar, certain buildings (defensive weapons, superweapons) go

offline. Quickly build a new power plant, or if you are China, put a reactor

into Overload, meanwhile building a new Nuclear Plant.


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