Rebel Chick Mystic's Guide, A - Lisa Marie Selow.pdf

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USA/CAN $15.95
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M y s t i c s G u i d e
A R e b e l Ch i ck
This is a book for brave, nonconformist women (or for those who aspire
to be), written from the heart and soul of a spiritual rocker chick. Lifelong
psychic Lisa Marie Selow leads you to uncover your true self, reveal your
life purpose, and carve out your spiritual path. She invites you to engage in
positive rebellion by subverting your good-girl persona, letting go of limiting
beliefs that you’ve inherited, and creating your own de nition of perfect.
Lisa encourages you to be a different type of rebel, one that de es the stereo-
type of a mis t loner without a cause. Instead, you’re called to make a differ-
ence, rocking the world with your unique gifts and talents.
Through enjoyable, engaging exercises, you’ll create your very own
manual for living according to your own rules. You can, as a modern mystic,
drop out of the School of Hard Knocks, for instance. Lisa shares compelling
stories from her own life as well as those of other women (including men-
tors from history) to illustrate how you can radically rewrite your life story.
Starting your journey from the premise that you already are perfect,
A Rebel Chick Mystic’s Guide will help you excavate the real you—and, in the
process, you’ll be guided to design action plans to move forward with the
dreams and goals that make you the unique and amazing person you are.
Li sa M ar ie S elo w i s a p rof essi ona l p sych ic and spi ritu al c oac h
i s a p rof essi ona l p sych ic and spi ritu al c oac h
w ho spec iali zes in libe rati ng w om en to live em po wer ed l ive s
w ith mo re c our age an d au the nti city . Li sa h as u sed he r o wn
w ho spec iali zes in libe rati ng w om en to live em po wer ed l ive s
w ith mo re c our age an d au the nti city . Li sa h as u sed he r o wn
b ran d o f lov ing hu mo r, c om bin ed w ith a p un k-ro ck
b ran d o f lov ing hu mo r, c om bin ed w ith a p un k-ro ck
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D etr oit, Mi chi gan , ar ea w ith he r hu sba nd and
s eve ral elec tric gu itar s.
D etr oit, Mi chi gan , ar ea w ith he r hu sba nd and
We bsi te: w w sas elo w.c om
ISBN: 978-1-4019-3926-7
5 1 5 9 5
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Cover design: Amy Rose Grigoriou • Photo of Lisa Marie Selow:
Kathleen Lane (
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Praise for A Rebel Chick Mystic’s Guide
“Who better to help you rock your life than an
inspirational rocker chick? In A Rebel Chick Mystic’s Guide,
Lisa Marie Selow connects with the volume button that
controls the song your soul dances to . . . and cranks it up!
This is a great book if your life is crying, ‘More! More! More!’”
Michelle Phillips, best-selling author
of The Beauty Blueprint
“Anyone who thinks walking a spiritual path or
healing yourself has to be boring hasn’t met rockin’
rebel chick Lisa Marie Selow. If you know there’s a divine
spark within you but you’re having trouble accessing it,
A Rebel Chick Mystic’s Guide is your road map back
home, where your spark of divinity always radiates.
But don’t be surprised if you ind your freak lag lying
high on your journey to a more spiritually connected life.”
Lissa Rankin, M.D., author, speaker,
and blogger at
“Lisa Marie Selow’s A Rebel Chick Mystic’s Guide
will light a ire under your bottom and get you
moving toward happiness in a big hurry.”
Lama Marut, author of
A Spiritual Renegade’s Guide to the Good Life
“If you’re ready to live life out loud, let this
authenticity master introduce you to the bliss of
true self-acceptance! Rewrite those rules! Craft your
own deinition of perfect! Lisa Marie Selow provides an
enlightening, effective blueprint for knowing and cherishing
yourself, as well as learning to trust your own precious inner
voice. What could be more Juicy Joyful than that?”
Lisa McCourt, author of Juicy Joy:
7 Simple Steps to Your Glorious, Gutsy Self
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“Who wouldn’t want to read a book illed with everything a
misit in the world needs to rock and rule? A Rebel Chick
Mystic’s Guide invites you to create your own version of an
awesome life, while rocking out to your own kick-ass theme
tune. Lisa and her book o’ wonder have encouraged me to start
my very kind of rebellion, the positive kind—I love it!”
Lisa Clark, creator of
and author of Sassy: the Go-for-it Girl’s Guide
to Becoming Mistress of Your Destiny
“Lisa Marie Selow’s A Rebel Chick Mystic’s Guide
is the permission slip you’ve been waiting for if you
ind yourself frequently wanting to challenge the status
quo but aren’t wanting to do it from a place of anger or
destruction. This book gives you practical instructions, useful
exercises, and inspiring stories to walk the path of living life
on your own terms with compassion and love. If you’ve been
waiting to let your inner rebel out, or if you’ve had a sense
that adding a more positive spin to your revolution might get
you farther, this is the book for you. Rock on!”
Kate Northrup, professional freedom seeker
and author of Money: A Love Story
“Lisa Marie Selow’s smart and sassy Rebel Chick Mystic’s
Guide is a refreshing and contemporary take on Universal
truths both timely and timeless. Lisa provides readers with
an authentic, fun, and insightful way to begin making
immediate, illuminating changes in their daily lives, all while
celebrating the quirks that make us each who we are. Positive
‘rebellionistas’ unite, and enjoy this trip down Lisa’s rockin’
path, which she blazed from a heart of sincerity and love!”
Chris Grosso,
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