Anton Szandor LaVey - Satan Speaks!.pdf

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Gigamoire et Galatea
Satan Speaks!
Marilyn Manson
A nton LaVey was the most righteous man I've ever known. He honored his immortality, and had more faith in
his peculiar axioms than any armchair Christian vacantly reciting John 3:16 ever possessed. Yet, despite his cynicism and
apocalyptic view of society, he often hoped for a better world, or at least one in which intelligence and creativity were
applauded. I find more respect for humanity in his blackest humor than in the passionless zealotry that perpetuates all other
conventional religions. Even if I had never agreed with a word he said, it would be irresponsible not to appreciate the sheer
brilliance with which it was spoken--not to mention his having the balls to come out and speak it.
I've come to realize that the truth is most often unwanted or believed to be a lie. In a world so full of shit, Anton LaVey cut
through it with the best of them.
Someone once asked me for the secret to my success. I answered that if they weren't smart enough to figure it out on their
own, they didn't deserve to know; and if I told them, it wouldn't be a secret anymore. Fortunately for me and for all of us,
Anton LaVey shared his magic, and I think it has made this wretched fucking planet a better place.
Thank you for your support and inspiration,
Marilyn Manson
Blanch Barton
D r. Anton Szandor LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and ideologue of modern Satanism, died
October 29, 1997, while this book was being compiled. His unconventional life and vocations have been well-chronicled; the
reader is urged to seek out The Secret Life of a Satanist of other biographical profiles on the Black Pope to see how his life as
a concert oboist, gun-runner, carnival calliopist, circus lion trainer, hypnotist, ghost buster, and crime photographer formed a
diabolical alchemy within him that bubbled forth as the Satanic philosophy.
Anton LaVey released The Satanic Bible in 1969 and it has remained continuously in print since then, something of a
record for an original paperback. That book contains the essence of what Dr. LaVey proposed as his new sinister religion.
However, some of LaVey's advocates recommend that those who are curious about his writings begin their curriculum not
with that basic primer, but with The Devil's Notebook, the collection of essays published previous to this one. Anyone
reading the essays published in either that book or Satan Speaks! Will glimpse a man of cutting wit, eclectic passions and an
uncomfortably clear perception of mankind. Good writing paints a portrait of a man to the careful reader and the man
portrayed in these essays was exactly as advertised--strong, talented, demanding, funny, opinionated, romantic, fiery,
decisive in mind and movement.
One reason Anton LaVey has exerted the covert and overt influence on fashion, music, entertainment, politics, and other
popular culture arenas that he has over the past decades is because of his honesty. Strange, perhaps even insulting, that the
Devil's Ambassador on Earth should be considered "honest." Anton LaVey has many detractors who would itch to dispute
that claim, especially those vermin who rush to discredit people after they're dead. But I maintain that he was at the core an
honest, honorable man who devoted his life to exposing injustice and pomposity. He's worthy of the status of anti-hero many
of his admirers have bestowed upon him.
Nothing irked LaVey more than self-righteous self-delusion--and he saw it everywhere. He mercilessly carved up sacred
cows of all shade, maintaining that nothing gives a human a broader license to kill, maim, or destroy than a frothy illusion of
righteous indignation. That was true during the Crusades and Inquisitions; it is still true in the age of PC hypersensitivity and
winning through victimization. Through his works, he endeavored to shine a glaring light on aspects of everyday life that all
of us might feel oppressed by but would never dare to challenge. The Devil is known for using his pitchfork to poke holes in
overinflated taboos. In his own writings, if LaVey felt himself becoming too grandiose, he'd bring himself back down to
reality with a chuckle. He didn't have to think about it; he just did it. Anton LaVey speaks to the Devil in all of us. One near-
universal phrase he heard all his life was, "I've always felt that way myself but never knew anyone else did." He held sacred
that which others scoffed at, and snickered at shopworn parlor tricks others revered as truth. He found beauty in misshapen
freaks and was repelled by the ugliness advertisers try to pawn off as beauty. You'll find that constant perversity and satire in
all the essays contained in this book.
And yet, Anton LaVey never claimed his writings were direct revelations from Satan; he never claimed to be Lucifer
Incarnate. (He did die and was resurrected in 1995, but that's another story.) It would have been an easy pose to strike, and
not entirely unbelievable. His looks and bearing certainly reflected the image of the Gentleman Downstairs. His ideas
evolved from his enthusiasm for Satanic sympathizers and reprobates like George Bernard Shaw, John Milton, Goethe, Mark
Twain, Jack London, Friedrich Nietzshe, Machiavelli, Rasputin, the Romantic and Decadent poets--peppered with a liberal
dose of the Johnson, Smith & Co. Catalogue of Jokes, Tricks and Novelties. His sense of timing and drama, which he wound
throughout his music, his magic and his life, was impeccable. LaVey's system of sorcery (and yes, he did very much believe
in and practice sorcery) was so complex and subtle that it would take several lifetimes to fully explore.
Anton LaVey like to say that if he didn't exist, someone would have to invent him. He experienced both the delights and
the detriments associated with the job of being the Devil's Henchman. The High Priest resonated with the evil archetype so
completely that he attracted delicious extremes into his life--undying love, fierce loyalty, unconscionable betrayal,
supernatural strength, intense jealousy. I gain satisfaction in knowing that his many detractors who try to attack the mundane
details of his life will remain forever clueless as to Dr. LaVey's true complexity. Though he never pretended to be the Devil
on Earth, he was as close as we are likely to see--even in his denial of that very identity. Preserver of forgotten pasts, singer
of lost songs, lover of fallen women, advocate of fitting justice, dreamer of wicked futures--how could we conjure up a more
rakish picture of the Dark One?
There was no room for survival after death in Anton LaVey's philosophy. We live; we entertain pompous illusions about
ourselves; we die. Too bad. And yet, if we mesmerize, irritate, inspire, or terrorize enough people, our names will be
remembered. Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey has earned that right.
The God of the Assholes
It is believed, by empirical evidence, that many people who professed no belief in a deity when younger turn to "God"
when they get old. Presumably, the closer they get to death, the greater their need for the comfort provided by religion.
Well, I guess I'm no exception to the rule. I seldom touch on theology. Apart from my Satanic Bible, I have left all
discussion of gods and their creators to others to debate or exorcise, whatever be their requirements. Now, I must confess, I
have found God; or rather I should say I have found a God. He (yes, he is usually male, and I'll tell you how I know) is not
the kind of God I want to get to know. He is a total asshole.
Why do I say such things? Am I trying to show how blasphemous I can get, because it's expected of me? I can assure you;
if I appear rude, it's because there truly is very little good I have to say about the God I have discovered.
We all know what an asshole is. If God isn't an asshole, he certainly acts like one. He's completely unjust, a shit disturber,
impulsive, capricious and mercurial, irresponsible and unpredictable, a spoilsport, bad loser, child molester, and stoolie. He
thrives on intrigue, scandal and gossip; likes to punish the just and reward the rotten. It's true: he loves the common man. The
commoner, the better. If a common man does not believe in him, He makes a believer out of the simple soul by killing his
little girl or placing him into a precarious situation whereby the poor guy must pray to Him. In short; God is just like real,
unthinking, insensitive, avaricious and pretty people.
Of course, God is a very Jungian construct. He was created by small men to serve their needs, according to their needs.
Then, after the limited minds of millions of stupidos acknowledged Him, the goddamn dummies pretended it was the other
way around. They insisted that God created man. They admitted that God created man in His own image, but could never
extend the similarity beyond that. Not wanting to portray God as a monster, they presented Him as a patriarch in a long white
robe with go-aheads and a long white beard. That way they could make a stern father figure out of him, to set an example for
His children. If Daddy says it's okay to act like an unthinking asshole, then it behooves His followers to act accordingly. Thus
given a green light, His minions are off and running.
The collective power of all the minds that accept the god of the assholes gives substance to such a divinity. It displays the
power of magic. It is the collective will of millions of ten-watt humans. By their very faith, their God becomes a reality.
His minions are quite correct in many of their theological presumptions. Their God watches over them--at least as well as
their own fuck-up natures can do. If the god they have created sometimes appears callous, so do they. That's why He can be
excused so easily. After all, He's only human, and you know what assholes they can be! If something is "God's will," it's
because He is willful. But like "pride," it comes in both real and false. There is a big difference between "will" and "willful."
I said I'd tell you why God is usually masculine in form. It's because most of his creators were guys. Since he's been around
so long, enough female assholes have appeared that He might occasionally take on a female form. Knowing what a welsher
and double-crosser God can be, don't be surprised if He isn't a guy in drag. God, like his disciples, likes to make promises he
can't keep; getting human hope up, only to let it down. It's a nice trick to boost His ego. It's called "prayer."
If God is what I reckon Him to be, and Satan represents his antithesis, I'll place my faith in Satan. I have self-respect. Thus,
I must have respect for the personification I select as a divinity. I cannot respect assholes. I don't quite know which is worse,
an asshole or a fuck-up--a wise guy or a dumbbell. Being as how the popular God seems to possess the characteristics of
both, I want no part of Him. I not only reject Him, but I despise Him. He is all that is mean and spiteful and petty. I would
like to blow Him away. If I thought that by firing my .45 into the air I could exterminate Him, I would. There are two things
wrong with that kind of tribunal. (1.) Knowing "God's will," the bullet would come down on some innocent kid. (2.) If I kill
God, do I really want all the assholes of the world praying to Satan? Isn't He too good for them? Too reasonable? Too
Satan may have always actually ruled the world, but He had to provide the self-righteous with a Goodguy Badge. The
assholes, placing great store on fancy awards and titles, elevated themselves to Godhead status by proxy, but couldn't admit
it. Perhaps Satan wants no part of such people either. He knows that when they make a mess of things, He's the one who has
to clean it up.
All Doomsayers, Head-Shakers, Hand-Wringers,
Worrywarts, Satanophobes, Identity Christers, Survivor
Counselors, Academia Nuts, & Assorted tremblers
Y our Apocalypse is here. It arrived right on schedule. Just the way you like it, pickle in the middle with the mustard on
top. Credit me for the revolution, but credit yourselves for the forms that it has taken. I provided the reason and the rebellion.
YOU supplied the incentive and weaponry.
When I began my New Epoch in 1966 (not to be confused with your latter-day chickenshit New Age), I thought I might be
alone: a dreamer and speculator with a few agreeable cronies. I found out differently. Pretty soon, word got out. No admen,
no public relations agents--slimy fame claimers to the contrary. Just supportive weirdoes in the right places who shared my
views. Soon there were mimeographed broadsides available.
The next year, every time I conducted an "event," the media turned out in droves. A wedding, a baptism, a funeral--and
nude altars too. Pretty soon the husband of one of my Witches Workshop students, columnist Merla Zellerbach, did
something very special. His name was Fred Goerner and he had just authored a book called The Search For Amelia Earhart.
Fred said I should write a bible, and he felt sure it would get published. "Wait a minute," I said. "I'm not a writer, never have
been, and never have had any aspirations." "That's OK, don't worry about it," said Fred. "You can do it." He introduced me to
his literary agent, Mike Hamilburg, who brought a man to see me. His name was Peter Mayer, a dynamic new editor at Avon
Books. We talked a little, and Peter asked me, "How soon can you have it ready?" Like everything else in my life, this was
sort of unexpected. I had never written a book before, let alone a bible. Especially under a deadline. "Just say it the way it is,"
insisted Peter. "It'll be fine."
And so I wrote. The rest is history. I thought that after being taken as entertainment value, my book would straighten a few
things out concerning Satanism. It did, for some who read it. For others, it just went in one eye and out the other. But a
couple of years later, someone paid me a great compliment. They said: "Anton's no fun any more."
Whenever I got on TV or the radio, I was given a few seconds to say what they desperately needed me for. Someone else
who had lost 240 pounds of ugly fat got 20 minutes of air time. A woman who saw Jesus on a tortilla had even more time to
recount her experience. If Satanism was so hot, why wasn't I able to talk about it? The media loved the topic, but they
couldn't afford to air the truth.
I was like Santa Claus. Except that I delivered the presents after they selected and wrapped them. I started getting the
feeling that maybe what I had to say was dangerous. After the unexpectedly blasphemous impact of Rosemary's Baby,
Hollywood needed to provide an antidote. They bought an absurd story from a devout Catholic named Bill Blatty and turned
it into a blockbuster. I was actually banned from the movie set. It laid the ground rules for diabolic session. A homicide
inspector named Dave Toschi told me, "I bet it's getting a lot of people back into church, Anton." It did more than that. It
brought back that old-fashioned Satan--the kind that good church going Christians needed.
Then came the rest of the delineators, the experts, the vanquishers of evil. The survivors, the abused, the breeders, the ex-
High Priests, the cops for Christ--bullshit artists all. Where was Freudian wisdom when psychiatry like Michelle Remembers
was validated by the media? A "Satanic survivor" could grunt out 15 belabored minutes of applauded testimony, while a real
Satanist was lucky to be heard above two whole minutes of studio idiots gasping and jeering.
Now, in your End Times, you blame Death Metal and its influence on youth. You fret over the quality and content of their
sounds. You demand warning labels on shrink-wrap. You silly mush-heads. YOU listened to the warnings and examples set
forth by the Blattys,
Pazders, Geraldos, Oprahs, Sally Jessies, Bob Larsons and their identity-starved stooges. I wanted to tell your children what
was RIGHT about Satanism: encouraging sensuality with achievement, outrage with justice, nonconformity with wisdom.
Instead, YOU provided media saturation informing them what "real" Satanists do, what kind of noises they make when
possessed. YOU encouraged them to rebel by the aesthetic standards YOU provided, and still you grouse when they gravitate
to Slayer, Ozzy, Electric Hellfire Club, Mercyful Fate, Deicide, Marilyn Manson, Acheron, Morbid Angel.
Do you know what? I think those bands are great. I would also like your kids to listen to Liszt, Borodin, Saint-Saens,
Dvorak, Ketelbey, Wagner, Puccini, von Suppe, Rossini, Romberg, Kern, Friml, Al Jolson, Russ Columbo, Nelson Eddy, Nat
"King" Cole, and the marches of John Philip Sousa. But you never gave me the time to explain THAT to them. As panderers,
you were too busy crinkling the fat around your avaricious eyes and rubbing your money-grubbing hands and thinking of
ratings. Or else, as audience, you were too dim-witted to think anyone on TV or mainstream print could be misleading you
about Satanism. It runs YOUR life, so it must be OK for your children.
You hypocritical self-righteous fools. YOU made Death Metal and Satanic Metal bands what they are, by YOUR standards
of blasphemy --but with significant modification. Now the performers and the audiences aren't shunning the idea of Satanism.
They now greet each slavering monster as a friend. They raise their arms in Satanic salute. By whatever form their sounds
take; the lyrics, barely understandable in their guttural roar, hurl all your warnings and admonitions back in your faces.
YOU set the disturbing aesthetic standards which concern you now. If something bold and new will emerge from it, it
won't be to your credit. It will be because enough young people are seeing OTHER arenas of Satan. Your hysterical plan has
backfired. YOU brought about your own Apocalypse, like the stupid masochistic victims that you are. You needed a Hell
according to your own comfortable requirements. It didn't quite work out that way. Satan doesn't play by network, Marvel
Universe, or Nintendo rules; or by Augustinian rules either. Soon your children will come walking in the front door with a
Satanic Bible in one hand and a CD of Mussorgsky's Night On Bald Mountain in the other. Then, you'll know you're in real
trouble. You wanted Hell. I'll give you Hell. It won't be fun. The Devil's Plan may not be your plan. Your Apocalypse is
HERE. YOU brought it about. Take it. Suffer. It's all yours.
'T'ain't Funny, McGee
There is no sorcerer without a sense of humor. A sense of humor confers power in ways that cannot be learned. The
following is the formula for a genuine sense of humor:
If you want to make you life easier, sometimes it helps to get a different perspective on things. Take seriously what others
make fun of, and vice-versa. A true sense of humor is exhibited by this means. But first, it must be remembered that like
intrinsic right and wrong, some things cannot be anything other than ludicrous. Others cannot and should not be funny. One
who violates that basic rule is like a Christian "devil worshipper" who perversely tries to be "evil." At best, he is
indiscriminate, and at worst, nurses a masochistic death wish.
Genuine misfortune appeals to the herd, who requires to feel superior. The superior man sees comedy in that which others
hold solemn, but is the misfortune of their own doing. Examp les include impersonal tragedy, economic breakdown, and
media-conditioned issues of all sort.
But it takes more than an ability to see the light side of serious things. One cannot have a true sense of humor without an
equal sense of the profound. The familiar cliché of the clown whose heart is breaking holds great validity.
Invariably, those with the most finely-honed sense of humor find serious meaning in what everyone else ridicules. The very
nature of the joke is its foundation of misfortune. The joke maker can spot the sham in acceptably serious situations. Then,
having called attention to the deception, he may stand forth as a Satanic tribune. Not so easy is the reverse. The same rebel
who defends the unpopular and the ridiculed, plays to an audience whose only illusion of strength lies in its ability to ridicule.
It's interesting to observe how lower man, while realizing the sadness of clowns, seldom pays attention to them when they
have serious thoughts to offer.
Some occupational and professional groups are conspicuously lacking in humor. At the top of the list are the occultists,
who like counselors, lawyers, clergymen, social workers, interior decorators, fashion designers, and petty officials, lack any
true professional purpose. The ranks of the most useless professions are always filled with the most humorless practitioners.
A rule of thumb may be that sense of humor is in direct proportion to one's tangible worth as a productive creature.
How ironic, that occultists lead the pack of humorless persuasions. In their attempts to discover and utilize the arcane
secrets of live and death, the fall short in the most important department. If seriousness is their stock in trade, many are born
to that role. Like laugh tracks and applause signs, they flaunt their purpose--which is nothing. Occult studies is a haven for
the impractical and inept, just as other useless tradesmen find asylum in other arenas. Were it not for his badge of office, the
petty official could command no respect. Most social workers are only concerned about themselves, and sociologists don't
laugh at dirty jokes--they just collect them. Of course, the reverse can hold true of sociologists; they enjoy the jokes so much,
they become sociologists.
Psychiatry is often seen as a ghetto of marginal, run by deranged practitioners who are, in their own way, as nutty or nuttier
than their patients. There is no profession that suffers the slings of lampoon as much as the most reputably serious. Death,
being an exception to the humorless associated with it, entertains a larger than average number of humorously-inclined
professionals. Perhaps that is why because of their proximity to death--those in the mortuary sciences often display a
remarkable sense of humor. Unlike the occult arts, death is very real, very tangible, and necessary to deal with. There is little
room for interpretation. Death is finite, discernible, and attendable. Its workers would go mad without a sense of humor.
Anyone who performs essential duties and leads an essential life has a higher sense of humor than pretentious-but-useless
citizens. A strong need for identity precludes a sense of humor. One of the first refuges of the humorless is in the dismal
world of comedy clubs. They remind me of a man I once knew--quite humorless--who was quick to identify a sense of humor
as one who "laughs a lot." Like books on "How to be a Comedian," standup comics are among the world's most unfunny
people. They don't have to be funny--their audience is usually comprised of similar drones. Its members "laugh a lot" because
a professional comic--a specialist--stands before them and expertly says funny things, invariably on topics safely established
as open to ridicule.
True humor is encouraged by individuality, rather than herd conformity. One must be removed from the contagion of
established levity, the kissing cousin of the disease of false concern.
The Good Old Days:
A Devil's Advocacy
Having been a rebellious youth, I can attest that the "good old days" were not so good. First off, conformity--right or
wrong--was king. Sure, we can talk about the parameters of conformity in today's world, and somehow equalize them with
those of the past. It's easy to argue that one conforms just as much today, but to different standards. But I believe there is
more room for individual, out-of-the-closet, non-conformity than ever before--if the opportunity is taken. Things we now
take for grated were once so tabooed as to be unthinkable.
In the good old days, if you didn't believe in God, you at least paid lip service to a benign supreme being. Oddly enough,
the Devil did not constitute a threat and was able to be utilized in all manner of popular culture. He could appear in
everything from food products to sports team mascots without consternation. As long as one believed in God, it was perfectly
all right to entertain Satan for fun. If you were actually serious about metaphysical pursuits, you ran the risk of being pointed
out as a strange cultist at best, or a devil worshipper at worst. The Rosicrucians were about as dark as you could get.
Institutions such as the military had no provision for alternative, offbeat religions. If you weren't of a Christian
denomination, you must be Jewish--a separate kind of human being, tolerated at best. At least Jews could change their names
and live like Christians and nobody'd be the wiser. Not so with people of color. They were stuck with their stigma. It is
inconceivable today what real racism was like in the good old days.
Romantics like to talk of the slower pacing of yesterday. In many ways it wasn't so good. If you were traveling abroad and
got homesick, you couldn't jump on a jet and be back in your own bed in a few hours. Mail was slow, and long distance
telephone was a costly luxury. Well-made products were so well made that it took four strong men to move an item that
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